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2012 Presidential Election - The Ups and Downs

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  • Originally posted by Bigfella View Post
    Gallup thinks much the same:

    Obama Gets Three-Point Convention Bounce

    Gallup, Fivethirtyeight & RCP all have Obama widening his slim lead after the convention. Romney got little to no bounce, Obama a small one. This will be close, but 2 months out & with record numbers of voters having already decided Obama is not only ahead nationally, he is in a solid position in the electoral college. This is far from over, but does Romney have many more shots in the locker?

    On a related note, apparently the GOP might also struggle to win a senate majority. This is going to be a fascinating election.
    They won't be winning the Senate and if not for the wonders of gerrymandering our house would be nearly 50-50 every election. Geeymandering has to be the single biggest cause of the extremism on both siodes in the house
    Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.”
    ~Ronald Reagan


    • Romney's craveness has sealed the deal the last couple of days imo. I think by Nov he will be a 9-1 underdog not a 4-1 underdog. He stands for nothing and as such falls for everything. I dare say anyone defending him at this point does so with gritted teeth. On Sunday he and his campaign took 4 distinct standfs on HCR.......
      Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.”
      ~Ronald Reagan


      • Originally posted by Roosveltrepub View Post
        Romney's craveness has sealed the deal the last couple of days imo. I think by Nov he will be a 9-1 underdog not a 4-1 underdog. He stands for nothing and as such falls for everything. I dare say anyone defending him at this point does so with gritted teeth. On Sunday he and his campaign took 4 distinct standfs on HCR.......
        My teeth aren't gritted.

        Why don't you worry about how you feel about your man Obama and I'll worry about how I feel about my man Romney?



        • [QUOTE=dalem;885026]My teeth aren't gritted.

          Why don't you worry about how you feel about your man Obama and I'll worry about how I feel about my man Romney?

 smirking bastard, tell me dale what was there to smile about?
          Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.”
          ~Ronald Reagan


          • [QUOTE=Roosveltrepub;885059]
            Originally posted by dalem View Post
            My teeth aren't gritted.

            Why don't you worry about how you feel about your man Obama and I'll worry about how I feel about my man Romney?

   smirking bastard, tell me dale what was there to smile about?
            Gee, I don't know - maybe someone showed him a picture of a puppy or a kitten or his wife. Or maybe he's happy with his sound byte. Who cares?



            • [QUOTE=dalem;885094]
              Originally posted by Roosveltrepub View Post

              Gee, I don't know - maybe someone showed him a picture of a puppy or a kitten or his wife. Or maybe he's happy with his sound byte. Who cares?

              actually he had just finished lieing for the first time about the attacks on US soil in the mideast. The bodies were warm and he was already being his craven self and I agree he was probably quite self satisfied with his "sound bite" but, myself I kind of agree with most republicans that it was a craven act....would you like the on the record condemnations of his behavior? Anyway I will be surprised if he breaks 230 ev at this point...really surprised and will be shocked if next week NC doesnt become a toss up. he is rapidly racing toward a blow out
              Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.”
              ~Ronald Reagan


              • [QUOTE=Roosveltrepub;885095]
                Originally posted by dalem View Post

                actually he had just finished lieing for the first time about the attacks on US soil in the mideast. The bodies were warm and he was already being his craven self and I agree he was probably quite self satisfied with his "sound bite" but, myself I kind of agree with most republicans that it was a craven act....would you like the on the record condemnations of his behavior? Anyway I will be surprised if he breaks 230 ev at this point...really surprised and will be shocked if next week NC doesnt become a toss up. he is rapidly racing toward a blow out
                Yes, please show me how and where "most Republicans" say that it (whatever "it" was) was a "craven act".

                You really like that word "craven" now. Where did you read it? HuffPo? NYT?



                • Originally posted by Roosveltrepub View Post
                  Romney's craveness has sealed the deal the last couple of days imo. I think by Nov he will be a 9-1 underdog not a 4-1 underdog. He stands for nothing and as such falls for everything. I dare say anyone defending him at this point does so with gritted teeth. On Sunday he and his campaign took 4 distinct standfs on HCR.......
                  Your political radar is jammed.
                  To be Truly ignorant, Man requires an Education - Plato


                  • [QUOTE=dalem;885097]
                    Originally posted by Roosveltrepub View Post

                    Yes, please show me how and where "most Republicans" say that it (whatever "it" was) was a "craven act".

                    You really like that word "craven" now. Where did you read it? HuffPo? NYT?

                    Item: Richard Armitage, former deputy Secretary of State under Republican President George W. Bush, said that Romney “will find out that first reports from the battlefield are always incorrect. This should be his mantra, so he can speak in a deliberate manner, and not have to repent at his leisure later.”

                    Item: Daniel Larison, a contributing editor at The American Conservative, wrote on the group's website that Romney tried unsuccessfully to apply his campaign theme that Obama has been a weak leader to a situation that didn't fit.

                    Item: Mark Salter, a former chief of staff and campaign adviser to McCain, also took issue with Romney's move, writing on the website that "the rush by Republicans -- including Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and scores of other conservative critics -- to condemn (Obama) for policies they claim helped precipitate the attacks is as tortured in its reasoning as it is unseemly in its timing."

                    Item: Republican strategist Alex Castellanos, a CNN contributor, agreed . . . the Romney gambit appeared to be a desperate move by a campaign that "knows it's losing. "When senior Republican foreign policy professionals start referring to this as his 'Lehman moment,' likening it to McCain's mid-September meltdown in response to the financial crisis, we can see that Romney's latest attempt to seize on an international event has done significant and possibly irreparable damage to his campaign,"

                    Item: Mark Salter, a longtime aide to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), criticized Romney’s rush to condemn” Obama “as tortured in its reasoning as it is unseemly in its timing.”

