The much anticipated Nano has now been unveiled.
Nano: Triumph of Indian ingenuity
Nano: Triumph of Indian ingenuity
23 Mar 2009 [BBC] India's Tata Motors has launched Nano, the world's cheapest car. Hormazd Sorabjee, one of the first journalists to test drive the car, says it feels more expensive than it is.
I have to admit I had a nagging fear that the Tata Nano wouldn't live up to the media frenzy that's been surrounding it.
It's been the most awaited car in the world and the delay in putting it on the road - due to the relocation of its production facilities - only increased the sense of anticipation.
Now, 14 months after the Nano was unveiled to a reception fit for a rock star, the moment of truth has come for the world's cheapest car.
There's been an apprehension that Tata's self-imposed price target of 100,000 rupees ($1,979, £1,366) would make the Nano an apology of a car and sceptics expected a glorified golf cart.
However, after driving the Nano in the western Indian city of Pune - home to Tata Motors - on the highway and rural back roads, it's turned out to be quite the opposite.
The Nano feels significantly more expensive than it is and a car you certainly won't be ashamed to sit in. ...
I have to admit I had a nagging fear that the Tata Nano wouldn't live up to the media frenzy that's been surrounding it.
It's been the most awaited car in the world and the delay in putting it on the road - due to the relocation of its production facilities - only increased the sense of anticipation.
Now, 14 months after the Nano was unveiled to a reception fit for a rock star, the moment of truth has come for the world's cheapest car.
There's been an apprehension that Tata's self-imposed price target of 100,000 rupees ($1,979, £1,366) would make the Nano an apology of a car and sceptics expected a glorified golf cart.
However, after driving the Nano in the western Indian city of Pune - home to Tata Motors - on the highway and rural back roads, it's turned out to be quite the opposite.
The Nano feels significantly more expensive than it is and a car you certainly won't be ashamed to sit in. ...