Originally posted by GVChamp
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The US 2020 Presidential Election & Attempts To Overturn It
Originally posted by GVChamp View PostMSM isn't ever going to shut up, they need to sell division and identity politics in order to sell subscriptions. Also their staff and a good chunk of their editors have gone nuts and are about a step away from "And now let's play the ethnic retribution game!" They also have a disturbingly increasing tendency to try to investigate/tar private citizens for no damn reason other than hate-clicks. Or in the case of HanAssholeSolo, because CNN doesn't like being criticized.
That's leaving aside entirely that if you have the worst coronavirus epidemic outside Iran, CNN will let your brother interview you instead of actually holding you accountable for anything.
I do hope you realize that the lead of MSN is interchangeable with another three letter word that rhymes with BOX.
Originally posted by TopHatter View Post[B][SIZE=3]
I blame Hannity too...for asking Donald Trump a question like "What's at stake in this election as you compare and contrast, and what are your top priority items for a second term?"
I mean, look at all those multisyllabic words! Trump probably got lost after "What's at..."
WTF was Sean thinking??sigpic
Win nervously lose tragically - Reds C C
Originally posted by TopHatter View PostSen. Grassley said Fox News failed Trump with second-term agenda question, isn't working to get him re-elected
WASHINGTON – Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, expressed frustration with last week's Fox News' town hall with President Donald Trump, saying the network wasn't working hard enough to get him reelected.
Grassley told Capitol Hill reporters on Monday that all he wants is for Trump to be reelected.
"I would blame Fox more than I blame the president, because the president, it's easy for him to digress here and there, but Hannity -- you assume Fox wants him to get reelected."
I blame Hannity too...for asking Donald Trump a question like "What's at stake in this election as you compare and contrast, and what are your top priority items for a second term?"
I mean, look at all those multisyllabic words! Trump probably got lost after "What's at..."
WTF was Sean thinking??
Wait, does anyone else see an issue with this statement?
A media network has ZERO responsibility on getting any politician elected.
A media network is supposed to report, not advocate.
That is exactly the problem with the broadcast media today.
I understand they are businesses but they have a responsibility to report....and if they advocate they need to make sure it's an editorial.
But then a again, Fox News is not registered with the FCC as a news network but as an entertainment network....“Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
Mark Twain
Originally posted by Albany Rifles View PostWait, does anyone else see an issue with this statement?
A media network has ZERO responsibility on getting any politician elected.
A media network is supposed to report, not advocate.
That is exactly the problem with the broadcast media today.
I understand they are businesses but they have a responsibility to report....and if they advocate they need to make sure it's an editorial.
But then a again, Fox News is not registered with the FCC as a news network but as an entertainment network....“He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him.”
Originally posted by WABs_OOE View Post30 years? Try going all the way back to the 1930s when there was a Nazi movement in the US.
More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think. Here's Why One Expert Thinks That History Isn't Better Known
That is not the freaking point. You are blaming the voters for a Candidate's failure to inspire the voters with her ideas. It's the mark of POOR leadership to blame everyone but herself. On that, both Clinton and Trump share in spades. Yeah, blame Moscow for her failure.
I remind you that she was supposed to win and win big! Moscow expected her to win. Trump expected her to win. She lost it.
Stop blaming the voters for her stupid mistakes!
Step 1: subject identification. HR Clinton's 2016 campaign. Not Henry Ford, Ezra Pound, Joe Kennedy, or the Nazis.
Step 1a: read what's written. “Vladimir Putin must be so proud of the guys and gals he assigned to convince Americans that the mainstream media isn't to be trusted. From Pizzagate to the Trumpet they exceeded all expectations.
Total victory is achieved when it is easier, more comfortable, to believe the bucket-load of lies being fed to us by the Putinites than to actually think for ourselves.”
