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Bigfella heads for the 'Heart of Darkness'.....sorta

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  • Bigfella heads for the 'Heart of Darkness'.....sorta

    Time for a holiday.

    In not too many days I'll be leaving behind my comfortable inner city existence and my cats for a journey to Conrad's mythical 'Heart of Darkness' - Africa....well.....OK.....Conrad was thinking more of the jungly bit in the middle than he mountainy bit on the side, but its as close as I've ever been.

    I'm going to spend three fascinating weeks in Ethiopia. Great food, good cheap beer, lovely people, fascinating history & spectacular scenery. Hard to beat really. I probably won't be able to post photos until I get back, but I'll give a brief rundown on the trip & a bit of background. I'm guessing most folk here haven't travelled to Ethiopia & aren't very familiar with it, so you might be interested.

    Ethiopia is about twice the size of France and has over 90 million people - the second highest in Africa. Like most African nations is it s collection of different tribal, ethnic & religious groups. The nation has traditionally been defined & rule by Christian northerners - speakers of Amharic, a semitic language. The east & south are dominated by Muslims (often Somali speakers) & Christian or animist Oromo speakers. The Oromo are the majority in Ethiopia, but have never had all that much influence. Since the fall of the communist Derg in 1991 the political leadership of the nation has been dominated by Tigrayans - northerners closely related to the Amharic by language & history.

    Geographically Ethiopia is dominated by the start of the Great Rift Valley - a massive tectonic plate boundary. The Afar/Danikil Depression in the north is the lowest & hottest place in Africa. It is actually a triple plate boundary. The whole centre & north of the country is a giant mountainous plateau. Addis Ababa is almost 2500 meters above sea level - similar to Bogota, Colombia; Mexico city & Shimla, India.

    The first past of my trip is what is known as the 'Northern Historical Circuit' - a huge arc through the north that usually moves clockwise from west to east. My journey will start at Bahir Dar (Lake Tana), north west of Addis. It is the source of the Blue Nile and close to the spectacular Blue Nile Falls. From there it is overland to Gonder, an ancient capital with a cool castle on the hill. Then I get to drive through the Simien Mountains to Axum. That takes me past Ras Dashen, the highest mountain in Ethiopia at 4500 meters (a few hundred meters lower than Mont Blanc). Axum is the centre of an ancient civilization stretching back over 3000 years. I've always liked a good ancient ruin.

    Then it is south through Tigray, where Ethiopian Orthodox monks have for centuries built tiny churches in mountainous caves. Overnight at Mekelle & then south Korem, a town made famous by the 1984-85 famine, & on to Lalibela, famous for its rock-cut churches. After a few days back in Addis I'm doing a brief trip to Harar in the east, an ancient walled city home to dozens of mosques. Then it is down the rift valley, past lakes filled with flamingos, hippos & bilharzia (so no swimming) to Awassa. After that it is back to Addis & then on to Muscat & Dubai on the Arabian Peninsular for a few days.

    Quite the trip. Can't wait to provide some photos for you all.

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    Last edited by Bigfella; 05 Nov 13,, 01:26.

    Win nervously lose tragically - Reds C C

  • #2
    Decided to become tru rastafarian, mon!
    "This aggression will not stand, man!" Jeff Lebowski
    "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool." Lester Bangs


    • #3
      Bring some ammo BF. Just in case


      • #4
        Did Pari sent over some worchester sauce and recipes for long pig?


        • #5
          Sounds like one hell of a trip. Take lots of pictures.....and post them often.
          Removing a single turd from the cesspool doesn't make any difference.


          • #6
            Originally posted by S2 View Post
            Decided to become tru rastafarian, mon!
            Yeah mon! I be visitin' de birthplace of de King of Kings Ras Tefari Mekonnen Haile Selassie in Harar and de burial place of de King of Kings Ras tefari Mekonnen Haile Selassie in de Holy Trinity Cathedral in Addis Ababa. I also be visitin' de Rastafarian community of 'Jamaica' near Shashemene in de Great Rift Valley mon.

            I be getting me rasta on big time!!!

            Originally posted by chanjyj View Post
            Bring some ammo BF. Just in case
            There are quite a few hairy bits of Ethiopia - but they tend to be around the edge: Afar tribesmen in the Danikil Depression; Somali border; Kenyan border & some of the far flung spots in the south west. Fortunately you can buy guns & ammo at the Mercato in Addis (the largest market in Africa) and plenty of regional markets as well. If the shit goes down I should be OK.

            Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
            Did Pari sent over some worchester sauce and recipes for long pig?
            I suspect I'd taste better with berbere.

            Berbere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            I'm also led to believe that they can be bribed. Some years ago a friend of mine was driving with a couple of Ethiopians near one of the large rift valley lakes south of Awassa. he wanted to get out & look around. His friends refused to get out of the car saying it wasn't safe, so he strode down to the water's edge alone. Within seconds he was surrounded by a group of men in tribal gear holding spears. he had neither seen nor heard any of them. After an awkward moment he reached into his pocket & offered them money. They took it & disappeared. His friends, Amharic men from Addis, told him that the men were Oromo & that they might very easily have killed them had they been caught with him.

            I'm planning to keep cash on me. ;)

            Originally posted by bonehead View Post
            Sounds like one hell of a trip. Take lots of pictures.....and post them often.
            I may not have the time or the internet connection to do that while I'm on the road, but I'll make up for it when I get home.

