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2024 U.S. Election of President and Vice President

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  • rj1
    Originally posted by Albany Rifles View Post

    I think it is too early to make any prognostications about the future of the GOP. The GOP is more than the Presidency...too many Republicans in Congress are in safe, gerrymandered districts to write off the party. Same at the state legislature level.
    I follow Indiana politics pretty intense and it's bizarre in a way to see a party that is so clearly winning because the Democrats have so fallen off a cliff and given up have so much internal turmoil. The Republican primary for Governor had 6 people running. You can't just put your name on the ballot if you want, to stop gadflies from being on the ballot you have to go around and collect more than 4500 signatures geographically spread around the state, this was 6 real candidates. Even the weakest of the 6 was supported by the remnant of Mike Pence's organization in the state. The winner got 39% while barely campaigning, current U.S. Senator Mike Braun who coasted on his name and a Trump endorsement. But don't mistake him winning the governor nomination for broad support for him. The State Convention selects the Lieutenant Governor running mate and they picked a person not selected by Braun, instead someone with a lot of grassroots Christian conservative support. Braun in the week before the Convention even got Trump to endorse his pick for LG (which struck political insiders as a sign of weakness) and she still lost. For Congress, the Republicans had legitimately 50+ people running for 7 Congressional nominations and in a lot of places it was a free-for-all. The guy that won the primary in my district - former Rep. Marlin Stutzman making a return to Congress - didn't even get 25%. It was a 9-way race with 5 people that got more than 10%. I think some of this is down to how media is changing - no one reads newspapers or watches the local news anymore, so how do you find out about not national politics, get informed and consolidate on the best choice? I watched a Governor debate (ex-Braun) but most people didn't. Twitter is hardly a great answer. And I got so many anonymous phone number texts from candidates and direct mailers before the primary, but I think the results show that doesn't inform the electorate.

    But I do believe it is safe to say the party of Ike/Ford is long gone. Also much of the party of Reagan. Going forward the GOP will survive...but will it go the way of the Whigs in the early. mid-1850s and collapse as we know it and emerge with a new party in all but name like the Republicans in 1856?
    My quibble on this is Eisenhower was never really a Republican as a Republican was understood to be in 1952. His political leanings were more Independent and Truman allegedly offered to step aside in 1948 if Eisenhower would run that election as a Democrat. The Republican on that ticket was Nixon who was picked to be the future of the party.

    Too soon to tell. But it is fair to say the party which nominated John McCain & Mitt Romney is dead & buried.
    I wonder where the old GOP foreign policy people and the Chamber of Commerce do. Both groups don't fit neatly into the Democratic Party. The foreign policy people that only care about foreign policy might get a Democratic Party home but it's not going to align with some wings of that party well to say the least. The Chamber of Commerce in contrast look sh*t out of luck.
    Last edited by rj1; 04 Aug 24,, 16:11.

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  • DOR
    Foreign Policy hasn't really been a big issue in US presidential elections. It might get you beat, but it isn't a winning topic.

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  • Albany Rifles
    Originally posted by astralis View Post
    right, there's no going back now. even if Trump loses this year, I really doubt Haley is going to suddenly be the one to pick up the GOP torch afterwards.


    see above. which deep thinker/accomplished member are you talking about? frankly Vance is probably the best of the "new generation", and you see how that's turning out.

    who else? Hawley? lol.

    Haley, Hogan -- they would win at the national-level, but they have the same chance of winning the GOP primaries as, say....Trump confronting Putin.
    I think it is too early to make any prognostications about the future of the GOP. The GOP is more than the Presidency...too many Republicans in Congress are in safe, gerrymandered districts to write off the party. Same at the state legislature level.

    But I do believe it is safe to say the party of Ike/Ford is long gone. Also much of the party of Reagan. Going forward the GOP will survive...but will it go the way of the Whigs in the early. mid-1850s and collapse as we know it and emerge with a new party in all but name like the Republicans in 1856?

    Too soon to tell. But it is fair to say the party which nominated John McCain & Mitt Romney is dead & buried.
    Last edited by Albany Rifles; 01 Aug 24,, 15:44.

