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The 2016 US General Election

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  • Originally posted by tankie View Post
    Election commission in Wisconsin has received a request from the green party pres candidate , Jill Stein for a recount and also for Michigan and Pennsylvania ??, if the results are overturned would this mean a clinton win , im not really up on the yank system or how it works but surely at this stage is it not a done deal and you have Trump as your next potus ?
    Hillary would beed more states than Wisconsin to turn before she could beat Trump. Right now the electorial college has trum at 290 and Hillary at 232. You need 270 to win. Wisconsin has 10 electorial votes so if Trump loses Wisconsin he still has 280 and is still the winner.
    Removing a single turd from the cesspool doesn't make any difference.


    • As fine a summation as I've yet seen of Democrat fortunes over the last 8 years and I doubt to see a better. Pity really.

      n 1723, Christopher Wren was buried in St. Paul’s, the magnificent cathedral he had rebuilt following a devastating fire in London. His epitaph concludes with the Latin phrase Si monumentum requiris, circumspice—“If his monument you seek, look around.” In 2017, Barack Obama will leave the White House after eight years during which he presided over the Democratic Party.
      If you wish to see his monument, look around.
      In the realm of spirit, seek clarity; in the material world, seek utility.



      • Originally posted by bonehead View Post
        Hillary would beed more states than Wisconsin to turn before she could beat Trump. Right now the electorial college has trum at 290 and Hillary at 232. You need 270 to win. Wisconsin has 10 electorial votes so if Trump loses Wisconsin he still has 280 and is still the winner.
        If. But the box is open and someone will fund-raise 5 states. What was boring till October, turns into a full blown reality show.
        No such thing as a good tax - Churchill

        To make mistakes is human. To blame someone else for your mistake, is strategic.


        • More Americans voted for Democratic Senate candidates than for Republican Senate candidates. In California the Republican Candidate on the ballot didn't get a single vote. Was it because
          Originally posted by DOR View Post
          Undemocratic and inAmerican is working, for years, to prevent legitimate voters from having their say.
          It wasn't voter intimidation or ID, nor gerrymandering. Just the legal way, a Democratic lawmaker pens a ballot proposition and it passes. So Republican could vote for a Republican US Senate candidate in the 2016 Republican Primary. In the 2016 November General election ballot for US Senate a die hard Republican could vote for a Democrat and another Democrat, but no Republican. The second largest US political party candidate denied from the ballot

          I know it should be the majority vote, In California that leads to denying free education non emergency medical care to undocumented aliens, Banning Gay Marriage Both overturned. Banning affirmative action still stands. The majority may not always be to everyone's interest.

          HRC and everybody else said Trump was crazy for saying the results were rigged during the campaign. That is until they lost than it's there for everyone to see. Well no visible proof other than they lost.

          Both parties are alike. They think their victory is a mandate not realizing more people didn't vote for them than did. Out of 318 million Americans 127 million bothered to cast a vote. The parties responds pander to their base and their donors not the vast majority of Americans after all they didn't give money or vote for them. When the Democratic Gov of California wants to build high speed rail he passes legislation to exempt it from environmental and legal regulation. Republican do the same. If either party wins do the industries , bank and financial houses get nationalized or does the US go to an unregulated Somalian regulated environment. No.

          I have voted for candidates of both parties. Possessing minimal literacy skills and a single digit IQ. My thinking you, vote for the candidate who will do the best job of leading not Democrat/Republicans of America rather all Americans. You know the vast majority who didn't vote.
          Last edited by Dazed; 27 Nov 16,, 03:10.


          • Originally posted by Doktor View Post
            If. But the box is open and someone will fund-raise 5 states. What was boring till October, turns into a full blown reality show.
            Good greif. We alrerady had over a year of this "reality show".
            Removing a single turd from the cesspool doesn't make any difference.


            • Originally posted by DOR View Post
              Undemocratic and inAmerican is working, for years, to prevent legitimate voters from having their say.
              Do me a favor and list off all the things in this country that you are required to show i.d. for.

              when voting isn't one of them, that's a problem.


              • ...
                NEWS ANALYSIS

                What Unions Got Wrong About Trump
                Donald J. Trump at a campaign event in Canton, Ohio, in September. He carried the state.
                By STEVEN GREENHOUSE
                NOVEMBER 26, 2016
                For the nation’s labor unions, the day after Election Day was going to be a victory lap. They planned to boast to the world that their vaunted get-out-the-vote operation had delivered the White House to Hillary Clinton by winning three crucial Rust Belt states for her: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. But the unions, to their shock and horror, failed to deliver those states — or victory — to Mrs. Clinton.

