Your Vox Man Yglesias is throwing out Straussian posts indicating that the Vocal Left, while still small, is dramatically stronger than it used to be and getting exponentially stronger.
I don't have a crystal ball, but I do know that based on what we have collectively seen in the last 15 years, none of us should be outright ruling out possibilities 15 years from now. Just for starters, you've seen 2 once-a-century depressions. In 15 years.
I don't have a crystal ball, but I do know that based on what we have collectively seen in the last 15 years, none of us should be outright ruling out possibilities 15 years from now. Just for starters, you've seen 2 once-a-century depressions. In 15 years.
what then? is a rampant "cancel culture" worse than conservatives being co-opted by the Lost Cause folks, III%, and Q -right now-?
last year, members of the Maine GOP argued against the Ballad of the 20th Maine as the state song, because they were afraid it would hurt the feelings of Southerners. hell, the Lost Cause folks are the original "cancel culture" -- cancelling out Grant, cancelling out the role of slavery; the list goes on.
is the elimination of statues of Jeff Davis or, gasp, Christopher Columbus (whom never landed in the US of A anyways) worse than the declaration, during a pandemic, that masks are a mind control device for sheeple, or that Bill Gates is going to use a COVID vaccine to implant GPS devices?