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Global Warming...Fact or Fiction?

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  • Originally posted by Wooglin View Post
    I couldn't tell you. What do YOU have to say about what you posted?
    I just did. Now what do YOU have to say about your denial of climate change?

    See here:

    Watch that documentary. It puts rubbish to your biggest champion of anti -climate change's denials and fantastical claims about Antarctica's ice shelves growing.
    Last edited by Blademaster; 30 Mar 15,, 14:58.


    • Originally posted by Blademaster View Post
      I just did. Now what do YOU have to say about your denial of climate change?

      See here:The new season of "VICE" kicks off with ice calving off of Antarctica

      Watch that documentary. It puts rubbish to your biggest champion of anti -climate change's denials and fantastical claims about Antarctica's ice shelves growing.
      That's what I thought. Nothing.

      So what is it your here to debunk? Claims of ice shelves growing, huh? Normally I'd play the game and ask you find me the quote claiming ice shelves are growing in Antarctica, then either watch you slink away or expose yourself as the ignorant fool you are. Instead, I'm just going to tell you now an ice shelf and sea ice extent are two totally different things, and if you're so ignorant on the topic you cannot grasp that simple fact, or so friggen simple minded that some ice calving in a documentary has you thinking the argument is otherwise, then you're just not worth my time.



      • Originally posted by Wooglin View Post
        That's what I thought. Nothing.

        So what is it your here to debunk? Claims of ice shelves growing, huh? Normally I'd play the game and ask you find me the quote claiming ice shelves are growing in Antarctica, then either watch you slink away or expose yourself as the ignorant fool you are. Instead, I'm just going to tell you now an ice shelf and sea ice extent are two totally different things, and if you're so ignorant on the topic to not grasp that simple fact, or so friggen simple minded that some ice calving in a documentary has you thinking the argument is otherwise, then you're just not worth my time.

        Typical. Refusal to follow the link and watch the documentary where your champion has insisted that the iceshelves were growing and calling others ignorant when you refuse to do the reading or watching. This only tells me that you are a troll. In fact, most of your posts pretty much lie with this thread and only tells me of your agenda on this forum.
        You are right. You are a completely waste of my time. So troll elsewhere dumbass.


        • For anyone actually interested in sciency stuff and wants to have a rational, adult discussion about AGW and Antarctica in lieu of recent news about an ice shelf and 200 feet (or whatever) of sea level rise, I'm game. I just need someone to reconcile the following data with AGW and a melting Antarctic...

          Models predict sea ice extent in Antarctica to be declining. The opposite is true.

          An Initial Assessment of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent in the CMIP5 Models

          Sea ice extent continues to break record highs...

          By sharp contrast, sea ice in Antarctica was at satellite-era record high daily levels for much of 2014. On September 22, 2014, Antarctic ice extent reached 20.11 million square kilometers (7.76 million square miles). This was the first year in the modern satellite record that Antarctic ice extent climbed above 20 million square kilometers (7.72 million square miles).

          As the year drew to a close, sea ice extent again reached record high levels for the date by declining far more slowly than usual.

          December ends, 2014 in review | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

          Southern Ocean Temp Trends

          Satellite temp records for Antarctic region

          Attached Files


          • Originally posted by Blademaster View Post
            Typical. Refusal to follow the link and watch the documentary where your champion has insisted that the iceshelves were growing and calling others ignorant when you refuse to do the reading or watching. This only tells me that you are a troll. In fact, most of your posts pretty much lie with this thread and only tells me of your agenda on this forum.
            You are right. You are a completely waste of my time. So troll elsewhere dumbass.
            Sorry, I'm not moved by docu-dramas that prey on the simple minded who can't tell ice shelf calving from sea ice extent, nor interested in your strawman. I'll leave those for you, the intended audience.


            • Originally posted by Wooglin View Post
              Sorry, I'm not moved by docu-dramas that prey on the simple minded who can't tell ice shelf calving from sea ice extent, nor interested in your strawman. I'll leave those for you, the intended audience.
              Did you miss the scientist who has been studying the Antarctica continent for 30 years, saying that in addition to the ice shelves melting, the land ice is also melting. He said that once the land ice goes, it is non reversible and we are in deep do do shit. Sorry, I will take the word of a scientist whose findings have been published and peer-reviewed and have been in the business for over 30 years and generally knows his shit, discerning the difference top from bottom over your word any time, any day of the week, any week of the year, any year of the century. He measured the difference of height in the ice caps over the land of Antarctica and it is thinning out by inches or feet (can't remember what standard of measurement used) and they are not getting the height back even during the snow cycles. That scientist in that documentary just rebunked your champion of climate change denial's claims about Antarctica in a very measurable scientific way.

              Yeah I will leave your selective one side data/articles and conclusions to your delusional narcissistic self.
              Last edited by Blademaster; 30 Mar 15,, 17:41.


              • Yes, I missed it since I didn't watch it. Why was that not blatantly obvious to you? :red:
                If you want me to look at something, give me published stuff, not docu-dramas and news articles.

                I will take the word of a scientist whose findings have been published and peer-reviewed and have been in the business for over 30 years and generally knows his shit
                Correction, you'll take the word of a scientist you agree with (while not quite grasping what it is you're agreeing or disagreeing with), while ignoring the one's you don't, like the paper above by those denying bastards from the British Antarctic Survey (who kinda know their shit too) because a "denier" linked to it and you're just too stupid to try to understand any of it.

                If you want to discuss this then reconcile my post above with whatever you think it is that's happening. Otherwise, stop wasting my time with attacking me for shit I never said, with crap you don't understand anyway.