                Now union leaders face a huge, embarrassing question: Why, after unions spent more than $100 million to defeat Donald J. Trump, did Mrs. Clinton win only narrowly among voters from union households, 51 percent to 43 percent, according to exit polls? In a further indication that union leaders were not on the same wavelength as the working-class whites who tipped the election to Mr. Trump, Mrs. Clinton lost among union households in Ohio, 49 percent to 44 percent.

                “We underestimated the amount of anger and frustration among working people and especially white workers, both male and female, about their economic status,” said Lee Saunders, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and chairman of the A.F.L.-C.I.O.’s political committee.

                Like many inside the Washington Beltway, union leaders generally thought things weren’t so bad — the unemployment rate has dropped to 4.9 percent, and median household income jumped by a record 5.2 percent last year. But many union officials didn’t adequately hear the anger and pain felt by many working-class whites: that they were stuck economically, that Washington wasn’t addressing their problems, like disappearing factories and good jobs.

                One official with the United Steelworkers said his Pittsburgh-based union had urged members to back Mrs. Clinton, but many preferred Mr. Trump, largely because of his tough talk on trade with Mexico and China. Many lapped up his promises to bring back manufacturing jobs, hinting at a return (an improbable one) to the 1950s and ’60s, when manufacturing boomed and unions were mighty. (Mr. Trump’s G.O.P. allies are spoiling, however, to further hobble labor unions, which are far weaker than in the ’60s.)

                Many steelworkers, the official explained, disliked Mrs. Clinton because of her ties to Wall Street, because her husband had championed Nafta and because she had supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership before coming out against the trade pact during the campaign.

                Leo Gerard, the steelworkers’ president, sent a letter to his union’s 600,000 members, acknowledging that its ranks “were divided this election season.” While the economy has grown, he wrote, “the growth has failed to stimulate the manufacturing sector because of our nation’s failed trade policies.” Maintaining that Mr. Trump had appropriated his union’s message, he wrote, “Trump used our own words to speak to these problems, and to the real suffering, fears and anxieties that so many feel.”

                Most labor leaders viewed Mr. Trump far more harshly than his union backers did; they often attacked him as a con artist and a threat to unions and workers. Mrs. Clinton would have prevailed had she adopted a more muscular pro-worker message, union leaders lament, more like Bernie Sanders’s message attacking trade deals and inequality.

                With Mr. Trump’s victory and with Republicans now controlling both houses of Congress, unions are expecting a series of stinging blows. Even as Mr. Trump talks of spending $1 trillion to improve infrastructure, many Republicans are eager to repeal an 85-year-old law requiring that contractors pay union-level wages on federal projects. Congressional Republicans are likely to take up nationwide “right-to-work” legislation, which would sap union treasuries by barring any requirement that workers pay union dues or fees. And even if Senate Democrats manage to block such a law, Republican gains in Kentucky and Missouri mean those states are likely to enact their own right-to-work laws.

                Mr. Trump will most likely scrap most of Mr. Obama’s executive orders on labor, including ones requiring federal contractors to disclose labor law violations, provide paid sick leave and pay a $10.10 minimum wage. He may also erase a regulation that lets four million additional workers qualify for overtime pay. (Last Tuesday, a federal judge in Texas suspended that regulation.) And the National Labor Relations Board under Mr. Trump will no doubt overturn numerous union-friendly moves by the Obama board, among them ones speeding up unionization elections and giving graduate research and teaching assistants at private universities the right to unionize.

                Whoever Mr. Trump names to the Supreme Court to fill Antonin Scalia’s seat will help to re-establish a conservative majority, boding ill for labor. In a closely watched case, a California public-school teacher asked the court to rule that any requirement that she pay union fees violated her First Amendment freedom of speech. Last March, the court deadlocked, 4-4, in that case, but with a Trump appointee the court will probably rule that government employees can’t be required to pay any fees to support the union that represents them. That would be a sharp blow to the nation’s public-employee unions and their treasuries.

                Just 11.1 percent of American workers belong to unions, half the level when Ronald Reagan became president and down from 35 percent in the 1950s. However, businesses and Republicans remain wary of labor’s power. “Unions are a small minority of the work force, but they still have a strong war chest that can be used for political purposes,” said Randel K. Johnson, a senior vice president at the United States Chamber of Commerce.

