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Forums Topics Posts Last Post
WAB Community & Information
WAB Information Center
Site news & announcements; questions, complaints, and feedback can be made here.
Topics: 380 Posts: 9,892
Last Post: Forum Restored!
380 9,892
World Affairs Board Pub
A place for current affairs topics and chit-chat, whatever's on your mind.
Topics: 6,263 Posts: 112,361
Last Post: Random Thread
6,263 112,361
by Versus
Reading Corner (48/1,866)
Movie & TV Room (228/3,255)
Modelers Corner (196/4,480)
Sports Bar (364/10,588)
Political & General Discussion
American Politics & Economy
Discussion of domestic federal, state, local politics & economy in the United States, and US foreign policy.
Topics: 2,876 Posts: 138,516
2,876 138,516
International Politics
Political, non-military related topics from around the world.
Topics: 4,698 Posts: 97,168
4,698 97,168
International Economy
Discuss the markets, international trade, energy, and the current economic recession.
Topics: 2,947 Posts: 56,531
2,947 56,531
Science & Technology
Science, leading-edge technological advancement, computers, medicine etc.
Topics: 1,028 Posts: 19,146
1,028 19,146
Computer & Gadgets (156/2,613)
International Defense & Geopolitics Discussion
The Staff College
An academic forum for strategic and operational articles and reviews.
Topics: 293 Posts: 4,668
293 4,668
Russian invasion of Ukraine
All matters pertaining to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Topics: 11 Posts: 11,961
11 11,961
The Americas
Discussion of the geopolitical and security issues of the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean, and topics such as NAFTA, Mercosur, OAS, etc.
Topics: 185 Posts: 3,874
185 3,874
Europe and Russia
Geopolitical, security, and the relations of the nations of Europe & Russia
Topics: 1,408 Posts: 32,296
1,408 32,296
by Versus
Topics: 3,533 Posts: 46,075
3,533 46,075
by rj1
The Iranian Question (265/11,150)
Sub-Saharan Africa
Discussion of the geopolitical and security issues of the Nations of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Topics: 47 Posts: 685
Last Post: Wagner in Mali
47 685
Albany Rifles
Topics: 951 Posts: 20,557
951 20,557
East Asia and the Pacific
Geopolitics, security, and relations of the nations of the Pacific Rim, and the rise of China as a world power and the implications for the Pacific Rim region and the world.
Topics: 1,348 Posts: 35,295
1,348 35,295
International Defense and Terrorism Topics
Strategic affairs, defense topics, and military developments and terrorism from around the world.
Topics: 142 Posts: 7,626
142 7,626
Military Affairs & Equipment Discussion
The Field Mess
A forum for military service members to kick back and banter.
Topics: 686 Posts: 14,812
686 14,812
Ground Warfare
Discussion of infantry, armour, artillery; land warfare strategy, tactics, and doctrine.
Topics: 996 Posts: 33,970
996 33,970
Military Aviation
Discussion of all types of aircraft and air defense systems: fighters, bombers, multi-role, transport, radars, etc.
Topics: 1,807 Posts: 55,897
1,807 55,897
Naval Warfare
Surface & underwater warships, naval technology, & the discussion of naval strategy, tactics, & doctrine.
Topics: 1,958 Posts: 49,257
1,958 49,257
Battleships Board (363/14,960)
Small Arms and Personal Weapons
Discussion of small arms and light crew-served weapons.
Topics: 734 Posts: 23,332
734 23,332
by Monash
History of International Relations & Conflict
What-if discussions
For all that history that did not happen
Topics: 65 Posts: 6,391
65 6,391
by DOR
Ancient, Medieval & Early Modern Ages
From the advent of organized war through the end of the 19th century.
Topics: 497 Posts: 17,185
Last Post: Appomattox Day
497 17,185
Albany Rifles
American Civil War (89/3,164)
The World Wars
The introduction of mechanized land & air warfare, from Sarajevo to the fall of Japan.
Topics: 446 Posts: 16,782
446 16,782
Warfare in the Modern Age
Warfare in the age of mass media and terrorism, from Korea to Vietnam to the Middle East.
Topics: 174 Posts: 5,147
Last Post: SAC Museum Nebraska
174 5,147
Albany Rifles