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Well Albany, feel free to drive down Pennsylvania Ave at your leisure to threaten the life of the Senator of your choice since you believe it is no big deal.
Sir, you can make your point without resorting to insults. Please stop.
“He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him.”
re: the Blake case; both the Wisconsin DOJ and the FBI is investigating to determine if the shooting was justified and if civil rights were violated.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."- Isaac Asimov
Lastly NO ONE is suspended, let alone FIRED! PERFECTLY LEGAL USE OF FORCE!
I have acknowledged that if there is no criteria of 'reasonable force' then fine it is 'legal'. In Europe a Police Officer who did such a thing would be suspended straight off and an inquiry held.
I do not think I 'know more than' anyone let alone everyone. But I am allowed to have an opinion.
I have acknowledged that if there is no criteria of 'reasonable force' then fine it is 'legal'. In Europe a Police Officer who did such a thing would be suspended straight off and an inquiry held.
Simple maths tell me that there are more than 20 cases when European police firearms are used that they emptied their mags.
And IT IS STANDARD PROCEDURE in ALL WESTERN COUNTRIES to investigate ALL Police firearms discharges and the Policemen themselves put on Administrative Leave (as opposed to a suspension without pay) so that the Policemen themselves do not corrupt the investigation either willfully or ignorantly. They are still bound to and portected by the very police departments they work for. Suspension without pay means that they are not going to pay for dirty cops.
I do not think I 'know more than' anyone let alone everyone. But I am allowed to have an opinion.
There is a BIG difference between an EDUCATED opinion and WILD ASSED assumptions. Guess which one yours fall under.
Here's one that has been drilled into me since the first time I held a firearm. Never point your firearm in a direction unless you're intending to shoot in that direction. Always be aware of your shot. Be aware if you shoot, you're shooting to kill.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."- Isaac Asimov
hate to break it to you, but within the US criminal justice system, the amount of cover-up of police crimes by police or DAs is staggering.
Also hate to break it to you. Everything about Blake is on record and no one is covering up anything. The resisting arrest is recorded. The tasering is recorded. The knife is found. There might be police cover ups elsewhere but this one ain't it.
that is also true in the example above -- there was video, yet the police commander defended the officer's actions, said it was a "matter of life and death", and blamed the dog's owner.
the officer hasn't been fired, either.
no investigation yet, and the only reason why there may be one is because the video went viral.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."- Isaac Asimov
Well Albany, feel free to drive down Pennsylvania Ave at your leisure to threaten the life of the Senator of your choice since you believe it is no big deal.
Know PA AVE very well. I grew up in that city and walked PA AVE as recently as 2 months problems. Try it sometime.
As has been said...Pussy Paul used this as a political act. Again, if he felt that fearful of his life he should have been in a vehicle and not walking...never mind the fact he shouldn't have even been at that Hatch Act violating assembly at the White House.
“Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
Mark Twain
Pfff,you might like and want to down a bit,but only if you also want to hide from reality.
1.Those “innocents” were in fact enablers,because ALL violence,ALL the time is done by a minority,but is supported by the majority, morally,logistically,politically etc...
As a logical consequence,civilian enablers were targeted en masse.
2.One is responsible both for what he does,but also for what he fails to do.There was 0(zero) response from the local government in protecting the real innocents who had their properties destroyed or were themselves harassed or violently attacked.There is also zero demand from their electoral base(half the nation) to step down and let better men do the required cleaning.That means they ultimately agree or are forced to agree to this agenda.
When it comes to leadership,a look at DNC will tell you all you need to know about their mindset.They’re on a radical path from which they have no intention of stepping down.
3.Asty said a while back that the sides are set,there are no fence sitters to convince.I suspect he’s right.But if that’s the case,elections become pointless and democracy itself loses its meaning.All we have are 2 opposing and radical factions.No one will concede anything anymore.And it makes an unimaginable quite possible,i.e solving all differences in US by force.
There wasnt zero response, there were failures. There wasn't no condeming of the violence on the left, there just wasn't enough. People are entitled to protest peacefully without being expected to stand up to violent looters, those standards and expectations are too high, perhaps noble, perhaps leading to more confusion and violence.
I actually can't tell with the leadership, I am no fan of biden but I get the impression he wants the keep BLM at a distance and is operating politically. I think they all fear getting in front of a steamroller that is identity politics, wokism and cancel culture. Good politicians know going into the details is a risky strategy especially when emotions are raw.
There are always fence sitters, although i agree fewer these days. Just look at the swings for BLM in Wisconsin, in went from +25 back to 0 in support (before Kenosha). Clearly these things can still move around. Or the tightening in the polls in the battleground states.
Things have a habit of seeming worst in the present moment. It's very difficult to assess in the present moment.
I want to reiterate that there has been a failure on the left to handle BLM rationally, I think there is more rationality hiding under the surface then people on the right realise, as the fear of cancel culture lurks for anyone who wants to offer an empirical analysis on the state of racism in the USA, so its best to remain silent.
I actually can't tell with the leadership, I am no fan of biden but I get the impression he wants the keep BLM at a distance and is operating politically. I think they all fear getting in front of a steamroller that is identity politics, wokism and cancel culture. Good politicians know going into the details is a risky strategy especially when emotions are raw.
Biden is walking a tightrope.
ie, Blacks are by far the most consistent voting bloc within the Democratic Party. Blacks are very supportive of the BLM movement.
OTOH, Biden needs the support of suburban moderates, as well, which means supporting some of the reforms of called for by the BLM movement without talking about "defunding police", which is not politically popular.
it's very rational.
the GOP isn't even -trying- to balance it, which means they're doubling down on their existing base prior to the election.
for instance, no one on the GOP side is talking about reviving the discussions over Sen Tim Scott (R-SC)'s very narrowly-written police reform bill, which are largely symbolic, empty reforms anyway...because their base rejects the idea that the system needs any reform, symbolic or not, in the first place.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."- Isaac Asimov
ie, Blacks are by far the most consistent voting bloc within the Democratic Party. Blacks are very supportive of the BLM movement.
OTOH, Biden needs the support of suburban moderates, as well, which means supporting some of the reforms of called for by the BLM movement without talking about "defunding police", which is not politically popular.
it's very rational.
the GOP isn't even -trying- to balance it, which means they're doubling down on their existing base prior to the election.
for instance, no one on the GOP side is talking about reviving the discussions over Sen Tim Scott (R-SC)'s very narrowly-written police reform bill, which are largely symbolic, empty reforms anyway...because their base rejects the idea that the system needs any reform, symbolic or not, in the first place.
I understand this but thanks for the insight. The democats are a coalition so its always a tightrope for them. Trump actually covers up their diversity because everybody hates him, quite the unitier. The GOP have backed themselves into into a demographic corner and now have to double down on this for any chance to win. These are bad incentives, as they are polarizing the parties over the years and sucking out the middle. Trump has both aggravated this and covered up that underlying trend. But he didnt cause it.
If you really think about it the language/rhetoric from the GOP it has moved on an historical timeline (the zeitgeist), Trump obscures this but the otherside are moving very quickly for them. That said I admit I am ignorant on the policy side regarding the republicans. I am not sure Biden actually believes there is seismic police reform needed. I would be interested to get your opinion/guess in how biden thinks about this differently from the bulk of the republicans on a policy level...