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  • zraver
    Originally posted by astralis View Post
    right, there's no going back now. even if Trump loses this year, I really doubt Haley is going to suddenly be the one to pick up the GOP torch afterwards.


    see above. which deep thinker/accomplished member are you talking about? frankly Vance is probably the best of the "new generation", and you see how that's turning out.

    who else? Hawley? lol.

    Haley, Hogan -- they would win at the national-level, but they have the same chance of winning the GOP primaries as, say....Trump confronting Putin.
    Haley and Pompeo have foreign policy chops. There are several governors with very high approval ratings. The bench is not empty.

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  • rj1
    Originally posted by astralis View Post
    right, there's no going back now. even if Trump loses this year, I really doubt Haley is going to suddenly be the one to pick up the GOP torch afterwards.
    I agree. I told a person after she dropped out I thought she was done in the party for at least a decade. Her status in the party is really no different than Paul Ryan.

    Her other option is to do what I did, leave the party and do her own thing (it's not like Democrats would have any interest in what she stands for other than her being anti-Trump, it's the one thing about never Trumpers supporting Hillary/Biden/Harris that's never mentioned), but you do that you're persona non grata forever and you have to accept you're going to lose for a long time in the hope of building for future success, and that's something American politicians just don't do because people in this country view politics as pass/fail way more than they do in Westminster systems for example.
    Last edited by rj1; 01 Aug 24,, 15:25.

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  • astralis
    right, there's no going back now. even if Trump loses this year, I really doubt Haley is going to suddenly be the one to pick up the GOP torch afterwards.


    Yeah, Trump inc is acting as a giant cork in the bottle blocking GOP talent. You might not like them but the GOP has some deep thinkers and accomplished members. They are simply stuck on a shelf turning to vinegar as Trump plays the fiddle.
    see above. which deep thinker/accomplished member are you talking about? frankly Vance is probably the best of the "new generation", and you see how that's turning out.

    who else? Hawley? lol.

    Haley, Hogan -- they would win at the national-level, but they have the same chance of winning the GOP primaries as, say....Trump confronting Putin.

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  • rj1
    Originally posted by Bigfella View Post

    So what do you think the chances of a 'deep thinker' are going to be with the current GOP base? They are what has driven the party to such extremes. Trump has encouraged & benefitted from this sentiment, but he didn't create it. It is the reason senior people in the party folded like a closet of cheap suits after Jan 6. They knew what he had done and early on a few of them said so, but faced with a base whose only problem was that it failed, most of them caved.

    Those people don't disappear when Trump does. If he fails they may be even angrier & more extreme. If he hangs around for another election cycle or two there may be precious few 'adults' left in the party to bring it back to being a relatively normal political party. I really hope your 'deep thinkers' are thinking about a way to restore the committment to democracy, decency & standards, rather than how to take advantage of an increasingly extreme & authoritarian party to be a more effective version of Trump (the behaviour of poeple like DeSantis & Abbott, among others, suggests a substantial constituency for 'more effective version') .
    The current Republican Party I think is a classic case of "what is Peronism after Peron?" Trump is not running for President again and sometime in the next decade is probably going to die by natural causes. We got a sliver of that answer in J.D. Vance although Vance is required to seal the deal and I don't think other contenders are simply going to concede to him the throne. You also had people like DeSantis and Haley running for President this year to it looks run for President in 2028. One of the most important bits about political parties is how the candidates, or leaders, shift the party's priorities, and how people react to that. I see this in the Libertarian Party where we have open civil war going on as our national party leadership hate our presidential candidate because there's things he is and he highlights they don't believe that is what the party they belong to should stand for (there's some evidence out there some of them are also getting paid by Republican operatives to intentionally sabotage the party from the inside to make the vehicle more non-viable thinking those votes will return to the GOP. Democrats do this as well to the Greens, so no one sit and lie to me that politicians in either major party really believe in democracy. I can provide you a hundred examples from the last decade easy.

