Originally posted by Triple C
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Half of all Asians are bad people. Half of all Muslims are Bad people, 51% of whites have bad attitudes to black people.
pot, meet kettle.
Plenty of videos of Trump supporters being beat up - or did you miss that, or does that just matter less, because they are Trump supporters?
People vote the way they vote, because, for instance a mother has to weigh up what really matters - "Grab her by the pussy" or insuring her child, and does her op matter less because she's white and a trump supporter? Intersectional feminism declares yes. There isn't any racial identity in being unemployed. As is always - it's moderates in the middle that repudiate policies - the swing voter. Trust me, radicals both existent on the left and right are equally obnoxious. Plenty of College sanctioned media airtime for rants About CIS gendered straight White males needing to be exterminated out there.