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5 great things about the United States of America

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  • 5 great things about the United States of America

    In re-reading some of my posts I realise that my dislike of President Bush and the views of Republicans may show me to be rabidly anti-US. This is not totally the case for me and perhaps not for some others.

    Therefore, in no particular order, here are some great things about the USA:

    1. The Internet. Brilliant. A great tool for people to learn and discuss and interact with people from far away countries. Not all the information is nice or accurate but you could say that about books etc also. Internet banking, and shopping (thanks have saved me time and money.

    2. Walking on the Moon - NASA. Along with Russia's orbiting of our planet, the USA encouraged us to reach for the stars. Neil Armstrong's achievement, after the hard work of himself and many others, is the most impressive piece of exploration to date. Maybe some day landing on Mars will superseed it but till then, well done.

    3. Belatedly joining WW2. Yes, I realise Britain was more important in the early days (and our Commonwealth allies) but if the US had stayed isolationist the Japanese probably would have taken Australasia and the British would have suffered even more at home from the Germans (Britain may not have been successfully invaded but it wouldn't have been the victory it ended up being - in my opinion.)

    4. Entertainment. Yes I realise it pales by comparison with the top three but if I didn't have US TV shows and movies to watch i'd have to watch good local shows (few and far between) or endless Aussie dramas. Is anyone surprised my favorite show of the last few years is "The West Wing"?:)

    I'm sure there is a 5th out there, any ideas?

  • #2
    How about cultural diversity? I love that about america. Granted, we have our problems, but what a wonderful mixture of cultures we have.


    • #3
      Its huge , with plenty country side and open praires !
      Hate it when movies always show cities,girls and cars.
      I love it.


      • #4

        How have you missed the most important thing - WAB?

        It has given you the platform to say good things and bad!

        Do you know that if you google, you find our threads there?

        "Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use Equivocation, And eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination."

        I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to.



        • #5
          Originally posted by Kipruss
          In re-reading some of my posts I realise that my dislike of President Bush and the views of Republicans may show me to be rabidly anti-US. This is not totally the case for me and perhaps not for some others.

          Therefore, in no particular order, here are some great things about the USA:

          1. The Internet. Brilliant. A great tool for people to learn and discuss and interact with people from far away countries. Not all the information is nice or accurate but you could say that about books etc also. Internet banking, and shopping (thanks have saved me time and money.

          2. Walking on the Moon - NASA. Along with Russia's orbiting of our planet, the USA encouraged us to reach for the stars. Neil Armstrong's achievement, after the hard work of himself and many others, is the most impressive piece of exploration to date. Maybe some day landing on Mars will superseed it but till then, well done.

          3. Belatedly joining WW2. Yes, I realise Britain was more important in the early days (and our Commonwealth allies) but if the US had stayed isolationist the Japanese probably would have taken Australasia and the British would have suffered even more at home from the Germans (Britain may not have been successfully invaded but it wouldn't have been the victory it ended up being - in my opinion.)

          4. Entertainment. Yes I realise it pales by comparison with the top three but if I didn't have US TV shows and movies to watch i'd have to watch good local shows (few and far between) or endless Aussie dramas. Is anyone surprised my favorite show of the last few years is "The West Wing"?:)

          I'm sure there is a 5th out there, any ideas?
          God Bless America :)


          • #6
            well, IMO those 4 reasons are petty, when compared to Freedom, the right of speech. Thats the best thing I like here, you do your own $hit, no complaints, no body'll judge you.

            And most of all people respect each other, you walk in the road and atleast 10's of strangers greet you. I dont think that happens to Non-white people in the Europe or Australia.

            Indeed, God bless America and India ;)
            A grain of wheat eclipsed the sun of Adam !!


            • #7
              3.Diverse cultures
              4.Freedom of speech
              5.Bay Watch
              Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie!'...till you can find a rock. ;)


              • #8
                Freddom of speech
                adaptable and resilient
                (cool looking eagle, too)
                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over
                and expecting a different result.
                Albert Einstein.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mostlymad
                  (cool looking eagle, too)
                  I live and work in the city. So it was unheard of, until the other day, when a beautiful bald eagle landed just a few meters away form me. It was huge, it stood a meter tall at the least, looked me right in the eye, totaly unconcerned, and took gracefully to the sky. I found it truly amazing, though it really has nothing to do with this conversation. ;)
                  No man is free until all men are free - John Hossack
                  I agree completely with this Administration’s goal of a regime change in Iraq-John Kerry
                  even if that enforcement is mostly at the hands of the United States, a right we retain even if the Security Council fails to act-John Kerry
                  He may even miscalculate and slide these weapons off to terrorist groups to invite them to be a surrogate to use them against the United States. It’s the miscalculation that poses the greatest threat-John Kerry


                  • #10
                    Why is America great because "diverse cultures"?

                    1.) Economic/Political/Social freedom
                    2.) Political System
                    3.) Amazing ammount of wealth production
                    4.) Produces well over half the worlds new lifesaving drugs
                    5.) Landed on the Moon


                    • #11
                      (1) Led Zeppelin
                      (2) Nirvana

                      (3) Fast food
                      (4) GW Bush

                      (5) Basket Ball
                      I rant, therefore I am.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Praxus
                        Why is America great because "diverse cultures"?

                        1.) Economic/Political/Social freedom
                        2.) Political System
                        3.) Amazing ammount of wealth production
                        4.) Produces well over half the worlds new lifesaving drugs
                        5.) Landed on the Moon

                        I don't understand your question? What's not great about cultural diversity?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Confed999
                          I live and work in the city. So it was unheard of, until the other day, when a beautiful bald eagle landed just a few meters away form me. It was huge, it stood a meter tall at the least, looked me right in the eye, totaly unconcerned, and took gracefully to the sky. I found it truly amazing, though it really has nothing to do with this conversation. ;)
                          Nice aside, though. :) Must have been quite touching. I've seen them in the wild, and they always fill me with awe.
                          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over
                          and expecting a different result.
                          Albert Einstein.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mostlymad
                            Nice aside, though. :) Must have been quite touching. I've seen them in the wild, and they always fill me with awe.

                            I am very luck to live where I live. My father lives on the Skagit River here in washington. We have dozens of them. We watch them pull salmon out of the river all of the time. Friends visit and can't stop watching them. We're so used to them being around we're pretty desesitized now. Only when something rare happens do we reclaim that sense of "Awe". A few years ago we were having a barbecue when one landed on the grass not 10-15 feet away from us. Nobody said a word until he left. We were hypnotised. It was amazing. :)


                            • #15
                              The Constitution

                              We will, someday, pass the torch to another "greatest" nation. It's the way of all things. When that distant day comes we shall, in all probability, pass on western civilization better than it was when it was passed to us. For this we can thank a handful of 18th century thinkers, merchants, and farmers, who had a dream.
                              sigpicUSS North Dakota