                    Item: John Ullyot, a Republican strategist, compared the Romney remarks to a self-inflicted wound: “It’s developed into another distraction that has put foreign policy — not a strong suit for the G.O.P. ticket this time — front and center in an uncomfortable way in a campaign that is becoming less and less about the administration’s job record.”
                    Trust me?
                    I'm an economist!


                    • [QUOTE=DOR;885168]
                      Originally posted by dalem View Post

                      Item: Richard Armitage, former deputy Secretary of State under Republican President George W. Bush, said that Romney “will find out that first reports from the battlefield are always incorrect. This should be his mantra, so he can speak in a deliberate manner, and not have to repent at his leisure later.”

                      Item: Daniel Larison, a contributing editor at The American Conservative, wrote on the group's website that Romney tried unsuccessfully to apply his campaign theme that Obama has been a weak leader to a situation that didn't fit.

                      Item: Mark Salter, a former chief of staff and campaign adviser to McCain, also took issue with Romney's move, writing on the website that "the rush by Republicans -- including Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and scores of other conservative critics -- to condemn (Obama) for policies they claim helped precipitate the attacks is as tortured in its reasoning as it is unseemly in its timing."

                      Item: Republican strategist Alex Castellanos, a CNN contributor, agreed . . . the Romney gambit appeared to be a desperate move by a campaign that "knows it's losing. "When senior Republican foreign policy professionals start referring to this as his 'Lehman moment,' likening it to McCain's mid-September meltdown in response to the financial crisis, we can see that Romney's latest attempt to seize on an international event has done significant and possibly irreparable damage to his campaign,"

                      Item: Mark Salter, a longtime aide to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), criticized Romney’s rush to condemn” Obama “as tortured in its reasoning as it is unseemly in its timing.”

                      Item: John Ullyot, a Republican strategist, compared the Romney remarks to a self-inflicted wound: “It’s developed into another distraction that has put foreign policy — not a strong suit for the G.O.P. ticket this time — front and center in an uncomfortable way in a campaign that is becoming less and less about the administration’s job record.”
                      None of these people are relevant voices today, and none of them come close to the concept of "craven" that Rosie now enjoys throwing around.



                      • GOOD GOD!!!!!!! Two more months of this bullshit? What did this country do to deserve this?
                        Removing a single turd from the cesspool doesn't make any difference.


                        • [QUOTE=dalem;885174]
                          Originally posted by DOR View Post

                          None of these people are relevant voices today, and none of them come close to the concept of "craven" that Rosie now enjoys throwing around.

                          Dale I say the man is craven you say the other man is an america hating communist....

                          As to my radar being jammed time will tell. I am thinking 220 EV for Romney. Lets see how jammed my radar was in Nov ;) The smile walking off the podium when out of view of the audience really disturbs me. There was nothing to smile about and I imagine if it had been Obama with that grin after talking about a terror attack and attacking the CiC while it was ongoing it would of been proof of his hatred of America for some. There is just no explaining away a grin when someone has just finished talking about a terror attack and in fact had his facts wrong as well.
                          The pundits' judgment was harsh. Time's Mark Halperin said Romney's "doubling down on criticism of the President for the statement coming out of Cairo is likely to be seen as one of the most craven and ill-advised tactical moves in this entire campaign." A senior Republican told BuzzFeed's Ben Smith it was Romney's "Lehman moment," a reference to John McCain's hasty reaction to the 2008 financial crisis -- a turning point in the last presidential campaign. Conservative pundit Matt Lewis wrote in the Daily Caller, "The problem with Mitt Romney continues to be Mitt Romney," comparing his reaction to the way Michael Dukakis was parodied as "weak and passionless" on Saturday Night Live. On Fox News, conservative commentator and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan said, "In times of great drama and heightened crisis ... I always think discretion is the better way to go," saying Romney was leaving himself open to accusations of politicizing a tragedy. "I don't feel that Mr. Romney has been doing himself any favors in the past few hours," she said. Though Romney had his defenders as well, the gelling consensus was clearly against him.
                          Will Romney's Foreign-Policy Fumble Doom His Campaign? - Molly Ball - The Atlantic a search of romney craven will get you 1 million results on google sear4ch and 2700 results on google news. Who are the relevant voices certainly not the Rushes, hannitys and plains of the entertainment world
                          Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.”
                          ~Ronald Reagan


                          • [QUOTE=Roosveltrepub;885210]
                            Originally posted by dalem View Post

                            Dale I say the man is craven you say the other man is an america hating communist....
                            Nope, I say Obama is a socialist who doesn't like America. Two different paintbrushes. You really think Romney's a coward though? In what sense? Morally? Physically?

                            Who are the relevant voices certainly not the Rushes, hannitys and plains of the entertainment world



                              There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."- Isaac Asimov


                              • Originally posted by Roosveltrepub View Post
                                Romney's craveness has sealed the deal the last couple of days imo. I think by Nov he will be a 9-1 underdog not a 4-1 underdog. He stands for nothing and as such falls for everything. I dare say anyone defending him at this point does so with gritted teeth. On Sunday he and his campaign took 4 distinct standfs on HCR.......

                                Huh? Sounds like you need to take a break from watching MSNBC commentary.

                                Actually, "cravenness," which means mean-spirited cowardice, more accurately describes the campaign of Barry/Barrack, since he really doesn't have much else to run on.
                                "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