    This intra-party warfare happens in the Republican and Democratic Parties too (2016 Republicans being the shining example), it's just they keep it more quiet and under wraps and don't want it to get out in public. In the Democratic Party, President Joe Biden has made them a War Hawk Party, a complete shift of their position the past 2 decades. The reason 2020 presidential nominee Joe Biden and he initially ran again in 2024 even happened in my opinion is the Democrats don't want to have that intra-party warfare discussion about what they stand for because there's a very obvious generational shift in the party coming as the Pelosi/ Hoyer/ Clyburn/ Biden/ Schumer generation are all on the verge of retiring or dying. I see this all the time just in Indiana where Democrats are on life support, they avoid contested primaries like the plague and game the electoral system to avoid having Democratic Party voters from deciding Democratic Party replacements in open seats, which is exactly what happened with the Biden to Harris transition. Could you imagine in the event of a Trump victory in 2020 meaning there was an open contest this year for Democrats on President how feisty Democratic presidential candidate debates would've gotten over support for Gaza? Every person running would've been required to have a clear view on it, they would have been required to talk like what primary voters would want to hear, in contrast to now where Biden is the party's point of view and they use support for Palestine as a surrogate for they're a DSA entryist and those people are written down on a list and will never be allowed to progress any further in their political careers inside the Democratic Party.

    We do have a template for what the after Trump Republican Party will look like, it's the old Reagan Trap.

    Reagan left office, what do we do? Nominate his Vice President! (There's some parallels of the Reagan Trap to the Obama Trap Democrats are kind of in their 2020 primary exposed.)
    He won but then lost the next 2 elections, what do we do? Nominate that Vice President's Son!
    He won 2 but now we're in a funk, what do we do? Errr...John McCain? Fred Thompson? Mitt Romney? We don't know.

    Then the party was effectively leaderless and committed fratricide from 2006 until Trump came in and provided leadership clarity for the first time since George W. Bush became a lame duck following the 2006 midterms. You get these candidates nominated that are major shifts in political philosophy sometimes: Wendell Willkie, Barry Goldwater, George McGovern, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump. But his winning the election in 2016 absolutely destroyed the old party.
    Last edited by rj1; 01 Aug 24,, 14:23.

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  • JRT
    Witness a turning point in the history of the United States of America.

    Don Johnny Trump woke up this morning with a very good chance of winning the race,

    And then this happened.

    Originally posted by Forbes
    Wednesday, 31 July 2024
    FULL EVENT: Trump Gives Fiery Interview At National Association Of Black Journalists Convention Q&A
    (34 min, 52 sec)

    Earlier today, former President Trump had a fiery question and answer event at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago.
    I am not saying that anybody has won this race just yet, but I think that today Don Johnny Trump hurt himself pretty badly in this.

    His red MAGA hatted sycophants and minions won't care a nit's wit about this, and will probably rally around him, again.

    But some voters who may have been disinterested, disaffected, undecided, or maybe only slightly leaning in his favor for other less important reasons, may soon become sufficiently motivated by this, or by others' reactions to this; to vote against him in November.
    Last edited by JRT; 01 Aug 24,, 06:28.

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  • Bigfella
    Originally posted by zraver View Post

    Yeah, Trump inc is acting as a giant cork in the bottle blocking GOP talent. You might not like them but the GOP has some deep thinkers and accomplished members. They are simply stuck on a shelf turning to vinegar as Trump plays the fiddle.
    So what do you think the chances of a 'deep thinker' are going to be with the current GOP base? They are what has driven the party to such extremes. Trump has encouraged & benefitted from this sentiment, but he didn't create it. It is the reason senior people in the party folded like a closet of cheap suits after Jan 6. They knew what he had done and early on a few of them said so, but faced with a base whose only problem was that it failed, most of them caved.

    Those people don't disappear when Trump does. If he fails they may be even angrier & more extreme. If he hangs around for another election cycle or two there may be precious few 'adults' left in the party to bring it back to being a relatively normal political party. I really hope your 'deep thinkers' are thinking about a way to restore the committment to democracy, decency & standards, rather than how to take advantage of an increasingly extreme & authoritarian party to be a more effective version of Trump (the behaviour of poeple like DeSantis & Abbott, among others, suggests a substantial constituency for 'more effective version') .

