Originally posted by Doktor
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27 dead in Newtown school shooting
Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View PostI argue the opposite. All you need is one spectacular example and the copy cats will come out in herds. The only reason why it has not happened yet is because the media plays the gun stories to the hilt. I have no doubt that had these fucks know how to fly a plane, they would be buying plane tickets galore.
We did have school massacres in the 20's. 1927 Andrew Kehoe killed 44 people in a public school in Bath, Michigan 38 of whom were school children. He used dynamite and pyrotol bombs in the school and a car bomb. He was armed with a .30 cal Winchester bolt action rifle that he used only to detonate the car bomb. 58 people were injured in addition to the slain. 500 lb of unexploded dynamite and pyrotol were found in the remaining part of the school. This remains the deadliest school massacre in American History.
Its sickening to know their names - we could call them the Oklahoma City bomber or the Bath Bomber - and leave them nameless - its what they wanted - infamy - their vile names live on. What they did does not make them special or unique - they aren't Hitler or Stalin - they are just evil loosers, murdering defenseless innocents. The Texas clock tower sniper had a brain tumor which may have caused him to go crazy - these demon wads have no excuse.
They don't deserve to have their pictures and "manifestos" published or their stories told - that information should only be available to criminal scientists and law enforcement people on a need to know basis. Locked and sealed or destroyed. They should not be buried on US soil - except perhaps as ashes in a land fill, they should erased from mankind.sigpic"If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees.
If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children."
Originally posted by USSWisconsin View PostIts sickening to know their names - we could call them the Oklahoma City bomber or the Bath Bomber - and leave them nameless - its what they wanted - infamy - their vile names live on. What they did does not make them special or unique - they aren't Hitler or Stalin - they are just evil loosers, murdering defenseless innocents. The Texas clock tower sniper had a brain tumor which may have caused him to go crazy - these demon wads have no excuse.
They don't deserve to have their pictures and "manifestos" published or their stories told - that information should only be available to criminal scientists and law enforcement people on a need to know basis. Locked and sealed or destroyed. They should not be buried on US soil - except perhaps as ashes in a land fill, they should erased from mankind."Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" ~ Epicurus
Originally posted by antimony View PostAnd how do you do that in this information age? Even during the course of reporting and investigations of the crisis the names are bound to come out. While noble, this seems to be at least as difficult to implement as preventing guns from falling into the hands of the mentally ill.
- Mental Health System
- Media Coverage
- Gun Availability
- School Security
sigpic"If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees.
If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children."
Originally posted by bonehead View PostLets get one thing straight. Not a single kid died because of a "military grade firearm". These kids were brutally and ruthlessly murdered by someone not in his right mind. Forks do not make Rosy O"Donnel fat and cars do not kill tens of thousands every year. The problem is the people involved. Period. What we are experiencing is a lack of accountability/personal responsibility which transcends all facets of life in this country and that is the real problem. The longer we ignore this and instead blame inanimate objects the worse things will become.Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.”
~Ronald Reagan
Originally posted by Doktor View PostI heard on the radio that Serbs have most weapons per capita in the world (.22 and similar counted) after USA. They also have a violent history, Ottomans, Austrians, Germans, Croats, Bosniaks, Kosovars - only in the last century. Guess the vast lands have something to do with US serial killer mindset.
Originally posted by Doktor View PostI doubt they are used where they yield the best effect. At least for the moment.
Originally posted by Doktor View PostWe can't and wont know for certain what was on his mind, if there was anything at all.
Originally posted by Doktor View PostSo this was a culling? How? Seemed pretty random from the reports.
Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View PostSerial killer culture is not unique to any one culture. I can easily detailed the massacres of the Russians, Chinese, Mayans, etc. The reference I was making was that us Canadians cannot be compared to the Americans. Our mindset did not come from revolution, to earn what they had by force.
When you find out, let us know. What they're doing is finding out what DOESN'T work.
He was bent on killing. Would he not start if he only had 12 bullets instead of 13? Don't know but the odds are yeah, he would.
What I was trying to say was that for what he wanted to do, the 5.56 is adequate but not the best tool possible. The 5.56 was meant for combat, not mass murder, though it could do the job adequately.
Originally posted by dalem View PostIt is for a lot of people.
Originally posted by DPrime View PostBut it's not that simple. There are already limits on what constitutes the "right to bear arms" - Americans don't have the "right" to bear miniguns, land mines, cluster bombs and nukes, and no one has a problem with that.
actually the opposite did work, there are many examples.
i do understand what you saying, but if you give them a finger they'll take the whole arm, in politics, little by little. and it wont do any good anyway."Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" B. Franklin
oh and "rights"
District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ussc defined in details what 2nd is, and what rights we got."Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" B. Franklin