that is emblematic of any extremist group.
BTW, the most visible and by far the most broad expression of this is on the right. it started with talk radio, then Fox News, now the even more stupid OANN. this is how you get Comet Ping Pong, Q, 3%, not wearing a goddamn mask because it's a symbol of being a sheep.
the reason why the extremists have taken over the right while it's significantly harder to do so on the left is the differing political coalitions. IE, Nancy Pelosi is the representative for San Francisco, but she holds relatively -moderate- views and can actually lead the House of Representatives because even in San Francisco, she crushes her lefty challenger by enormous margins.
The larger issue is that the Millennial/Zoomer consensus is fundamentally anti-liberal because it emphasizes emotional security and well-being while being stuck entirely inside of an echo chamber that constantly feeds itself more and more rage. This is not a good place to be in.
BTW, the most visible and by far the most broad expression of this is on the right. it started with talk radio, then Fox News, now the even more stupid OANN. this is how you get Comet Ping Pong, Q, 3%, not wearing a goddamn mask because it's a symbol of being a sheep.
the reason why the extremists have taken over the right while it's significantly harder to do so on the left is the differing political coalitions. IE, Nancy Pelosi is the representative for San Francisco, but she holds relatively -moderate- views and can actually lead the House of Representatives because even in San Francisco, she crushes her lefty challenger by enormous margins.