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The US 2020 Presidential Election & Attempts To Overturn It
I do not think it matters about 'how things have changed' or internet funding etc... The whole point of the 2020 election must be to get rid of the traitor and the best placed person to do that seems to be Biden. If he can pass some new laws to stop such a foreign sponsored calamity happening again that is a bonus but as soon as Trumpkin is out he will be locked up anyway.
I'd say things have changed pretty dramatically. Practically everyone feels like they should be able to throw their hat into the ring for President. It's a clown car. There's a lot changes because social media has entirely changed the news cycle and the major parties increasingly lack the ability to enforce discipline.
It's....not good.
I'd raise the estimates of the following:
De Blasio (though, let's be honest, still low)
I'd basically say half of these candidates are done for. Gillibrand and Beto are toast, a bunch of people failed to take off. I expect Sanders to linger on for a while but slowly bleed votes and basically become a distant 4th by Super Tuesday, and I expect Booker to be stuck in 2nd gear.
Warren has done much better than what I expected based on her early roll-out, but I'd say Biden and Harris still have the better shot in the long-term. Also, I really do not like Warren. I dislike her almost as much as I dislike Gillibrand. Her entire recent spurt seems like a ridiculous pander campaign out of sheer desperation, which sadly worked.
"The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood"-Otto Von Bismarck
I'd say things have changed pretty dramatically. Practically everyone feels like they should be able to throw their hat into the ring for President. It's a clown car. There's a lot changes because social media has entirely changed the news cycle and the major parties increasingly lack the ability to enforce discipline.
It's....not good.
this was already clear since 2004; nothing new. legislative paralysis plays a role in this too-- disgust in the paralysis means a perpetual search for a new outsider who will "clean out Washington", and make grand promises. frankly the Dem primary candidates aren't that bad by comparison with, say, the 2012 GOP primary candidates. 9-9-9 Herman Cain, anyone? Balanced Budget Amendment?
Castro and de Blasio aren't gonna happen.
Warren's recent rise is pretty much a combination of wonky liberals and the centrists who can't stand Sanders.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."- Isaac Asimov
Okay, so that "Harris" call turned out to not be so good. I have no idea how this Steyer guy came out of nowhere, and I am absolutely flabber-gasted that YANG is still qualifying for damn debates.
I'd bet on Biden, but I wonder how much of his support is just "this guy is winning." Warren, Pete, and Sanders all have a shot at taking Iowa AND NH: if Biden finishes 3rd or 4th in both, will he end losing in Nevada, softening in SC, and getting smoked on Super Tuesday?
Also, Bloomberg ad-buys are definitely present here in IL: I wonder if he's actually got a shot, given the knife-fight going on right now.
"The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood"-Otto Von Bismarck
It is not a matter of "banishing Huawei" so much as excluding it from the role out of 5G in national networks. That to my mind seems eminently sensible without being asked to do it anyway as Chinese law requires Huawei to provide them with any data it's has collected if asked. Poland has ruled out Huawei involvement in 5G already on those grounds. It does not mean they cannot sell phones or whatnot - it's just saying they cannot have involvement in 5G development and roll out.
Interesting. Along with Australia.
This means who does your 5G rollout, Ericsson, Samsung or Nokia ?
One could say we now have the biggest internet Troll actually living in the White House and who has absolutely no qualms, whatsoever, in tearing down any American institution. The only thing sacred, is him.
Which institution(s) has he succeeded in tearing down to date ?
This nation must never forget that humiliating public moment in Helsinki in 2018 when the president of the United States chose to accept Vladimir Putin’s denials of Russian interference in the 2016 election over the unanimous assessment of the American intelligence community.
Such a betrayal by a U.S. president would have been the unforgivable political sin in normal times.
As if that’s not enough, Trump declares his love for North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, a genuine villain who starves and enslaves his people and executes his enemies with antiaircraft guns and flamethrowers.
But he wrote the president a “beautiful letter.” Flattery will get you everywhere with this president, and that’s dangerous.
When has the American intel community's assessment ever not been unanimous : )
But Trump isn't the first one to forego what they said. Cheney had his outfit giving him intel on Iraq because he did not go along with the official one.
Therefore I do not consider Trump's behaviour a betrayal but rather lack of respect for the intel community as it is.
Will affect morale but they'll get over it. Not the first time its happened. Americans i find don't have a lot of respect for this community to start with. Foreigners have more respect. Because of hollywood and James Bond who i suspect was created to clean up the commnunity's image.
Intel community's job is a thankless task, everybody gets to hear about the failures but the successes are only revealed decades later if at all.
How did a young Kennedy fare when the intel community failed to adequately warn him about the Bay of Pigs invasion ?
Failed to identify signs of the impending collapse of the SU
Didn't connect the dots in time to prevent 9/11 etc, etc... funny how many people had trouble believing this. Remember how foreigners think. CIA is all seeing and all knowing for them.
I remember the talk about this intel community being partisan and that Trump would stem the rot & drain the swamp. Not followed this bit too close so don't know how far he has got with this project. But if this is his position then he thinks they're crap.
You can look at this in two ways, it shows the civvies are in charge and not the military. Given how he picked a few generals to advise him at the start of his term and proceeded to jettison them as time went along. Clearly, what they say isn't considered some immutable truth.
Or you can be cynical and think Presidents want intel that suits their agenda and anything less is unsatisfactory regardless of professionalism. NIE's posted on this board in the past about Iran greeted with disdain fits that view.
Which institution(s) has he succeeded in tearing down to date ?
Trump's eroding a lot of norms. It's not super dangerous when he does it, because he's not politically competent, but he's weakening the dam for a politically savvy populist to come along and really screw things up.
This is in part the fault of these institutions themselves though.
"The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood"-Otto Von Bismarck
Trump's eroding a lot of norms. It's not super dangerous when he does it, because he's not politically competent, but he's weakening the dam for a politically savvy populist to come along and really screw things up.
I see what you mean but imagining some one more dangerous at this point in time is hard to do.
I'm told Trump is a transitionary president and that ones to follow will be similar.
Because America has changed.
Don't get that impression from this board unless you lot are a bunch of out of touch dinosaurs
Old habits die hard, true.
This is in part the fault of these institutions themselves though.
Applies to your media most definitely
It's funny i've seen people call this at least twenty years back but it made no sense whatsoever.
Why were these people bashing veritable institutions, how could they be as bad.
All started to make sense when Trump became president
Now if this is the case with other institutions then the advent of Trump is a good thing
I've already said he's strengthened American democracy because if people were apathetic before they know better now.