Originally posted by ArmchairGeneral
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The people we fight sees diplomacy as a weakness.
You give them an inch hoping they give an inch and they will just demand another foot.
That is why I feel Iraq is so important.
In my way of thinking, pulling out, or even a strateigc trooop redeployment (or whatever it's being called this week) would be disastrous in Iraq.
Look, it's going to be hard..very hard to bring democracy to Iraq but as I see it we have no other choice than to hold the line.
Personally I don't give a rip about democracy in Iraq or anywhere in the Middle East.
And Osama bin Laden and his types do not worry me.
What worries me are the despot rulers of countries like Syria and Iran and Jordan and Sudan (and previously, Iraq and Afghanistan).
We have to show them supporting terrorists in any way, shape or form would not be advantageous to their future well being.
We have to show these idiots that america is not a paper tiger and we won't run as soon as the body counts start rising.
That is why I am so pro the Iraqi occupation, if nothing else than for symbolic reasons and the message it sends to other rulers in that part of the world.
You help someone kill thousands of our citizens and you just might hang for it.
It sounds cold and we might come off like bullies but I'm way past the point of caring what they think of us.
We will never discourage all the nutjobs and extremists in the world.
We can make them (the rulers of ME countries) so afraid that they won't supports these nutjobs..ever again.
Once that level has been reached I'd say the WOT is over.
A french saying comes to mind:
"Pour l'encouragement de les autres..."
P.S. Quite honestly, I think A-Jad and the Imams and all the other dictators in the ME would have been pissing in their pants if it wasn't for all the political pressure BS coming from the Dems and Western Europe about our occupation of Iraq.