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Polar Vortex

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  • #61
    Originally posted by zraver View Post
    Solar is causing problems where there is a fire, its stays energized and eats up roof space. Wind power is doing a number on migratory populations and raptors. That being said much of the grid is going to go under ground regardless of generation type. Its way more expensive but far more stable. Only the major transmission lines really need to be above ground.
    Every source of power has its pros and cons. Right now the people of West Virginia are thanking coal for their lack of potable water. People in N.D. had to bug out of their homes in the middle of winter because of a train derailment and fire (oil and propane). I have pushed for power lines to be underground for some time. A lot more expensive at first but it pays dividends in stormy areas and is much more aesthetically pleasing. The only real downside to burying it is that you have to have a damned good plan and follow it. You don't want to be digging it up again anytime soon, intentionally or no.

    On a side note my inlaws just finished building a nice home in the county. For expediency they had the power company put up a pole for the construction power and they had plans to bury the cable after the house was finished. After the fact the power company lowered the boom. 12K for them to remove the pole and 12K more to bury the cable and hook everything up again. My in law could have buried the conduit himself and taken down the pole after it was disconnected. All the power company had to do was disconnect the pole and pull cable through the conduit but the power company would have none of that. They responded that if anyone other than them removes the pole there would be major fines and possible jail time. What a racket. So far the power line from the road to the house has been hit with trees twice and it has only been up about 3 years.
    Removing a single turd from the cesspool doesn't make any difference.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Tamara View Post
      How do you winterize your pump?

      They are obviously not the same, but I have a well on my land in the hill country and the other week, I poor manned winterized it by putting a large trash over it, tying it down........ought to go out this weekend to see how it fared.
      I cheated..I dropped the pressure from the filter, put it in backwash mode, draining all the water out of the high pressure lines. Beats the hell out of having to run the pump continuously when it goes below freezing and stays there!

