Originally posted by bfng3569
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Race and 2016
Originally posted by InExile View PostWill you stand up again 'real' racism, I mean the David Duke variety?
I am disappointed that so many thoughtful, decent people supported Trump inspite of all the things that he said and did. But, ofcourse its stupid to write off half the US as 'deplorable' as many on the left have been doing the past week.
I accept it as the new normal now, maybe its an over correction but I think it is somewhat fair to say that the left went too far in regulating political correctness
Originally posted by Triple C View PostIf it was that simple. The president-elect and his proxies had directed hateful rhetoric of every description at groups that are not white, and perpetuated complete falsehood about ethnic minorities. As of now, the Asian American community is wondering if they are next. With Bannon's comments that there are too many Asian CEOs in Tech Industry? the answer seems to be a resounding yes. The polarization and social conflict in the next 4-8 years would be very interesting from a safe distance.
Re: Bannon. If I say Silicon Valley does not reflect America's population, am I Bannon, or 99.9% of Democrats?"The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood"-Otto Von Bismarck
Originally posted by Triple C View PostI am never going to be able to convince you that perhaps some of those hated ethnic minority figures may have point, but which of them had ever been offered a position in the Cabinet? Is spite for minority activists your defense for electing Trump?
Spite has nothing to do with it for me, nor am I defending some of these appointments by Trump. (Bannon has me questioning quite a bit)
Did Spite for the majority allow you to look a blind eye in regards to racists activists for the minority?
do you disagree that Obama has been very racially divisive in his tenure?
that the Dem's as a party didn't run on that the platform that Trump is a racist and therefore anyone who supports him is a racist?
Is Bill Aires an ethnic minority figure?Last edited by bfng3569; 18 Nov 16,, 19:13.
Obama had --not-- appointed any of those people in his Cabinet. None got onboard with the HRC train, except Sharpton, but who cares about him?
With regard to the "racist" activists, I was undecided on their merit of their arguments about white racism until the Trump election. The vocal minority's response to Obama and the activist is cast votes that put Bannon and Session in the Cabinet. Now I know that a large segment of the population considers protesting racism as racism against white people, and that it somehow justifies electing a despicable man into high office. I now fear for my personal friends' life and property doing their jobs, living their lives in the US.
In light of those clarifications, I have reached my decision. Does that answer your question?Last edited by Triple C; 18 Nov 16,, 19:40.All those who are merciful with the cruel will come to be cruel to the merciful.
-Talmud Kohelet Rabbah, 7:16.
Originally posted by Triple C View PostObama had --not-- appointed any of those people in his Cabinet. None got onboard with the HRC train, except Sharpton, but who cares about him?
With regard to the "racist" activists, I was undecided on their merit of their arguments about white racism until the Trump election. The vocal minority's response to Obama and the activist is cast votes that put Bannon and Session in the Cabinet. Now I know that a large segment of the population considers protesting racism as racism against white people, and that it somehow justifies electing a despicable man into high office. I now fear for my personal friends' life and property doing their jobs, living their lives in the US.
In light of those clarifications, I have reached my decision. Does that answer your question?
and no, that does not answer the question at all.
'Now I know that a large segment of the population considers protesting racism as racism against white people' and this statement makes no sense to me? I have no idea what you are trying to say here?
Originally posted by GVChamp View PostI don't think Donald Trump is a 1960s style segregationist. Donald Trump got a lot of votes in Louisiana, those people had the ability to vote for David Duke and didn't.
Anyhow, I may not have been clear enough in my previous post. I dont think that Donald Trump crossed the line into outright racism although he skirted it a few times. The episode that came closest in my opinion was that retweet from a WN account about blacks being responsible for about 80% of crimes against whites. He later backed off from it by playing dumb.
What bothered me most about Trump was not his offensive statements, though there were many of them, but rather his cynical and shameless pandering to the prejudices and fears of a segment of voters regarding illegals, muslims and even the Chinese (on trade). In my opinion that was far worse than anything said or done by Hillary, whom I don't like. Nevertheless, many Trump voters disagreed, and that's how it is.
That said, I dont think that the US is much different a country than the one that re-elected Obama in 2012. And probably atleast half of Trump's voter would have gladly voted for some other Republican if they had the chance.Last edited by InExile; 19 Nov 16,, 03:04.
