Originally posted by astralis
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The 2016 US General Election
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How about "The last 30 days, The temper tantrums of Obama, who just doesn't give a shit anymore" as the thread title?
Obama Appoints Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Attorney To Civil Rights Commission
Dershowitz: 'Appalling' Obama 'Stabbed Israel in Back' With UN Abstention
Or it could be titled "Oabma shows true colors"Last edited by YellowFever; 28 Dec 16,, 06:10.
Originally posted by JAD_333 View PostHas this thread come to the end of the line?
Is it time to open a new thread covering, say, "Trump: The first 100 days"?
Suggestions, anyone?
Originally posted by tbm3fan View PostWell there was Merrill's Marauders, The Dirty Dozen and Hogan's Heros so why not Trump's Tweets since that is the way he is going to conduct business.No such thing as a good tax - Churchill
To make mistakes is human. To blame someone else for your mistake, is strategic.
Originally posted by YellowFever View PostHow about "The last 30 days, The temper tantrums of Obama, who just doesn't give a shit anymore" as the thread title?
Obama Appoints Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Attorney To Civil Rights Commission
Dershowitz: 'Appalling' Obama 'Stabbed Israel in Back' With UN Abstention
Or it could be titled "Oabma shows true colors"
And, since when is a single court case more important than an entire career?Trust me?
I'm an economist!
Originally posted by DOR View PostSince when did an accused cop killer lose his right to be represented in court?
And, since when is a single court case more important than an entire career?
Originally posted by Doktor View PostOnly 12 days during 2016 he wasn't using exclamation mark. That's a lot of stress even without being POTUSDoing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks.Thought it was going to be a smooth transition - NOT!
Hey, look at that. These Trump impressions are easy!
Originally posted by JAD_333 View PostHas this thread come to the end of the line?
Is it time to open a new thread covering, say, "Trump: The first 100 days"?
Suggestions, anyone?
I suggest calling it
Episode II:
The Empire Doubles Down.Last edited by Parihaka; 28 Dec 16,, 21:28.In the realm of spirit, seek clarity; in the material world, seek utility.
Originally posted by Parihaka View PostYup, beyond all expectation the Demo(graphic)crat Death Star has been destroyed, but the rebels are still fractured and disorganised and Darth Clinton and Obama Sidious still have many tricks up their sleeves.
I suggest calling it
Episode II:
The Empire Doubles Down.To be Truly ignorant, Man requires an Education - Plato
Obammmmma is seriously accusing Putin of election hacking ,,,going out with a bang and leaving Trump a pile to clear up .
Whistle the good the bad n the yellafever when reading below , hohum .
OBAMA Prods the Russians again..
1, Piss of the Russians and hopefully spark a war situation
2, Obama can declare a state of Emergency, maybe DEFCON (Defence condition) 2 and he and his Liberal Democrat Establishment cockroaches can stay in the White house for the foreseeable ????
3, Scupper Trump and hail himself as a hero
Stupid f***ing Liberals may just inadvertently spark DEFCON 1. hopefully the Russians will keep their cool for 3 more weeks
Of course this is all supposition !!!Last edited by tankie; 29 Dec 16,, 23:51.
So, you think (a) the Russians are innocent, based on superior knowledge to that available to the POTUS; or (b) it's no big deal if the Russians hack a US election (pure speculation follows) provided that you personally like the outcome.
Care to enlighten us as to which it might be?Trust me?
I'm an economist!
How. Did. Russia. Hack. The. ELECTION??????
I keep asking this and I never got an answer.
Is this like the global warming debate?
Where you argue that it's man made and the other side argues that it's not man made and then all of a sudden you come back with a "Well now that the debate is settled, what we do about it?"
Once again:
How. Did. Russia. Hack. The. ELECTION??????