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Liberal Party/Democrat Gun Control Advoats ARE DAMNED HYPOCRITS!

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  • Liberal Party/Democrat Gun Control Advoats ARE DAMNED HYPOCRITS!

    Here's is a simple fact. There are ONLY SEVEN Assault Rifle ACTION patents on Earth. The AK and AR15 representing over 65% of it. If you want to ban Assault Rifles, ban the damned actions. Yet, EVERYONE GOES AROUND IT WITHOUT ADDRESSING THE DAMNED ACTIONS. Whoopee Freaking Doo! We ban 30 bullet Mags. We went to freaking WAR with muzzle loading muskets! They want to BAN assault rifles but not understanding BATTLE RIFLES will not fall under the same ban.

    Banning Assault Rifles is DAMNED EASY. Ban the SEVEN assault rifle ACTION patents! So, tell me, why the fuck is the LIBERAL/DEMOCRAT Parties jumping through hoops saying about semi-auto/mag load/ROF instead of the damned patents!

    Anyone WHO advocates BANNING anything else but the ACTIONs is a damned hyporcit!
    Last edited by Officer of Engineers; 30 Jun 23,, 09:08.

  • #2
    I finally have a PERFECT argument of what to ban ... and none of the gun control advocats HAVE ever addressed it. Thy want to ban GUNS ... PERIOD. Not just assault rifles.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
      I finally have a PERFECT argument of what to ban ... and none of the gun control advocats HAVE ever addressed it. Thy want to ban GUNS ... PERIOD. Not just assault rifles.
      Then you are either selective in your hearing or not as well versed as you may believe it to be...especially in my country.

      And doing away with patent law is not easy.
      “Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
      Mark Twain


      • #4
        Originally posted by Albany Rifles View Post
        Then you are either selective in your hearing or not as well versed as you may believe it to be...especially in my country.
        As selective as listing 1500 firearms by name (my country)? Getting rid of stock thumb holes/pistol grip (California)? Everything but banning the action

        Originally posted by Albany Rifles View Post
        And doing away with patent law is not easy.
        That's the point, there are only 7 Actions that define assault rifles and they're legally defined in the patent. Ban those and you leave the other Actions alone without jumping through hoops to describe an assault rifle without describing an assault rifle.



        • #5
          If we could ban the action, we would.
          If we could ban the guns that enable so many mass killings, we would.

          Where the hell do you get the ridiculous notion that it is the Democrats that are dragging their feet on this?
          Wake up and smell the Mosel: Conservative / Red States / GOPers are the gun nuts.

          Personally, I’d be delighted to allow any and all personal weapons … at, and ONLY at, a secure shooting range.

          Guns are fun; hunting is fine.
          Hunting children in schools with weapons that would shred a moose is obscene.
          Trust me?
          I'm an economist!


          • #6
            Originally posted by DOR View Post
            If we could ban the action, we would.
            Name me ONE bill (successful or not) ANYWHERE across the US and Canada that even name an Action. Instead, everything that is stated are just the tacticool accessories, not the mechanisms that define an assault rifle, ie its action. I have no problem banning firearms. After all, none of us are allow .50 cal automatics but do it right. Ban the action, not the tacticool accessories.

            Originally posted by DOR View Post
            Personally, I’d be delighted to allow any and all personal weapons … at, and ONLY at, a secure shooting range.
            That's good. I have my own personal shooting range at my farm.

            Originally posted by DOR View Post
            Guns are fun; hunting is fine.
            Hunting children in schools with weapons that would shred a moose is obscene.
            I agree. Drop the perp before he does the obscene and I remind you, the majority of shootings in the US, schools and otherwise is done via pistols.
            Last edited by Officer of Engineers; 08 Jul 23,, 00:33.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
              Name me ONE bill (successful or not) ANYWHERE across the US and Canada that even name an Action. Instead, everything that is stated are just the tacticool accessories, not the mechanisms that define an assault rifle, ie its action. I have no problem banning firearms. After all, none of us are allow .50 cal automatics but do it right. Ban the action, not the tacticool accessories.

              That's good. I have my own personal shooting range at my farm.

              I agree. Drop the perp before he does the obscene and I remind you, the majority of shootings in the US, schools and otherwise is done via pistols.
              You want a bill sponsored by the GOPers? Sorry, can’t find one.