Originally posted by Wooglin View PostWas there something in my post that suggested 'real' racism is ok? What is it exactly that one of us missed?
Originally posted by WooglinYou're right. They don't care. They're going to be called racists no matter what, so why give a shit? Maybe you're starting to catch on...
Originally posted by InExile View PostThis is what you said
Thank you for the clarification.
Is that better?
Originally posted by Wooglin View PostThat's right. As in people are sick of the PC, trigger warning, hypersensitive, race baiting, identity politics culture, exacerbated by the media, and where all whites are basically racist. The word is thrown around so much you become numb to it. So when Trump says something very un-PC not only are thoughtful, decent people not throwing fits about it, many are saying it's about time.
Is that better?
Ofcourse many, perhaps a majority of Trump voters picked him only as the lesser of the evils.
Originally posted by Wooglin View PostThat's right. As in people are sick of the PC, trigger warning, hypersensitive, race baiting, identity politics culture, exacerbated by the media, and where all whites are basically racist. The word is thrown around so much you become numb to it. So when Trump says something very un-PC not only are thoughtful, decent people not throwing fits about it, many are saying it's about time.
Is that better?
I recall an AP poll back in 2012 that found 51% of white Americans had explicit anti-black attitudes. I suspect the percentage is higher today. My guess is that you and many others will see no problem with racial attitudes being dragged back to the 1950s where blacks knew their place especially in the South. However, I'll be content to wait out the next four years to see if I am proven wrong.
Originally posted by tbm3fan View PostAre you describing yourself? The poster doth protest too much, me thinks. My barometer for whether a person is hiding something is by seeing how long, wordy and virulent their denial is. Almost never fails. Brings to mind Nixon and Clinton. That was a long, wordy, and angry denial up there.
I recall an AP poll back in 2012 that found 51% of white Americans had explicit anti-black attitudes. I suspect the percentage is higher today. My guess is that you and many others will see no problem with racial attitudes being dragged back to the 1950s where blacks knew their place especially in the South. However, I'll be content to wait out the next four years to see if I am proven wrong.
Man,if this isn't race baiting and a bit of ad hominem...Those who know don't speak
He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. Luke 22:36
Originally posted by tbm3fan View PostAre you describing yourself? The poster doth protest too much, me thinks. My barometer for whether a person is hiding something is by seeing how long, wordy and virulent their denial is. Almost never fails. Brings to mind Nixon and Clinton. That was a long, wordy, and angry denial up there.
I recall an AP poll back in 2012 that found 51% of white Americans had explicit anti-black attitudes. I suspect the percentage is higher today. My guess is that you and many others will see no problem with racial attitudes being dragged back to the 1950s where blacks knew their place especially in the South. However, I'll be content to wait out the next four years to see if I am proven wrong.
Identity politics in America didn't being with 2008, mate. What a lot of people are enraged by isn't identity politics--it's minorities and women stopped playing nice with white male identity politics. So, Trump's election is received by the same quarter as comeuppance to the Democratic Party, to BLM and the rest of the foot long list of people they dislike.Last edited by Triple C; 19 Nov 16,, 09:33.All those who are merciful with the cruel will come to be cruel to the merciful.
-Talmud Kohelet Rabbah, 7:16.
Originally posted by GVChamp View PostI don't buy this. Trump primarily attacked white people, particularly Hillary Clinton. I suppose you can say he attacked Obama a lot, but he's half-white.
Re: Bannon. If I say Silicon Valley does not reflect America's population, am I Bannon, or 99.9% of Democrats?
One expect barbs at one's political opponent, low blows including. Trump and his supporters' well-documented verbal and physical assaults on racial minorities as a class is of an entirely different tenor; I still recall the GOP electorate freaked out with HRC's "basket of deplorables" comment aimed at a X% of Trump voters.
Compare what you "buy" and do not buy as a voter, with what my legal immigrant friends believe are the important issues of this election, is a pretty good illustration of my previous post. The backlash, euphemized as hostility against "identity politics" from the left, is an re-assertion of white identity politics under demographical stress.Last edited by Triple C; 19 Nov 16,, 10:09.All those who are merciful with the cruel will come to be cruel to the merciful.
-Talmud Kohelet Rabbah, 7:16.