Why do you think she hates democracy? She is there to represent Scotland which overwhelming voted to stay in the EU. In fact, one of the strongest arguments that the remain campaign (for Scottish independence, not the EU referendum) gave was that 'Scotlands place in the EU is only guaranteed by remaining in the UK'.
I know you only care about England and that is what is so upsetting to those of us from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Gibraltar. Brexiteers threw us under a bus - no-one cares about peace in Northern Ireland or the wishes of Scotland and the economic catastrophe that will envelop Gibraltar with Brexit.
Brexit has broken the United Kingdom and its dissolution will be the likely result.
I know you only care about England and that is what is so upsetting to those of us from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Gibraltar. Brexiteers threw us under a bus - no-one cares about peace in Northern Ireland or the wishes of Scotland and the economic catastrophe that will envelop Gibraltar with Brexit.
Brexit has broken the United Kingdom and its dissolution will be the likely result.