Originally posted by tbm3fan
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Navy Times article from 2017
The Lee decommissioned in 1983. The Jackson (yes, named after Stonewall Jackson) decommissioned in 1995, but all this is in the article.
All this to say we are in the time we are in, and it is a transition time. Just as in 1918 the base built in Fayetteville NC was named after Bragg by those who thought it appropriate. Those who are against the statues coming down, the names being replaced, the history at best being regulated to museums (at worst..... forgotten) from their POV have concerns. Those who are for the changes have their own. The POVs are only irreconcilable because once the view is made public it becomes political and then said positions harden and cannot (for the most part) be changed because the accusation of being a "Flip Flopper" will follow a politician (or someone who posts on FB, or...... WAB) for the rest of their career. The hard truth of time marching on means that those who come after us are going to change everything anyway, as we are doing now, as the people in 1918 did then. Although I sincerely hope the Gov of Washington and the Mayor of Seattle do not lobby to change the name of JBLM to JB Raz Simone.