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2020 American Political Scene

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  • Albany Rifles
    Originally posted by TopHatter View Post
    You mean 2019, right?
    Y2K kicking in HARD!

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  • TopHatter
    Originally posted by tbm3fan View Post
    So AP is now reporting top intelligence officials knew as far back as early 1999. Now this is AP and not some fly by night outfit like FOX or MSN.
    You mean 2019, right?

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  • tbm3fan
    So AP is now reporting top intelligence officials knew as far back as early 1999. Now this is AP and not some fly by night outfit like FOX or MSN.

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  • TopHatter
    Originally posted by WABs_OOE View Post
    120,000 deaths later and you still think Trump is capable managing threats?
    And people wonder why Trump "lives in my head" or why I "get so angry".

    Yeah, it's a complete fucking mystery.

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  • Officer of Engineers
    Originally posted by astralis View Post
    so even the most sympathetic reading of Trump's actions was that he was not tracking at least the potential that one of the two US Great Power competitors was engaging in highly escalatory actions which ended with the death of American soldiers.
    120,000 deaths later and you still think Trump is capable managing threats?

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  • astralis
    so even the most sympathetic reading of Trump's actions was that he was not tracking at least the potential that one of the two US Great Power competitors was engaging in highly escalatory actions which ended with the death of American soldiers.

    and now that he is informed that there's this possibility, his first instinct is to deny it and once again, accuse his own intel agencies of lying.

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  • Officer of Engineers
    Originally posted by astralis View Post
    CIA confirmed the intel, NSA won't say.

    but we know it ended up in the Presidential Daily Brief.
    That's like saying Trump keeps count on how much toilet paper he uses. We know the man is a walking clusterfuck on details. If you don't keep hammering the point, he ignores it.

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  • astralis
    From your own link, the intel is unverified and disputed even within American intel agencies.
    CIA confirmed the intel, NSA won't say.

    but we know it ended up in the Presidential Daily Brief.

    so Trump saying that "the intel agencies did not find this information credible" is -- to take the most generous reading-- if not an outright lie, then twisting the definition of "verified" intelligence. you can have a "high confidence" intel assessment even if some analysts may disagree with it.

    just as him saying that he was "never told" about it is also a twisting, because while it may have been in the PDB, it's possible that he wasn't -told- its contents.
    Last edited by astralis; 30 Jun 20,, 15:23.

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  • Officer of Engineers
    Originally posted by Bigfella View Post
    So, Trump gets a written briefing in Feb that Russia is paying bounties for the murder of US & allies troops in Afghanistan. When does the UK find out? about a month ago. Not even sure Australia has been officially told. Of course, Trump denies even knowing about it, and there is no chance he was going to confront his buddy Vlad about it.

    Trump Got Written Briefing in February on Possible Russian Bounties, Officials Say - The New York Times
    From your own link, the intel is unverified and disputed even within American intel agencies.

    I have my own doubts about this. Namely what do the Russians achieve with this bounty? It's not like the Taliban needed a reason to kill Americans. And do the Russians really want a Taliban Afghanistan on their borders?

    The intel came from captured Taliban and ground sources within Afghanistan. Could be true or could be Russian Mafia (ie, drug trade). Either way, not solid enough for me to act on ... but solid enough for me to keep an eye on.
    Last edited by Officer of Engineers; 30 Jun 20,, 14:41.

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  • Albany Rifles
    So help me out here...did POTUS, in the same weekend, sign an EO to protect statues to traitors who took up arms against loyal Americans, an American Army lead by one of the greatest Republican Presidents, a traitor army that killed hundreds of thousands of those loyal Americans....also completely denied that a sworn enemy was currently paying bounties for the lives of American and Allied Soldiers in Afghanistan?

    I’m confused....just what party is the current POTUS a member of?

    Does anyone else see an issue here?

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  • Bigfella
    So, Trump gets a written briefing in Feb that Russia is paying bounties for the murder of US & allies troops in Afghanistan. When does the UK find out? about a month ago. Not even sure Australia has been officially told. Of course, Trump denies even knowing about it, and there is no chance he was going to confront his buddy Vlad about it.

    Remember GOP supporters foaming at the mouth over Obama giving Gordon Brown some DVDs or allegedly moving a bust of a dead British PM? Where is the outrage now? How utterly detestable.

    I'm sure people better versed in the minutae of US foreign affairs will be able to find a President somewhere who has done more damage to America's foreign relations than Trump. It certainly isn't anyone in my lifetime, and I go back to Nixon. Can't see any obvious selections this side of 1933. Perhaps there isn't one. It will be the work of several terms just to unpick the damage.

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  • TopHatter
    Trump's 'white power' retweet set off 'five-alarm fire' in White House

    President Donald Trump set off a "five-alarm fire" in the White House on Sunday morning after he retweeted a video of one of his supporters saying "white power," according to two White House officials.

    The video remained on the president's Twitter page, where he has 82 million followers, for more than three hours because White House officials couldn't reach him to ask him to delete it, the two officials said. The president was at his golf club in Virginia and had put his phone down, the officials said.

    Aides also tried unsuccessfully to reach deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino to ask him to delete the retweet, officials said.

    Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., added to the urgency when he called the tweet "indefensible" and demanded that the president take it down during an interview on CNN, the officials said.

    Once officials were able to reach the president, he agreed to delete it, they said.

    White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and senior adviser Jared Kushner were among those trying to contain the fallout. McEnany said Monday that Trump had watched the video before retweeting it but didn't hear his supporter say "white power."

    Officials said the president gets a deluge of content from aides and allies, with one of them saying the "white power" incident was a "lesson to all of us in the White House to be more aware of what's out there."

    In April, the president retweeted a posting that included the hashtag "#FireFauci." When asked at the time whether he had noticed the hashtag when he retweeted it, the president said, "Yeah, I notice everything."

    Yep, he notices either he knew exactly what he was doing or he's a fucking idiot.

    We can safely assume "Both"

    Oh yeah and there’s no way to contact any of the at least dozens of people who are with him at all times?

    No way to contact anyone, least of all the president.

    Meanwhile India and China have loaded and armed their nuclear arsenals over their border war; Putin's ordered another poisoning assassination; Kim Jong Un found The Button to his next missile launch of an ICBM, and Jared Kushner can't find the key to the White House men's room.

    So glad there was no national emergency that needed his immediate attention during those three hours. Although, who in their right mind would call Trump if there was one?

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  • TopHatter
    Without evidence, Trump accuses Obama administration of treason

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, trailing in opinion polls at a time of anti-racism protests and a surge in coronavirus cases, lashed out at the administration of Barack Obama, the country's first Black president, with a baseless accusation of treason.

    The accusation, offered without evidence in an interview on Monday, was the Republican president's latest effort to tarnish Obama, a popular Democrat whom Trump has targeted for years, including falsely suggesting he was not U.S.-born.

    Trump trails the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, who was Obama's vice president, by 13 percentage points ahead of the Nov. 3 presidential election.

    Under Trump, the U.S. Justice Department is reviewing a probe that found foreign interference in the 2016 election he won. He previously accused Obama of spying on his campaign but not treason.

    Asked what crime might have been committed by spying, Trump told the Christian Broadcasting Network: "It's treason. Look, when I came out a long time ago, I said they've been spying on our campaign ... Let's see what happens to them now."

    "(William) Barr is doing a great job as attorney general, let's see what they come up with," he said. Barr has said he does not expect Obama or Biden to be charged.

    Representatives for Obama, who was scheduled to appear at a virtual fundraiser with Biden on Tuesday, said he had no comment on Trump's accusation.

    U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to boost Trump's candidacy. Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's 21-month investigation documented a Russian campaign of propaganda and hacking to harm Trump's Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. Mueller also documented numerous contacts between Trump campaign figures and Russians.

    Oh goody, this tired routine...again. This schtick is really getting old.

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  • TopHatter
    U.S. Army soldier charged with plotting to help neo-Nazis attack his own unit

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal prosecutors on Monday charged a 22-year-old U.S. Army private with plotting to attack his own military unit abroad by sending sensitive details about the unit to a neo-Nazi group.

    The Justice Department said Ethan Melzer of Louisville, Kentucky, had sent details about his unit's location, planned movements and security to members of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A), which the department described an "an occult-based neo-Nazi and white supremacist group."

    Melzer is charged with conspiring and attempting to murder Americans and U.S. military service members, providing and attempting to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder and maim in an undisclosed foreign country.

    One of Melzer's federal public defenders, Jonathan Marvinny, did not immediately respond to Reuters request for comment.

    According to the indictment unsealed in Manhattan federal court, the FBI and the U.S. Army thwarted Melzer's plot in late May, and the FBI arrested Melzer on June 10.

    It described Melzer as "the enemy within," who allegedly attempted "to orchestrate a murderous ambush on his own unit," said Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss for the Southern District of New York.

    After learning about the overseas assignment of his unit, investigators say Melzer used an encrypted app to send messages containing information about his unit to members and associates of O9A and a related group known as the "RapeWaffen Division".

    Melzer and his co-conspirators planned what they referred to as a "jihadi attack" during the deployment, with the objective of causing a "mass casualty" event victimizing his fellow service members, prosecutors alleged.

    In a voluntary interview with investigators, Melzer said that he wanted the planned attack to result in the deaths of as many of his fellow service members as possible, prosecutors said. Melzer also described his conduct as tantamount to treason, they said.

    Another one of Trump's "very fine people". He'll be fine, Trump will pardon him.

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  • tbm3fan
    Originally posted by surfgun View Post
    Due to Fox News phobia,
    Here is another source.
    Don't read them either.

    I have one very great advantage over you being that I have lived 30 miles from the City for 50 years and in it for 10 years. If I want to know what happens locally I have the local news and not national sources that over dramatize anything having to do with the Bay Area particularly San Francisco and Berkeley. So yes we did have vandals, not BLM protestors of any kind, decide to rampage through that section of Golden Gate Park which I know well having lived 6 blocks from it. I have sat in those park benches, used those water fountains, walked and biked those pathways, and wasn't aware they had racist connotations. In the future your best source on Bay Area news is me.

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