Originally posted by astralis
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You say Ted Kennedy is no traitor, and I say BIG DEAL, it wouldn't matter if he were, because for the past 40 years, he's been a reliable vote for our enemies on any given question put before his Senate seat. He has been absolutely and explicitly anti-American on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE he's ever taken a stand on.
What does Osama want to do about Gitmo? Ted's RIGHT THERE with him, no daylight between the two.
And so are the huge majority of Democrats.
So how do they get their votes?
They BUY 'em.
They STEAL 'em.
They LIE for 'em, and the fact is, negative campaigning WORKS, and the masters of it are the Democrats.
You keep holding Jim Webb up as your pro-military icon, and I'd like to point out he ran one of the most relentlessly negative and dirty campaigns ever seen, and he was elected on the basis not of a pro-military record, but an explicitly anti-Bush rant that passed for a platform. After all the free work done by the media, as well as the horrible failure of Bush's noise machine, I'm not so sure I myself couldn't have taken the seat, if I'd cared to have my morals surgically removed like Webb did.
This is the truth: the Democrats thrive when Republicans stumble and the public has a tantrum, and every single time it turns out to be a goddam' horror show for the country. This Congress has been the worst it's ever been since Sumner caned Brooks in the Chamber. And it'll get a dam' sight WORSE (think about THAT for a moment! ) if a Democratic President is elected, and can't - or won't - hold 'em in.