Originally posted by omon
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The US never supported Ukraine to the fullest capacity it could have because the Biden Administration (rightly or wrongly) it was worried about the risk of escalation with Russia. It's NATO allies? Having under-spent on defense for decades simply didn't have the capacity to do much more than they have (a situation that is now slowly changing thanks to the invasion). Taking all that into consideration and in hindsight? IMO deliveries of munitions and systems could have occurred at a much faster rate but that's all in the past now. The pipeline in question? Stayed open because of a lack of alternatives and because it still suited all sides to let it remain so. Russia got paid for it's gas deliveries, Ukraine placated EU members who couldn't easily get their hands on supplies from elsewhere Hungary etc got the gas they needed. (Added to which Hungary was and still is the only EU member nation even remotely pro-Krelmin and as such was and is Putin's 'useful idiot'). But the pipeline IS closing now! So no sinister conspiracy involved, just an overabundance of caution on the Democrats side and necessity on the other.
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