Most of these aren't lies, they are misrepresentations that politicians of all stripes typically make. The substantial difference is in the use of weasel words.
For instance, Biden coming out and putting some bland nothing language about coronavirus being a "serious health concern" in late February while still holding rallies. That's an outright lie by Biden, a lie that costed lives, that is being hidden with weasel wording, and which a media outlet refuses to call out.
These are also exceptionally poor quality fact checks designed to distort reality. A good example is Gallup's survey on Stock Ownership. There is actual academic research on this topic, and actual reporting from the Fed. Someone did a quick google search in order to discredit someone. This is not anything close to an actual fact-check, it's an obvious hatchet job, designed to generate clicks. You can, of course, point out that stock ownership is tilted towards the wealthy, but people all across the income spectrum hold stocks.
You'll note that on the opposite spectrum, when Democrats claim that most Americans don't own stock, which is obviously false, great effort is expended to distort reality and throw as much squid ink as possible in order to achieve a Half True rating.
Obviously these things are just blatantly untrue:
[blockquote]THE PRESIDENT: I think that makes sense, perhaps. You know, perhaps it does. But, you know, I would say probably, but I think they’re all going to get well distributed. You know, if you remember where we started, we had no ventilators. We had to make them. And we became a very major manufacturer of ventilators. Now we’re helping countries all over the world with ventilators. We’re sending them to many countries all over the world. When we started, we didn’t have ventilators. We — I inherited nothing. I inherited practically nothing from the previous administration, unfortunately. [/blockquote]
Though the ventilators turned out to be substantially less important than the general PPE shortage, much of which was not replenished after being used in prior crises.
For instance, Biden coming out and putting some bland nothing language about coronavirus being a "serious health concern" in late February while still holding rallies. That's an outright lie by Biden, a lie that costed lives, that is being hidden with weasel wording, and which a media outlet refuses to call out.
These are also exceptionally poor quality fact checks designed to distort reality. A good example is Gallup's survey on Stock Ownership. There is actual academic research on this topic, and actual reporting from the Fed. Someone did a quick google search in order to discredit someone. This is not anything close to an actual fact-check, it's an obvious hatchet job, designed to generate clicks. You can, of course, point out that stock ownership is tilted towards the wealthy, but people all across the income spectrum hold stocks.
You'll note that on the opposite spectrum, when Democrats claim that most Americans don't own stock, which is obviously false, great effort is expended to distort reality and throw as much squid ink as possible in order to achieve a Half True rating.
Obviously these things are just blatantly untrue:
[blockquote]THE PRESIDENT: I think that makes sense, perhaps. You know, perhaps it does. But, you know, I would say probably, but I think they’re all going to get well distributed. You know, if you remember where we started, we had no ventilators. We had to make them. And we became a very major manufacturer of ventilators. Now we’re helping countries all over the world with ventilators. We’re sending them to many countries all over the world. When we started, we didn’t have ventilators. We — I inherited nothing. I inherited practically nothing from the previous administration, unfortunately. [/blockquote]
Though the ventilators turned out to be substantially less important than the general PPE shortage, much of which was not replenished after being used in prior crises.