                • Wooglin,

                  IIRC the issue isn't that sea ice levels are increasing, but Antarctic land ice is being depleted. Per your posted graphs, sea ice levels are subject to a seasonal cycle of growth and melting, resulting in an overall lower impact on sea levels. Land ice levels on the other hand does not exhibit the same seasonal ebb and flow as sea ice and as a result would have a more significant impact on sea levels.

                  Measure of Antarctic land mass in GT (Shepard et al., 2012).


                  A Reconciled Estimate of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance - Shepard et al.

                  SOTC: Ice Sheets | National Snow and Ice Data Center
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Red Team; 30 Mar 15,, 18:38. Reason: formatting
                  "Draft beer, not people."


                  • Originally posted by Wooglin View Post
                    Yes, I missed it since I didn't watch it. Why was that not blatantly obvious to you? :red:
                    If you want me to look at something, give me published stuff, not docu-dramas and news articles.

                    Correction, you'll take the word of a scientist you agree with (while not quite grasping what it is you're agreeing or disagreeing with), while ignoring the one's you don't, like the paper above by those denying bastards from the British Antarctic Survey (who kinda know their shit too) because a "denier" linked to it and you're just too stupid to try to understand any of it.

                    If you want to discuss this then reconcile my post above with whatever you think it is that's happening. Otherwise, stop wasting my time with attacking me for shit I never said, with crap you don't understand anyway.
                    There is a huge difference between sea ice and land ice. Sea ice is seasonal while land ice is not. If the land ice melts, we are in a big world of trouble. That was the point of the documentary, the difference between sea ice and land ice.


                    • There is a huge difference between sea ice and land ice
                      No shit. Thus, the documentary has nothing to do with anything I've argued, "ice shelves growing", or whatever else you attributed to me. That's a good start.


                      • Originally posted by Red Team View Post

                        IIRC the issue isn't that sea ice levels are increasing, but Antarctic land ice is being depleted. Per your posted graphs, sea ice levels are subject to a seasonal cycle of growth and melting, resulting in an overall lower impact on sea levels. Land ice levels on the other hand does not exhibit the same seasonal ebb and flow as sea ice and as a result would have a more significant impact on sea levels.

                        Measure of Antarctic land mass in GT (Shepard et al., 2012).


                        A Reconciled Estimate of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance - Shepard et al.

                        SOTC: Ice Sheets | National Snow and Ice Data Center
                        My issue is about sea ice increasing, NOT some "growing ice shelves" argument that was incorrectly attributed to me and others.

                        Thanks though. If someone can reconcile the notion of AGW melting Antarctic with all the data I posted above I'd be interested.


                        • Originally posted by Blademaster View Post
                          I just did. Now what do YOU have to say about your denial of climate change?

                          See here:The new season of "VICE" kicks off with ice calving off of Antarctica

                          Watch that documentary. It puts rubbish to your biggest champion of anti -climate change's denials and fantastical claims about Antarctica's ice shelves growing.
                          We really need to get this "climate change denier" name sorted out.

                          YOU, are a "climate change denier."

                          WE (OOE, Wooglin, and me, among others) are NOT "climate change denier."

                          We do not disagree that climate is change, nor do we want to stop it.

                          You, on the other hand , want to STOP CLIMATE FROM CHANGING. That makes you a "climate change denier." You want to deny changes in the climate. What's next? Stop evolution because some species might go extinct? Oh wait...
                          "Only Nixon can go to China." -- Old Vulcan proverb.


                          • Originally posted by gunnut View Post
                            We really need to get this "climate change denier" name sorted out.

                            YOU, are a "climate change denier."

                            WE (OOE, Wooglin, and me, among others) are NOT "climate change denier."

                            We do not disagree that climate is change, nor do we want to stop it.

                            You, on the other hand , want to STOP CLIMATE FROM CHANGING. That makes you a "climate change denier." You want to deny changes in the climate. What's next? Stop evolution because some species might go extinct? Oh wait...
                            Slick, very slick...


                            • Originally posted by gunnut View Post
                              We really need to get this "climate change denier" name sorted out.

                              YOU, are a "climate change denier."

                              WE (OOE, Wooglin, and me, among others) are NOT "climate change denier."

                              We do not disagree that climate is change, nor do we want to stop it.

                              You, on the other hand , want to STOP CLIMATE FROM CHANGING. That makes you a "climate change denier." You want to deny changes in the climate. What's next? Stop evolution because some species might go extinct? Oh wait...
                              Quite adept at wordplay and sophistry, aren't ya?

                              You are basing this as if this was naturally occurring. It is not. It is manmade. With each scientific experiment validating the acceleration of the melting with a corresponding rise in CO2 levels and temperature, it is not hard to see that it is not naturally occurring.

                              As for stopping climate changing and claiming that we want to stop climate change and calling us climate change denier is very much like the logic used by chickenhawks to justify going to war with Iraq over dubious claims of WMDs and claims for more drilling for shale and fracturing even though it means that our groundwater will be poisoned and the cost of a gallon of drinking water cost more than the cost of a gallon of gas.

                              Go ahead and bury your head in the sand but I will not let my children and future generations suffer from your ostrich like tendencies.


                              • Originally posted by Blademaster View Post
                                You are basing this as if this was naturally occurring. It is not. It is manmade. With each scientific experiment validating the acceleration of the melting with a corresponding rise in CO2 levels and temperature, it is not hard to see that it is not naturally occurring.
                                And what if it is? What's so bad about it? Yes, people will be dislocated but food production will go up the ying-yang. The Parries were once lushed jungle because there was enough CO2 to feed the plants. And let's not discount the advantages of a year long food production cycle.

                                If I were you, I wouldn't be worry about too much CO2. I worry that there won't be enough of it. The planet is dying. CO2 levels have dropped. Grasslands now dominate where once jungles lived because there isn't that much CO2 anymore. Not in our lifetime but in a billion years or so, there would not be enough CO2 to support more than bacteria.

