Originally posted by Doktor
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Let's take the movie "Stagecoach" with John Wayne.
Off Amazon used as a DVD, non blu-ray, , it's $6.99 at the lowest. As a VHS, it's from 1 cent to a $1.25 at the lowest (I didn't go into the listings to see what quality level was reported).
Or say, "Point of no Return". DVD used starts at $1.40, VHS runs from 1 cent to 80 cents at the lowest.
In this market, it's not the cost of making that drives the price, IMHO, but rather, what the stocks are. VHS being the old, there is probably a lot out there in stocks that people are trying to get rid of and still try to make a profit.
Of course, it doesn't always go that way. "Die Another Day". Starting price at DVD used is 1 cent, both used and new. VHS: 20 cents used, $7.49 new.
SIGH! I shop around, I go for the best price, where it comes from (I don't buy from NY anymore), how much I want out of the movie. Being able to use all three media (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray), the world is very much open to me.
Made a killing a few years back when the local 1/2 Price was selling most of ST:TOS (by the way, the new remastered stuff makes me SICK and I won't watch it) in VHS 50 cents an episode. Now, they have all been working copied over, so I can go either way.
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