Originally posted by snapper
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The National School Lunch Program reached 677,000 fewer children in January 2013 than in January 2012 (-2.1%). There were 27.1 million fewer lunches served (-4.5%), and 196,000 fewer people enrolled in the WIC (women-infants-children) Supplemental Nutrition program (-2.2%) and spending on RA-SNAP (from the Recovery Act) was $180.7 million lower (-26.8%).
But, that doesn’t support the story that Americans are a bunch of freeloaders, does it?
. . . . .
LESS people [sic] actually working now than a year ago but again more statistical manipulation of unemployment figures occurs here.
Private employment was up 1.8% (sa) and 1.9% (nsa).
= = = = =
Keep deluding yourself if you want to . . .