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The 2016 US General Election

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  • TopHatter
    Originally posted by JAD_333 View Post
    That'll work, Joe. Do you suppose we ought to transfer, say the last 3-4 pages of posts in the other thread for continuity sake, and then closing it?
    Not a bad idea, feel free :-)


    Transferred latest...

    Reminder to everybody...this thread continues at the new thread ....
    Last edited by JAD_333; 04 Jan 17,, 18:54. Reason: add note

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  • JAD_333
    Originally posted by TopHatter View Post

    That'll work, Joe. Do you suppose we ought to transfer, say the last 3-4 pages of posts in the other thread for continuity sake, and then closing it?

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  • TopHatter
    Originally posted by JAD_333 View Post
    Although it's been reversed, looks bad for the GOP. Agree with Trump; poor beginning for the new Congress.

    Start that new thread... ;-)
    As you wish :-)

    2017 American Political Scene

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  • snapper
    They did use Day Zeros.

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  • YellowFever
    Originally posted by JAD_333 View Post
    That rascal, Snowden, makes the point here that seems to be lost on the media and a heck of a lot of other doubting Thomas's. NSA knows exactly what Russia did and has no intention of letting the world how. No doubt the Russians would dearly love to know our methods, and I see no reason why NSA or any US intel agency would reveal them just to placate the media and curiosity seekers. I go along with most of the guys on the Hill that say Russia did it and Obama was right, if late, in taking retaliatory action. And BTW, I was right a couple of weeks ago when I predicted Trump would ask for an intel briefing on Russia's complicity in the hacks. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it has changed his sugary attitude toward Putin. I suspect he's convinced, but will stick to his guns. The whole affair has thrown a monkey wrench into his plans on how to deal with Russia. Maybe there's some method to his madness. We'll see.

    When N. Korea hacked Sony, our intel agencies were less reticent about revealing how they fingered N.Korea. Still, they didn't get technical, but rather focused on language usage and careless mistakes the N.Koreans made.
    Read about it here:
    And this is why I said Barry played this rather disasterously.

    I have no doubt the NSA has the capability to nail down exactly who hacked us. And maybe even some humint or intercepts reveal the intents. But now we are at a point where he started something stupidly and the only way to prove what he says 100% is to reveal some of our capabilities.

    JAD, did you not see this coming when Obama started this whole "review" bullshit?

    Yes, those who were briefed probably knows the hackers and methods but the problem is we do not and half the population think it's total bullshit while over 50% of Democrats think the voting machines were being hacked.

    There were many other ways he could have handled this and Obama being Obama, chose the most unproductive and stupid way to handle it.

    Also, he didn't take any actions when the Russians and the Chinese were snooping around something imporant, like the Pentagon servers or other national security servers.

    But now?

    Now when a friggin gmail account got hacked and released the Democrats dirty laundry? Now it's a matter of national security????

    Oh he also included some sob story of how a diplomat got harrassed at Moscow way back if to try desperately to convince us he was righteous on this.

    Secondly, and I am also replying to snapper' question earlier on here:

    No, I am not one damn bit concerned about what the Russians did to us.

    I was a bit concerned earlier when I thought they used malwares or zero days to hack into the DNC or other institutions but they used FRIGGIN SPEAR-PHISHING.

    Sure, the FBI report made it out to be some exotic method that the Russians developed but as I stated before, it's the same amateurish method used by thousands of kids 20 years ago.

    Some common sense would've prevented this whole fiasco.

    I bet our American tech geeks probe all over the world too and just because some of theirs managed to trick some of our dumb people into giving them their passwords is no reason to get concenred about.

    It's cyber warfare and they managed to win a tiny battle on this one that the Democrats and The Media somehow turned into a huge disaster.

    In fact, I would even call it a blessing in disguise as it taught us an imporrant lesson before something really important did leak this same way.