              On the other side, however, …
              Under the 1934 National Firearms Act, a machine gun receiver is considered to be a regulated firearm. So, too, is a gun that can be readily converted (KG-9, TEC-9) to multi-round fire on a single trigger pull. The AR-15 Drop-in Auto-Sear (whatever the hell that is) is itself considered to be a machine gun, and so regulated as one. Owning the parts needed to assemble a machine gun is restricted, such as an M2 carbine trigger pack. Better not to have a shorter-than-legal barrel in your workshop, either.

              I find it very sad that Republican cannot identify a national crisis like gun crime and support effective legislation. That does not, however, in any way amount to "the Democrats are just as bad."
              No, sir.

              Trust me?
              I'm an economist!


              • #8
                Originally posted by DOR View Post
                You want a bill sponsored by the GOPers? Sorry, can’t find one.
                I want ANY proposed bill that DEFINES the action. Want to ban AR-15s? Ban the AR-15 action instead of the tacticool receivers, 30 round mags, pistol grips, thumb holes, bayonet lug.

                Originally posted by DOR View Post
                I find it very sad that Republican cannot identify a national crisis like gun crime and support effective legislation. That does not, however, in any way amount to "the Democrats are just as bad."
                No, sir.
                Than propose the bill that bans the assault rifle actions and let everyone else have their tacticool accessories or do you think the tacticool accessories are the definition of assault rifles? Again, I have zero problems banning assault rifles (30mm auto cannons) but ban them outright instead of beating around the bush banning tacticool instead of the action. Or do you think I cannot be as lethal with a 10 round mag instead of 30?

                California has tougher gun control than Canada but did California attempt to ban actions instead of banning thumb holes? Thumb holes? Can you get more stupid than that? Banning a hole.
                Last edited by Officer of Engineers; 08 Jul 23,, 08:55.


                • #9
                  Inaction makes you as guilty as the GOP. And this from a Canadian with no dog in your fight!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    You go right ahead and line up the votes.
                    Get it out of committee, and make sure no one puts a poison pill amendment on it.

                    What’s that? You don’t have the votes?

                    Oh, OK then.
                    Let’s move on to something that might get done.
                    Because banging one’s head against the wall and ranting against reality is a GOPer play, not one of ours.
                    Trust me?
                    I'm an economist!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DOR View Post
                      You go right ahead and line up the votes.
                      But you got the votes to ban a hole.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
                        Here's is a simple fact. There are ONLY SEVEN Assault Rifle ACTION patents on Earth. The AK and AR15 representing over 65% of it. If you want to ban Assault Rifles, ban the damned actions. Yet, EVERYONE GOES AROUND IT WITHOUT ADDRESSING THE DAMNED ACTIONS. Whoopee Freaking Doo! We ban 30 bullet Mags. We went to freaking WAR with muzzle loading muskets! They want to BAN assault rifles but not understanding BATTLE RIFLES will not fall under the same ban.

                        Banning Assault Rifles is DAMNED EASY. Ban the SEVEN assault rifle ACTION patents! So, tell me, why the fuck is the LIBERAL/DEMOCRAT Parties jumping through hoops saying about semi-auto/mag load/ROF instead of the damned patents!

                        Anyone WHO advocates BANNING anything else but the ACTIONs is a damned hyporcit!
                        I agree that your suggested categorization simplifies matters. In US jurisdictions however, consider also that if an action mechanism is utilized in firearms that are already in widespread use by individuals for the purpose of self defense, then any ban on the possession of same by individuals not otherwise barred from possession of any firearm (eg convicted felons) would trample currently well-established US constitutional rights, and would not withstand eventual judicial scrutiny and the appeals process.
                        Last edited by JRT; 08 Jul 23,, 16:35.


                        • #13
                          Then grandfather current firearms and ban new ones. It happened before with the AK47. Just that the manufacturer got smart, rebrand the rifle, 10 shot mag, and a thumb hole.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
                            But you got the votes to ban a hole.
                            Well, you're right.
                            Ipso Facto, we can get the votes to ban anything.

                            Trust me?
                            I'm an economist!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DOR View Post
                              Well, you're right.
                              Ipso Facto, we can get the votes to ban anything.

                              Translation: you're not serious about gun control.