Step 2: Respond without any mention of what was written: “Originally Posted by WABs_OOE: Oh get off it. The fault lies with Clinton. Not Putin. Yeah, Putin did a great job at misinformation but guess what, we are democracies. It is the leader's job to convince us that he/she is right for the job - NOT OUR JOB TO BLINDLY TRUST CLINTON! SHE FAILED AND FAILED BAD! PERIOD!
You want to think for yourself? Tell me. You said it was easy and more comfortable to be believe a bucket load of lies. Fine. Let me rephrase the question. WHY IS IT SO DAMNED HARD FOR AMERICANS TO BELIEVE CLINTON TO BE A GOOD LEADER?
Step 2a:
30 years of lies?
Sir, why is it so hard to admit the American right was played like a drum by foreign interference solicited from inside our own political system?”
Step 3: Distract with a change of subject totally unrelated to either the subject at hand (HRC's 2016 campaign, remember?), or the response to it (Arkansas Project, which began immediately after WJ Clinton was elected – before he even took office – in 1992):
“30 years? Try going all the way back to the 1930s when there was a Nazi movement in the US.”
More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think. Here's Why One Expert Thinks That History Isn't Better Known
That is not the freaking point. You are blaming the voters for a Candidate's failure to inspire the voters with her ideas. It's the mark of POOR leadership to blame everyone but herself. On that, both Clinton and Trump share in spades. Yeah, blame Moscow for her failure.
I remind you that she was supposed to win and win big! Moscow expected her to win. Trump expected her to win. She lost it.
Stop blaming the voters for her stupid mistakes!
Recognition: There is no sense in arguing with those who will not stay on subject.Trust me?
I'm an economist!
Originally posted by DOR View PostRecognition: There is no sense in arguing with those who will not stay on subject.
Christ! You sound like the Thought Police. You don't think the way I want you to think. Do you even realize how that dangerous that sounds?
God Almighty, when will you get it through your head that it is NOT the voter's fault when they don't vote the way you wanted them to vote. Could it be, oh I don't know ... that you don't know how to get your freaking message across?????
Could it be that Putin puts his message across better than Clinton? So, you're blaming Americans for Clinton's failure!
Take a course in leadership! You don't EVER blame your followers! Those who don't follow you is BECAUSE OF YOUR FAILURE TO LEAD, not THEIR failure to follow!Last edited by Officer of Engineers; 30 Jun 20,, 15:58.Chimo
Trump Shares Video of Armed White Couple Confronting Protesters
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump retweeted a video Monday morning of a white man and woman brandishing a semi-automatic rifle and a handgun at peaceful Black protesters in St. Louis over the weekend, amplifying a surreal scene that embodied the racial divisions roiling the country.
Trump’s promotion of the St. Louis confrontation was the second time in two days that the president used his social media platforms — which he often credits with allowing him to circumvent mainstream news outlets — to exacerbate racial divisions as Americans have been protesting police brutality and demanding social justice reforms after the killing of George Floyd.
On Sunday, Trump retweeted a video of one of his supporters at a retirement community in Florida yelling “White power!” during what appeared to be an angry clash over the president and race among white residents in the community. He deleted the tweet about three hours after posting it, and a White House spokesman said Trump had not heard the man make the “white power” statement. Still, no one in the White House, including the president himself, condemned the sentiment.
In the video from the protest on Sunday in St. Louis, a barefoot white man dressed in a pastel pink polo shirt and khakis emerges from his marble mansion and appears to threaten protesters who are marching down a private residential street. A woman, also barefoot, stands next to him in a pair of black capri pants, with her finger on the trigger of a silver handgun she points at the protesters.
The protesters were participating in a peaceful march to the home of Lyda Krewson, the Democratic mayor of St. Louis, in order to demand her resignation after she released the names and identifying details of individuals who supported defunding the police.
The group can be heard banging on drums and yelling to one another, “Keep moving!” as they walk past the couple threatening them with firearms. According to The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the white couple in the video were identified as Mark T. McCloskey and Patricia N. McCloskey, both personal injury lawyers.
When reached at her home Monday night, Patricia McCloskey declined to address the episode.
