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This our newest feline member of the family. His name is Jasper, and he moved in with us when my son moved back from Houston. We now have 4 cats. He's a trip!! His favorite thing to do is to play in the water bowl. He takes his paws and dips them in the water, splashes around for a while, then licks his paws off. Now I just need to teach him how to dry them off! Little wet kitty paws all over the kitchen floor!
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ~ Jimi Hendrix
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt sigpic
He is a dog, 15 years old, really wild. Has killed 2 kittens, several rats, some pigeons, which for his size should be a record of some kind.
Now he is a crazy old dog, keeps on barking at the mobile whenever i try to take a snap.
Love him though, have grown up with him(10-25).
Oh ya his name is Bunny, but he has stopped responding to that now. :(
we got a puppy and we have named her Mandalay (Mandi). she is a 10 week old german sheperd. last night was our first night with her at home and I am beat this morning.
I came in with the puppy and both cats were waiting at the door as usual. I set the puppy down and Chloe took off. We wont see her again until Max gets the situation out here under control and she feels confident that the intruder has been taken care of.
Max watched the puppy and I swear I saw him roll his eyes. He takes most things in stride and since he is well aware that HE is the master of the house, a puppy is not going to change him. The puppy looked at Max and then went off sniffing in another direction. She accidentally sniffed her way up to Max and then she really noticed him. She looked up at our cat Max with a look of wonderment. She was in awe. A Furry Friend! A Compadre! Someone to replace her littermates she just starting missing. The puppys tail started going a mile a minute, she was so happy to have stumbled upon Max.
Then Max stood up on his hind legs and beat the crap out of the poor little puppys head. She went running off whining and crying. Unsure of what just happened. She had a look of such disappointment and her spirit was crushed. The look on Maxs face showed that he knew he still ranked on top. His place as #1 animal in the house stood and no puppy was going to take that from him.
This went on through the night when the puppy wanted to sleep on the bed, jump down off the bed, sit near one of us, etc.
One time during the night when I was bringing the puppy in from a trip outside Max stood at the door and was going to allow the puppy in and some kind of crazy death wish got into the dog. Something made her look over and give Max a big wet sloppy kiss right across his face. He was not amused and definitely did not see this as a peace treaty.
So the boundry setting continues. Chloe did come out from under the bed today long enough to visit the litter box and get some food. Now she is gone again. Max has continued to torment the puppy through his gift of dominancy. The puppy sees Max and wags her tail. She wants to be friends, but he is not yet sure that she completely understands that he is the boss and ruler of the furry part of the household. All he has to do now is look at her and she stops dead in her tracks. With a simple meow he can get her to get up from her nap and move to another place. A hiss or a raise of the paw gets her to either fall to the floor or run out of the room - both are done while wailing in pain even though he has not layed a paw on her.
Max seems to walk with his cat head a little higher today. He seems more proud, more sure of himself. The lion may be the king of the jungle, but Max is the king in our home...and we all know it.
Attached Files
"To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are."-Sholem Asch
"I always turn to the sports page first, which records people's accomplishments. The front page has nothing but man's failures."-Earl Warren
"I didn't intend for this to take on a political tone. I'm just here for the drugs."-Nancy Reagan, when asked a political question at a "Just Say No" rally
"He no play-a da game, he no make-a da rules."-Earl Butz, on the Pope's attitude toward birth control
This Blitz and Geist. Blitz is the Sable named so because nothing and I mean no rabbit, squirrel, cat or human can beat her the gate or fence. she is amazingly fast. Geist, well just look at her.
Both were rescued dogs. Blitz is at least 12 yrs old-we got her 9 yrs ago. 42lbs and with heartworm. She is now 90lbs and doing great. We found at Geist neglected at a private home. She stunk horribly, was fed table scraps, kept outdoors 24/7 wth no house, on a 6ft chain and we couldn't tell at the time she was white! Both very happy, healthy and loved.:)
Good post jay! My wife and I started watching these and kept clicking the rest that came up. We watched some hilarious videos for two hours. I highly recommend!:)