    Also let's strip this down to the bone. They did not release some national secret, they released some emails from Podesta. The contents were embarrassing but there was nothing there that we didn't already know. Did the Dem party prefers Hillary over Bernie? Yes, and anybody that spends even a minute reading a newspaper knew this. Were the "mainstream" media cozy with Hillary? Yes we knew this. Hell, I bet the whole world knows this.

    So what new revelations did we find out because of the leaks?

    Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.

    Ooops....gotta cut this short. I need to get drunk in the next hour to celebrate the New Year.

    But your post about 2-3 weeks ago about how Putin is probably laughing his ass off at how we got our tits in a twist (or words to that effect :P) seems to ring so true right about now....

    Happy New Year everybody.
    Last edited by YellowFever; 01 Jan 17,, 07:48.

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  • Doktor
    Originally posted by JAD_333 View Post
    That rascal, Snowden, makes the point here that seems to be lost on the media and a heck of a lot of other doubting Thomas's. NSA knows exactly what Russia did and has no intention of letting the world how. No doubt the Russians would dearly love to know our methods, and I see no reason why NSA or any US intel agency would reveal them just to placate the media and curiosity seekers. I go along with most of the guys on the Hill that say Russia did it and Obama was right, if late, in taking retaliatory action. And BTW, I was right a couple of weeks ago when I predicted Trump would ask for an intel briefing on Russia's complicity in the hacks. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it has changed his sugary attitude toward Putin. I suspect he's convinced, but will stick to his guns. The whole affair has thrown a monkey wrench into his plans on how to deal with Russia. Maybe there's some method to his madness. We'll see.

    When N. Korea hacked Sony, our intel agencies were less reticent about revealing how they fingered N.Korea. Still, they didn't get technical, but rather focused on language usage and careless mistakes the N.Koreans made.
    Read about it here:
    I dont follow the drama about who did what. News outlets say Obama expelled 35 Ruskies. Putin stops the puck. Ruskies pack and go home. No doubt there are spies and no doubt Russia did spy on US (same as US does elsewehere). The thing that I missed is how Russia interfered your elections and to what extent. Also, I missed the part about deporting the Chinese for stealing military equipment blueprints, federal employees data and what not. So Russians did something worse, yet we dont/cant know what, all the while pointing fingers at them showing two attacks originated from there and 139 (IIRC) from China.

    I also missed the part where heads roll over breach of security and incompetence.

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  • JAD_333
    That rascal, Snowden, makes the point here that seems to be lost on the media and a heck of a lot of other doubting Thomas's. NSA knows exactly what Russia did and has no intention of letting the world how. No doubt the Russians would dearly love to know our methods, and I see no reason why NSA or any US intel agency would reveal them just to placate the media and curiosity seekers. I go along with most of the guys on the Hill that say Russia did it and Obama was right, if late, in taking retaliatory action. And BTW, I was right a couple of weeks ago when I predicted Trump would ask for an intel briefing on Russia's complicity in the hacks. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it has changed his sugary attitude toward Putin. I suspect he's convinced, but will stick to his guns. The whole affair has thrown a monkey wrench into his plans on how to deal with Russia. Maybe there's some method to his madness. We'll see.

    When N. Korea hacked Sony, our intel agencies were less reticent about revealing how they fingered N.Korea. Still, they didn't get technical, but rather focused on language usage and careless mistakes the N.Koreans made.
    Read about it here:

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  • Chunder
    According to the MSNBC video, 52 percent of Democrats believe Russians actually got into the voting machines and hacked it.

    Wonder where they got that idea.....
    I would pay money for that like button. Bottom of the line is someone hacked the DNC filth files and they need a ready and credible witch hunt, turn reporting into propoganda for the party faithful, and expect the general public to believe it. Lol. Fake news.

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  • Parihaka
    Originally posted by snapper View Post
    What? He is defending the crooks who attacked the system that elected him?
    Because what we actually need is more ratcheting up of hostilities between two nuclear powers just to allay Obama's rage that he has to leave power. Yup.