            Win nervously lose tragically - Reds C C


            • #7
              Have you tried Ethiopian food yet? No? Well neither have the Ethiopians

              Awful jokes aside, Ethiopian food is quite unique and I personally loved it as a vegetarian. They had a lot of options for me. The coffee is great too.

              Have a great trip! Be sure to check out their churches.


              • #8
                Well colour me jealous.
                In the realm of spirit, seek clarity; in the material world, seek utility.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by cataphract View Post
                  Have you tried Ethiopian food yet? No? Well neither have the Ethiopians

                  Awful jokes aside, Ethiopian food is quite unique and I personally loved it as a vegetarian. They had a lot of options for me. The coffee is great too.
                  I eat Ethiopian food every week & love it. I am told that while the injera is better there (teff is hard to come by here) the rest can be a bit variable. The vegetarian food is great, but you'd need to be careful if you travelled there. Ethiopians only tend to eat vegetarian non their two 'fast days' per week. The rest of the time it is meat, meat, meat. In fact, the national dish is the delicious raw meat kitfo, which I have been advised by all & sundry to avoid like the plague if I want to stay upright.

                  Have a great trip! Be sure to check out their churches.
                  Probably going to spend more time in churches in those 3 weeks than I have in Australia in the past 30+ years.

                  Win nervously lose tragically - Reds C C


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Parihaka View Post
                    Well colour me jealous.
                    I will do my solemn best to play on your jealousy at every opportunity.

                    Win nervously lose tragically - Reds C C


                    • #11
                      Have a safe and rewarding sojourn BF. Don't know if your travels will bring you close enough, but the Ark of the Covenant has long been rumored to be in a chapel in the Holy City of Aksum (far north) by the border with Eritrea. The Ethiopians claim that Menelik, the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, journeyed to Jerusalem to visit his father and returned to Ethiopia with the Ark for safekeeping (10th century BCE). The Ethiopians claim it has been there for 3000 years and refer to it as the Ark of Zion.

                      As we all know, Beta Israel was found to be of ancient Jewish origin and Ethiopia allowed wholesale emigration to Israel. Emperor Haile Selassie was said to be the 225th monarch descended from Menelik. Even the Christian religion in Ethiopia is strongly influenced by Judaism. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church adheres to many of the tenets of Judaism such as kosher dietary laws and male circumcision. Rural Christians still celebrate Saturday as the Sabbath and christen their children with Jewish names found in the Torah.


                      • #12
                        You know, Israel is only a 4.5 hour direct flight away from Addis.... Just saying.....
                        Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

                        Abusing Yellow is meant to be a labor of love, not something you sell to the highest bidder.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bigross86 View Post
                          You know, Israel is only a 4.5 hour direct flight away from Addis.... Just saying.....
                          Too much world, not enough time. Some time in the next 5ish years I'm hoping to get to Turkey. A side trip to Israel might slot in nicely. Might even do Egypt is it is safe.....but sadly that is all for the future.

                          In the meantime try to dodge the bullets & bombs & I might yet buy you that beer.;)

                          Win nervously lose tragically - Reds C C


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Minskaya View Post
                            Have a safe and rewarding sojourn BF. Don't know if your travels will bring you close enough, but the Ark of the Covenant has long been rumored to be in a chapel in the Holy City of Aksum (far north) by the border with Eritrea. The Ethiopians claim that Menelik, the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, journeyed to Jerusalem to visit his father and returned to Ethiopia with the Ark for safekeeping (10th century BCE). The Ethiopians claim it has been there for 3000 years and refer to it as the Ark of Zion.
                            I will be in Aksum and I am planning a trip to the Ark of the Covenant....though after watching 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' I don't plan on trying to open it.

                            As we all know, Beta Israel was found to be of ancient Jewish origin and Ethiopia allowed wholesale emigration to Israel. Emperor Haile Selassie was said to be the 225th monarch descended from Menelik. Even the Christian religion in Ethiopia is strongly influenced by Judaism. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church adheres to many of the tenets of Judaism such as kosher dietary laws and male circumcision. Rural Christians still celebrate Saturday as the Sabbath and christen their children with Jewish names found in the Torah.
                            My understanding is that while Israel has accepted the Beta Israel historians continue to tussle over their origins. Some claim them to be a 'lost tribe', others believe that their Judaism was actually the result of a process of radical reforms to their Orthodox beliefs that resulted in a 'reversion' of sorts. That may also account for the customs you mention. The relative isolation of the Ethiopian Orthodox from the rest of Christianity for lengthy periods may have made it easier for those practices to come about & remain in place. However it came to pass, the Beta Israel certainly copped it from all sides. I'll be travelling through what was their heartland around Gonder & into Tigray.

                            Win nervously lose tragically - Reds C C


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bigfella View Post
                              I will be in Aksum and I am planning a trip to the Ark of the Covenant....though after watching 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' I don't plan on trying to open it.
                              From what I understand, the only person who can view the Ark is the residing Guardian. Upon his death, another priestly Guardian is elected. The Ethiopians say the Ark has always had a Guardian for the past 3000 years. I also understand that every Christian church in Ethiopia has what are called 'tabots' in the inner holy sanctum. The tabots are said to be replicas of the tablets contained in the Ark. It is believed that the tabots consecrate the church.

