Originally posted by DOR
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Personally I think that if Hunter Biden did something illegal, he should investigated thoroughly and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, with no protection based on who his father is. Funny enough, that's exactly what's happened and Joe Biden even made it a point to retain the Trump-era investigator, keeping him on the job investigating his son.
Everything about the above sentence^^ is the exact opposite of what occured during Trump's presidency and continues to occur to this day: Massive obstruction of justice, stonewalling and pleading the Fifth (which is something "only the Mob does", according to Donald Trump
I'm still waiting for Trump's apologists to show me where Biden or anyone in his family argued all the up to the Supreme Court that that they're above the law, like Trump has done.
That's the giant steaming pile of shit in the room: Trump has repeatedly claimed and argued all the way to the highest court of the land that he's immune from any investigation, above the law, and his cult, "the party of law and order", wants to pretend that never happened. Surfgun liked to call it "Democrat talking points", as I recall.