“I’m in something right now,” she said. “Thank you though.”
The confrontation, which looked like something out of a Quentin Tarantino film, was captured on video and quickly drew more than 10 million views online.
Trump retweeted an ABC news link to a video and article about the scene. The White House did not respond to requests for comment about the president’s decision to promote the clip. But in the past, Trump has positioned himself as a strong defender of Second Amendment rights. He has also failed to distinguish between peaceful protesters, whose right to assemble is protected by the Constitution, and violent looters, some of whom were responsible for vandalism and fires that broke out during largely peaceful demonstrations across the country expressing outrage over the killing of Floyd in police custody.
On Monday, Trump wrote on Twitter: “Seattle Looters, Agitators, Anarchists and ‘Protestors', are now refusing to leave the ‘CHOP’ Zone. They have ZERO respect for Government, or the Mayor of Seattle or Governor of Washington State! Not good!”
In an interview on “Fox & Friends” on Monday morning, the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, defended Trump’s decision to retweet the video of his supporters in Florida, even though it was pulled down after criticism from Republican lawmakers of the racist phrase “white power.”
“His point in tweeting out that video was to stand with his supporters, who are oftentimes demonized,” McEnany said. “So he didn’t hear that portion. He took it down. But he does stand with the men and women of The Villages,” the Florida retirement community where the clash apparently took place.
Originally posted by TopHatter View PostHere’s Trump’s re-election playbook, in 25 simple steps:
2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.
17) Encourage armed supporters to “liberate” states from elected officials who disagree with you.“He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him.”
Originally posted by TopHatter View PostHere’s Trump’s re-election playbook, in 25 simple steps:
2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.
17) Encourage armed supporters to “liberate” states from elected officials who disagree with you.
Joe Biden's Lead Over Trump Falls By Four Points Over Two Weeks: Poll
Joe Biden's national lead over President Donald Trump has dropped by four percentage points among likely voters over the last two weeks, new polling data shows.
The latest survey from Optimus pollsters, published Monday, found Biden was backed by 44 percent of likely voters, while 40 percent said they would vote for Trump if an election were held the same day. Biden's 4-point lead over the president puts him within the margin of error.
When the same poll was conducted between June 6 and June 13, the former vice president's lead over Trump was double the size.
Biden was backed by 51.6 percent of likely voters at the time, while Trump was found to have the support of 42.9 percent—giving the former vice president a lead of more than 8 percentage points.
Originally posted by WABs_OOE View PostRhetoric. Zero facts.
The first dump of hacked emails came the same day as the vulgar Trumpkin tape; fact.
In Moscow - even on their TV shows - they call his "our Trump"; fact.
They launched a disinformation designed to help Trump; fact.
Originally posted by WABs_OOE View PostPutin's aim was to cause discord, not to elect Trump.
Originally posted by Firestorm View PostAlready started paying dividends?
Not a doubt in my mind that Trump can overcome his poor numbers. That's what he's done consistently since before the election.
And his current numbers, bad as they are, are not the lowest of his presidency.
His treasured Rasmussen Approval Index is hovering around -15 or so.
If it dips into the negative mid-20's and stays there, he's probably in trouble. (His absolute worst was a -26, for a single day in August 2017)
One big test will be a few weeks from now, when the consequences of Tulsa and Tucson are known.
Trump vs Biden
Trump approval rating
“He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him.”
Originally posted by GVChamp View PostYou're conflating a middle-aged suburban couple that doesn't even have shoes with Brownshirts.
And I'm pretty sure a gun doesn't give a damn if the wielder is wearing shoes or not.“He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him.”
Originally posted by GVChamp View PostYou're conflating a middle-aged suburban couple that doesn't even have shoes with Brownshirts.
The Brownshirts were an organized paramilitary arm designed to achieve political change through street violence. These people don't have shoes and never even left their property. They seek change by making political donations.
The villains you are looking for are the Proud Boys and other alt-right militias, not rich people wearing ironed khakis."The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood"-Otto Von Bismarck