                Yet with each new step weakening unions, organized labor will become less of what John Kenneth Galbraith called a “countervailing power” to balance corporate might. Labor won’t be able to put up as big a fight to raise the minimum wage or prevent cuts in Medicare and tax cuts for the rich.

                Jacob S. Hacker, a political-science professor at Yale, said the shrunken movement, which represents just 6.7 percent of private-sector workers, faces “an existential crisis.”

                “There’s an irony here,” he said. “Unions are probably the most consistent voice for the broad middle class of any organization today, yet the voice of the middle class was seen as an important part of Donald Trump’s victory. The further decline of labor is going to hurt many members of the middle class.”

                Unions are brainstorming how to weather a Trump presidency. Some will no doubt work with Mr. Trump on rebuilding infrastructure and overhauling trade agreements, while other unions will do battle with him — on his plans to repeal Obamacare, deport millions of immigrants and much more.

                Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union, said that with progressive groups on the defensive, unions would team up increasingly with embattled women’s, environmental and immigrant groups. She said unions needed to continue fighting, no matter who was president. “Our strong belief is collective action is the way for us to win wage increases and create good jobs,” she said.

                With the climate in Washington becoming more hostile to unions, worker advocates might focus on more winnable local battles, having just won statewide referendums to raise the minimum wage to $12 in Arizona, Colorado and Maine and $13.50 in Washington. And with traditional unions in the Republican line of fire, there will be newfangled efforts to lift wages and working conditions, like a nonunion drivers guild for thousands of Uber drivers in New York. Another innovative effort, the Fight for 15, is planning protests in 340 cities on Tuesday to try to win a $15 wage for everyone from McDonald’s workers to airport baggage handlers.

                As unions grow weaker, many workers will inevitably continue to search for new ways to band together to make their voices heard
                To sit down with these men and deal with them as the representatives of an enlightened and civilized people is to deride ones own dignity and to invite the disaster of their treachery - General Matthew Ridgway


                • ".....Now union leaders face a huge, embarrassing question: Why, after unions spent more than $100 million to defeat Donald J. Trump, did Mrs. Clinton win only narrowly among voters from union households, 51 percent to 43 percent, according to exit polls? In a further indication that union leaders were not on the same wavelength as the working-class whites who tipped the election to Mr. Trump, Mrs. Clinton lost among union households in Ohio, 49 percent to 44 percent.

                  “We underestimated the amount of anger and frustration among working people and especially white workers, both male and female, about their economic status,” said Lee Saunders, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and chairman of the A.F.L.-C.I.O.’s political committee.

                  Like many inside the Washington Beltway, union leaders generally thought things weren’t so bad — the unemployment rate has dropped to 4.9 percent, and median household income jumped by a record 5.2 percent last year. But many union officials didn’t adequately hear the anger and pain felt by many working-class whites: that they were stuck economically, that Washington wasn’t addressing their problems, like disappearing factories and good jobs........."

                  As a union member I can answere to this part. For many, voting on a single issue, ie voting for a democrat in the hopes of a better job is outdated and short sighted. Many on the unions remember that it was Hillary's husband that pushed NAFTA and unions lost jobs because of that. Many also see that while republicans have been actively gutting unions at every chance, democrats have been nonchalant towards unions and worse, taking the union vote for granted. One thing for sure is that hillary's barking at the NRA did not sit well with many members. Now I could go on about how all the other fundamentally radical changes in social engineering we have seen under Obama's watch that people from all walks of life didnt like but Hillary was loud and proud in her intent to push the envelope even further. Like the rest of the country, union members want a secure border, they believe in the family model we have had for over 2 centuries, They see gangs as the problem of violence. They want migrants to arrive in an orderly fashion and the would be terrorists filtered out and sent back. They remembered Bengazi and they remember how careless Hillary is with national secrets. Hillary is on the wrong side of many issues that union members hold dear. What was lost on all this is that union people are not in a vacuum and they are not a seperate minority voting block. They are everyday people too. Underestimated the anger? you bet they did. Union members were just as angry as the rest of the voters at what the democrats have done the last 8 years and for many more reasons than just the economy.
                  Removing a single turd from the cesspool doesn't make any difference.


