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help china to protect environment

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  • help china to protect environment

    China's Serious Environment Problem
    China's Serious Pollution Problem

    Are you going to China? Then I will tell you pollution in China is very serious. The Chinese and government official's environmental protection consciousness is very low. The Chinese industry economy increases quickly; pollution grows more serious more; and the great majority of Chinese are insensitive to the pollution. This is a Chinese, as well as, global disaster in the making. I request you help China.

    Car and motorcycle traffic is increasing greatly. The population in China is multitudinous"1300000000".is five times as the population of the US. China is short of cultivated land. in spite of this case,The Chinese government is developing the private car industry greatly, new highway construction will take up large areas of land. Traffic accidents increased greatly. In 2003 200,000 people died in traffic accidents in China.

    Building development is in mass confusion. Building technique is primitive and building in consuming large amounts of materials. In 2003 China poured 44% of the world's cement. Building a house will consume large amounts of cement large brick and large decorative colorful brick in China. But these houses make little use of insulation letting heat flow out in the winter and letting the heat in during the hot summer months. House repairs are more difficult, too.chinese concerns beauty of selfish house very much,but chinese don't concern about environment round the house.they spend great money on their own house,but they are stingy in cost of the environment around their house.

    Garbage removal is primitive.chinese don't know Garbage classification.waste plastic bags is visible everywhere. The Chinese people like to use plastic bags and batteries just once and then throw them away.china government pay great attention to beauty of city.they afford great money in images structure of city.but they pay little attention to Garbage classification.

    River is polluted by chemical fertilizer,pesticide,chemical synthetic detergent,industry waste water,human excrement and urine,garbage.waste water excrement and urine flow directly into river without any sanitation practices.the most river in china is unsuitable for drinking.many china people is harmed by drinking water in polluted river.

    Education in protecting environment is blank. People's understanding and concept of protecting the environment is quite low. China's people are poor, but they are not frugal.Chinese are concerned the beauty of house but don't concerned the beauty of environment,Chinese are concerned about their own health but don't care about environmental health. They like to inject and swallow more medicines,eat more wild animals, but they don't realize that the polluted food, water and air is threatening their health greatly.

    China is imitating the West's high pattern of consumerism. Chinese hope per a people owning private car and Motorcycle,living big and big house. Consuming large power source as Western nations do. The Chinese government is making effort to realize this aim. China is producing large cars and motorcycles, large cement and brick. In 2003 China poured 44% of the world's cement. Exploiting large coal mines and oil field, large ore mines. Building multi-story buildings and huge highway construction patterns. Enlarging blindly more and more area of cities and towns. Large areas of land are damaged by the exploitation of natural resources.

    The population in China is multitudinous, 1.3 billion people, five times the population of the US. China is short of cultivated land. The actual situation demands that China doesn't imitate the West's high consumption. China should develop electronic information consumption. Should develop economizing energy industries. If not, the Chinese would ruin their own environment,in further more, affect the global environment.

    The Chinese don't realize that pollution is their most dangerous enemy.

    ADDRESS:people hospital.huangchuan County.henan Province.china. code:465150
    Email:[email protected] , [email protected]
    home telephone:008603973923000
    I like to live in a small house around plants science.oppose private car.oppose high consumption.

  • #2
    Sir I dont know how much free speech you have in your Country but I HIGHLY Reccommend you remove that signature, anonymity is key.


    • #3
      Originally posted by FlyingCaddy
      Sir I dont know how much free speech you have in your Country but I HIGHLY Reccommend you remove that signature, anonymity is key.
      I'm pretty sure he'll be ok. ;)
      No man is free until all men are free - John Hossack
      I agree completely with this Administration’s goal of a regime change in Iraq-John Kerry
      even if that enforcement is mostly at the hands of the United States, a right we retain even if the Security Council fails to act-John Kerry
      He may even miscalculate and slide these weapons off to terrorist groups to invite them to be a surrogate to use them against the United States. It’s the miscalculation that poses the greatest threat-John Kerry


      • #4
        When you make money your God, your passion, and/or your main pursuit, things like the environment becomes of little concern. Every industrialized country has gone through what china is now facing. The question is whether or not china is wise enough to learn from the mistakes of others, or blindly follow the course they have set for themselves.
        Removing a single turd from the cesspool doesn't make any difference.


        • #5

          This is why in the US we have laws against dumping untreated sewage into the water and littering in the street. The US is not great in its environmental policy, but its a lot better than China.

          I don't know exactly how I can help China stop polluting besides refusing to buy Chinese goods. I can advise you to take action and form a local chapter of the Green Party. As far as I know there is a Geen Party of Hong Kong that may take political action in China as well. If you get enough people on board, you should be able to make a statement to the CPC to consider some your agenda.

          Here is the website:

          As a fellow medical professional I deeply sympathize with your cause, but you have a very hard problem to face. Good luck!


          • #6

            Now this is a green party recruiting site?

            Jesus i need my moderator role back. Someone has to clean this nonsense up.


            • #7
              In the US during the Industrial Revolution in the 1800's, by the age of 6, many children were working 14 hours a day in factories, and some getting sick and dying from the toxic fumes. Labor laws, as well as EPA, corrected alot of that.


              • #8
                *waits for the other shoe to drop* (ie the Praxus explanation of why those conditions vanished :) )


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ZFBoxcar
                  *waits for the other shoe to drop* (ie the Praxus explanation of why those conditions vanished :) )
                  I know there is still alot of "in-betweens" I left out...but I have to leave it open for others (Praxus)... ;)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by M21Sniper
                    Jesus i need my moderator role back. Someone has to clean this nonsense up.
                    Nah, then I would stay on 3-day suspensions for harassing the Moderator. LOL. :)


                    • #11
                      Pollution in China is indeed bloody awful. I'll vouchsafe for that. Hence the Three Gorges project which is breathtakiing in scale. Whether it'll hold over time is another matter. China might want to start with putting out it's pit/seam fires of which it has more than the combined nations of the rest of the globe - and it's dirty coal. Who wants a fire in a Dragons belly? :)
                      Where's the bloody gin? An army marches on its liver, not its ruddy stomach.

