Originally posted by zraver
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That being said, we've seen about .7c or .8c over the last 150 years. That may be "rapid" but to say it's outside historical norms requires comparing high resolution modern measurement to low resolution proxy data and it's not really a fair comparison, especially given how shitty proxy data is to begin with. IOW, it's not something that can be said is "undeniable" with any real certainty.
Extinction is an end state, not a starting point. An example might well prove to be the California Sea Lions. If the warm waters don't recede we could see a serious population collapse. hell California could see a major biological disaster if the historically never seen before drought doesn't break. In Maine puffins are suffering because the prey they rely on are moving out and as poor flyers they can't follow. Strange winters in Mexico along with a loss of habitat in the US have the Monarch butterfly on the verge of extinction. Each might be a small part, but the evidence is mounting that climate change is doing horrendous harm to the lives we share this planet with. Add in the direct damage we do- over harvesting, over fishing, poaching, loss of habitat.... and we have become blight. Its time to get serious about being good stewards of Planet Earth.
Seriously Z, read that second one and tell me your ok with that. GW is killing the species but not the way you think.
And by the way, Climate change does not cause extreme winters, experts say -- ScienceDaily