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  • Doktor
    Let's rinse and repeat.

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  • snapper
    My rationality (or lack of) is not the issue. We know who these people are. Look at the hacks done by 'Fancy Bear'; . This is not about me - or yellow or any other one person but about a deliberate attempt to interfere with the democratic process in the US. Whether it materially effected the outcome of the election is not the point; it was an attack to which Obama was justified (and in my book late) in replying. What did Trump have to say about it?

    Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 18h18 hours ago

    Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!
    What? He is defending the crooks who attacked the system that elected him? Seriously if I had a colleague behaving like this I would start to wonder if he/she had been turned. I understand that the Yanks are not used to this and that it's an unwelcome wake up call which they wish they could ignore or chose not to believe but to do nothing or to answer with further appeasement - which has been Obama's option of choice most of the time - won't make the problem go away but will rather encourage this gang of criminals who are already responsible for so many crimes. It may not be nice doing it but only when you face facts can you start to get ahead.

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  • Doktor
    Originally posted by snapper View Post
    Did they attempt to interfere with your election? That is the basis of the new sanctions and expulsions. I tend to think they did and therefore believe the latest measures justified. I do not 'hate Putin' and am not scared of his mob but I do understand them perhaps.
    Even lefty media is not as certain as you are. Yes, you wear everything from Moscow is bad glasses, because otherwise you tend to be very rational person.

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  • snapper
    Originally posted by YellowFever View Post
    Did the Russians hack the Democrats? Yeah, probably.

    Did they try to hack anything else? Yeah, a shitload of places. If you read the report, you'd know that.

    So don't make it sound like they got all these boatloads of information from everywhere and only released certain things to help Trump and hurt Clinton.
    Did they attempt to interfere with your election? That is the basis of the new sanctions and expulsions. I tend to think they did and therefore believe the latest measures justified. I do not 'hate Putin' and am not scared of his mob but I do understand them perhaps.

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  • YellowFever
    Originally posted by Parihaka View Post
    As the interwebs are now saying, the Russians have hacked Rolling Stone. How else to explain this column?
    It's typical lefty "journalism".

    You bash one side over and over and over and put out 1 or 2 of these articles a year to cover their asses in case someone accuses them of partiality.

    They have something to point to as their evidence that proves they are impartial.

    ....but you know that already. :P

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  • YellowFever
    Originally posted by snapper View Post
    I refer you to Crowdstrike's findings. The FBI/DHS report is about modus operandi more than anything else which fits other hacks elsewhere we know were Moscow based. The whole thing stinks; seriously I am no Obama fan in any way but when Trump calls on Moscow to hack to the Clinton campaign... and it seems highly likely at least that they did, you would dismiss it and "move on"? Do you have some reason to distrust ALL your intelligence agencies? This isn't about Party politics; it's about having a criminal organisation posing as a Government interfere in your election. I understand that such things may be somewhat novel to you Yanks and nobody woke you up but this war has been going on at least - or rather never stopped after the USSR fell apart and you got attacked. My involvement is relatively recent obviously but I know enough of the signs and when it looks like a pig, snorts like a pig and smells like a pig my working hypothesis must be that it is a pig. Where Moscow is concerned 'coincidences' are all too frequent.
    Wikileaks revealed the hacked email before Trump "called" for a hack.
    ( he didn't really. More Democrat *ahem* hack bullshit)

    Seriously, your posts throughout the last few years indicate a deep hatred of Putin and I understand that with what he put your country through.

    But I am more interested in facts than anything else.

    Did the Russians hack the Democrats? Yeah, probably.

    Did they try to hack anything else? Yeah, a shitload of places. If you read the report, you'd know that.

    So don't make it sound like they got all these boatloads of information from everywhere and only released certain things to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

    I'm seriously wondering if you would be this passionate about this issue if if were the Chinese rather than the Russians that did the hacking.
    Last edited by YellowFever; 31 Dec 16,, 03:27.

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