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Father knows

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  • Father knows

    From Melbourne's Herald Sun, a satirical observation of a parent who is probably not so different from many other parents.

    How many WAB parents have empathy with this fellow and how many of you teens to 20 or even 30 something, non parents still living the life of Riley with Mum & Dad would fess up to this stuff? :)

    Father knows . . .
    138 Comments | 0 Trackbacks | Permalink Andrew Bolt Blog
    Bernard Slattery
    Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 09:40am

    Parents of issues-aware teens and 20-somethings will nod knowingly at our commenter Captain Jack’s contribution to the generational debate:

    The current generation are exteremely concerned about climate change. Many believe the AGW scare, they worry about non-clean sources of energy and naturally Co2 is a no-no for them . . . Right generally?
    What cracks me up is the way they: leave the lights on when they go out, leave the TV on with the sound up all day, leave cds and ipods on all over the house, use electric blankets, use heat lights - and leave them on and of course, leave the fridge door open.
    My female offspring run at least four hot baths a day. They sometimes forget about them and each uses a clean fresh towel each time, which are left on the floor or cunningly under a bed to go mouldy for the baby boomer “help”.
    They use mobiles to phone from the living room to the kitchen. P-plate drivers go like mad between the lights and then brake hard thus wasting fuel and energy. They never check the oil or tyre pressure.
    They wait until late to go out - you know when its dark and you need lights - and sleep all day on the weekend when it’s warm and you have natural light. And they buy fast foods and consumer items with lots of packaging.
    Yet, they turn OFF the lights, computer and fridge for “Earth Hour” and then berate you for laughing hysterically and banging your head against the wall as your frozen food spoils.
    Sound familiar? They may be running things one day . . . THAT IS SCARY!
    Source; Father knows . . . | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog


  • #2
    Oh man do I hear ya! Ask my 16 year old son to turn out the bathroom light after he has participated in the great march back to his room and the rolling eyes and the accusations of child abuse echo around almost as loudly as his perpetually empty stomach. Can I have is as frequent a request as are the gasps of shock when it is only suggested he should pay for his own 360(box or whatever) games.He feels stressed when it is suggested that he will probably have to pay for his own gas when he gets his drivers licence (his school course cost me $500 to save on insurance). There is so much more to complain about but this is enough for now. Where does this sense of entitlement that is all out of proportion to the social needs and well being of today's kids come from? There seems to be a new "petulant insolence" that has attached itself to this Generation, which will take the west I believe, on a social ride to economic and moral decline in the not to distant future that will be dizzying. To much My son says he plans to be a cop so I guess it can,t be all bad I suppose.

