Originally posted by Firestorm
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Either way, there is evil and there is Evil. Hitler is singularly evil in Western culture. We hanged him. The CSA was not singularly evil: they were rebels fighting for a bad cause. When the war ended, we brought them back into the Union on lenient terms.
It's not even the Confederate flag, it's a specific battle flag by the General who had his crimes white-washed for the purpose of national unity. And, you didn't fight in that war, so why should I care what you think?
Originally posted by WABs_OOE
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Originally posted by snapper
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And there's a reason, because there isn't really anyone else who had the idea of industrializing mass murder and depopulating half a continent. The US created reservation systems, the Spanish wanted to lord over the Amerindians as opposed to simply killing them all. Hitler lost, thank god, because had he won, he would hands down have been the absolute worst human being in all of existence and likely would never be surpassed.