                  • Originally posted by tankie View Post
                    Election commission in Wisconsin has received a request from the green party pres candidate , Jill Stein for a recount and also for Michigan and Pennsylvania ??, if the results are overturned would this mean a clinton win , im not really up on the yank system or how it works but surely at this stage is it not a done deal and you have Trump as your next potus ?
                    Electors don't vote until Dec. 19th.


                    • Originally posted by bonehead View Post
                      Hillary would beed more states than Wisconsin to turn before she could beat Trump. Right now the electorial college has trum at 290 and Hillary at 232. You need 270 to win. Wisconsin has 10 electorial votes so if Trump loses Wisconsin he still has 280 and is still the winner.
                      Thank you .


                      • Originally posted by bonehead View Post

                        As a union member I can answere to this part. For many, voting on a single issue, ie voting for a democrat in the hopes of a better job is outdated and short sighted. Many on the unions remember that it was Hillary's husband that pushed NAFTA and unions lost jobs because of that. Many also see that while republicans have been actively gutting unions at every chance, democrats have been nonchalant towards unions and worse, taking the union vote for granted. One thing for sure is that hillary's barking at the NRA did not sit well with many members. Now I could go on about how all the other fundamentally radical changes in social engineering we have seen under Obama's watch that people from all walks of life didnt like but Hillary was loud and proud in her intent to push the envelope even further. Like the rest of the country, union members want a secure border, they believe in the family model we have had for over 2 centuries, They see gangs as the problem of violence. They want migrants to arrive in an orderly fashion and the would be terrorists filtered out and sent back. They remembered Bengazi and they remember how careless Hillary is with national secrets. Hillary is on the wrong side of many issues that union members hold dear. What was lost on all this is that union people are not in a vacuum and they are not a seperate minority voting block. They are everyday people too. Underestimated the anger? you bet they did. Union members were just as angry as the rest of the voters at what the democrats have done the last 8 years and for many more reasons than just the economy.
                        Well put, BH. Perhaps there was an anybody-but-Hillary vote out there.
                        To be Truly ignorant, Man requires an Education - Plato


                        • Well it was only a matter of time before he said something about the recount news. We are back to the "fraud" routine once again. Four years of this unstable, the most unstable, mind to borrow a signature trait. No way he can go four years without pulling some kind of boner or two. Simply isn't possible for him to maintain composure that long.



                          • Originally posted by tbm3fan View Post
                            Well it was only a matter of time before he said something about the recount news. We are back to the "fraud" routine once again. Four years of this unstable, the most unstable, mind to borrow a signature trait. No way he can go four years without pulling some kind of boner or two. Simply isn't possible for him to maintain composure that long.

                            As has been succinctly put. Recounts are only happening in the crucial states that Trump won, not in states where Hillary won (by an even smaller margin).

                            Whilst HRC was perfectly happy to eviscerate Trump for stating he might not support the outcome of the election, and her supporters clearly have not - you get this on top of it all.

                            I've heard all the "Trump is evil" shindig. I've especially heard it from shit news channels such as CNN, who can be relied upon to focus on Trump calling "fraud", but turn the other cheek on the real story of partisan focus of loosing votes in the Rust belt. Agnostic about recounts. But CNN is doing everyone (including the left) a monumental disservice by wanton partisanship.

                            Keep up the good work CNN.
                            Ego Numquam


                            • Almost laughed my breakfast out of my mouth this morning. First, we have widespread voter fraud in California by illegals. Yet the quote below really got me. Who is Chris Collins (R) describing?

                              "What do I know about Mitt Romney? I know that he's a self-serving egomaniac who puts himself first, who has a chip on his shoulder, and thinks that he should be president of the United States," Collins, a Donald Trump backer, told host Chris Cuomo on "New Day."


                              • Originally posted by Chunder View Post
                                I've heard all the "Trump is evil" shindig. I've especially heard it from shit news channels such as CNN, who can be relied upon to focus on Trump calling "fraud", but turn the other cheek on the real story of partisan focus of loosing votes in the Rust belt. Agnostic about recounts. But CNN is doing everyone (including the left) a monumental disservice by wanton partisanship.

                                Keep up the good work CNN.
                                What are you talking about? Stein requested and is paying for the recount.

                                Trump makes his own stories and this one is his no matter who reports it. Even now some Republicans are telling him to knock it off. His claim of winning the popular vote is also his and presents a real insight to this man's psyche.

