Republican Dissent
"...the apparent political expediency that one party is demonstrating in opposing the Iraq war."
What expediency did the following Republicans pursue in opposing the war-Scrowcroft, Powell, Baker, and George H.W. Bush, because they did, you know?
Who needs "political expediency" to oppose this effort in any case? How about a Republican administration and a republican controlled congress for six of that administration's seven years- five years and four months of both since 9/11? At what point might we fairly question performance? And if my "party papers" come from ANY other party, does it make the relevance of the Republican party's performance any less valid?
I think not. Accusations of "political expediency" against a democratic congress that's possessed control of the purse-strings (subject to veto-exercised, governance forstalled Parihaka!)for less than seven months and with an incumbant if politically bankrupt President stll dragging down the effort? Hardly fair under the dire circumstances and national tragedy that's ensued under this administration's less-than-careful watch.
Look to March of 1991 for the seeds of this debacle-a republican administration unwilling to allow total victory over Iraq following DESERT STORM. Consider the subsequent fallout of THAT decision, to include the containment policy that arose, endorsed by the democratic administration of Bill Clinton AND the professed mandate underwhich GWB came to office in January 2001. That's the realpolitik wing of that party-you know, Scrowcroft, Powell, Baker, and GWB until Cheney and he fell under the magical hypnosis of Wolfowitz and Perle (thank God).
Then another Bush did it again-snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. The casual hubris with which this Republican administration approached this campaign can only make one wonder if they actually intended victory, or have some more malevolent designs in mind. They certainly didn't execute a campaign with the due diligence and attention to detail that you'd expect given the stakes.
Gosh, I wonder if they had the interests of the American people at heart or the pursuit of some convenient political expediency?
That's my Republican party, btw. Perverters of the true neo-con vision.
"...the apparent political expediency that one party is demonstrating in opposing the Iraq war."
What expediency did the following Republicans pursue in opposing the war-Scrowcroft, Powell, Baker, and George H.W. Bush, because they did, you know?
Who needs "political expediency" to oppose this effort in any case? How about a Republican administration and a republican controlled congress for six of that administration's seven years- five years and four months of both since 9/11? At what point might we fairly question performance? And if my "party papers" come from ANY other party, does it make the relevance of the Republican party's performance any less valid?
I think not. Accusations of "political expediency" against a democratic congress that's possessed control of the purse-strings (subject to veto-exercised, governance forstalled Parihaka!)for less than seven months and with an incumbant if politically bankrupt President stll dragging down the effort? Hardly fair under the dire circumstances and national tragedy that's ensued under this administration's less-than-careful watch.
Look to March of 1991 for the seeds of this debacle-a republican administration unwilling to allow total victory over Iraq following DESERT STORM. Consider the subsequent fallout of THAT decision, to include the containment policy that arose, endorsed by the democratic administration of Bill Clinton AND the professed mandate underwhich GWB came to office in January 2001. That's the realpolitik wing of that party-you know, Scrowcroft, Powell, Baker, and GWB until Cheney and he fell under the magical hypnosis of Wolfowitz and Perle (thank God).
Then another Bush did it again-snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. The casual hubris with which this Republican administration approached this campaign can only make one wonder if they actually intended victory, or have some more malevolent designs in mind. They certainly didn't execute a campaign with the due diligence and attention to detail that you'd expect given the stakes.
Gosh, I wonder if they had the interests of the American people at heart or the pursuit of some convenient political expediency?
That's my Republican party, btw. Perverters of the true neo-con vision.