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  • Monash
    Originally posted by statquo View Post

    I don't doubt there's decent GOP talent out there, but Trump's fundamental flaw is why there is even a cork in the bottle - he's deeply insecure. The worst type of leaders are the insecure ones because insecure leaders compete with their own teams. It's why the only option for his VP was going to have to be a complete flunky and not someone like Youngkin in Virginia who could appeal to centrists/independents.

    And it appears the GOP is making the same mistake of Clinton Dems in 2016 by generalizing the opposition. Clinton's basket of deplorables comment felt like that then, Vance's childless cat ladies rang the same bell. Dems aren't all progressive purple haired women who carry Queers for Palestine signs. Not even close. They're making the same mistake Clinton did.
    Which is worrying because legally Trump only has one term left. So unless he see's himslef sticking around for longer than the next election 'new talent' in the party isn't an issue. They literally can't threaten him.

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  • statquo
    Originally posted by zraver View Post

    Yeah, Trump inc is acting as a giant cork in the bottle blocking GOP talent. You might not like them but the GOP has some deep thinkers and accomplished members. They are simply stuck on a shelf turning to vinegar as Trump plays the fiddle.
    I don't doubt there's decent GOP talent out there, but Trump's fundamental flaw is why there is even a cork in the bottle - he's deeply insecure. The worst type of leaders are the insecure ones because insecure leaders compete with their own teams. It's why the only option for his VP was going to have to be a complete flunky and not someone like Youngkin in Virginia who could appeal to centrists/independents.

    And it appears the GOP is making the same mistake of Clinton Dems in 2016 by generalizing the opposition. Clinton's basket of deplorables comment felt like that then, Vance's childless cat ladies rang the same bell. Dems aren't all progressive purple haired women who carry Queers for Palestine signs. Not even close. They're making the same mistake Clinton did.

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  • TopHatter
    Originally posted by Albany Rifles View Post
    “Why should Black voters trust you?” Scott asked.

    “I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner. A first question. You don’t even say hello, how are you,” Trump said. “Are you with ABC, because I think they’re a fake news network, a terrible network. I think it’s disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the Black population of this country, I’ve done so much for the Black population of this country.” “I think it’s a very nasty question,” Trump said. “For you to start off a question and answer period especially when you’re 35 minutes late … in such a hostile manner, I think it’s a disgrace.”
    Translation: "I'm racist as fuck and always have been and the fact that I have stand here in front of you people and abase myself is like physical torture."

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  • Bigfella
    Originally posted by TopHatter View Post
    Not my bit but still funny

    Personally I think Vance makes Palin look like a smart choice. For example did you know that "childless people" are "more sociopathic"?
    Yeah. Vance is really turning out to be a BAD pick. A reminder that MAGA demands that even intelligent people pander to their worst instincts.

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  • Bigfella
    Originally posted by Albany Rifles View Post
    Well, this went about as well as I thought it would. He was met by a lot of eye rolls by the panel. At one point he said he had done as much for Black people as Abraham Lincoln! This was met with calls of derision from the audience. His staff supposedly pulled him early off the stage.

    Donald Trump attacks ABC's Rachel Scott during NABJ interview (

    There was criticism of the organization before the panel discussion for inviting him in the first place. This was silly. All he was ever going to do was damage himself with black voters. He just can't help it. Won't gain him any white voters. He can only be who he is.

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  • Albany Rifles

    Well, this went about as well as I thought it would. He was met by a lot of eye rolls by the panel. At one point he said he had done as much for Black people as Abraham Lincoln! This was met with calls of derision from the audience. His staff supposedly pulled him early off the stage.

    Donald Trump attacks ABC's Rachel Scott during NABJ interview (

    Trump attacks ABC News reporter during tense NABJ interview

    by Brett Samuels - 07/31/24 2:35 PM ET

    Former President Trump on Wednesday clashed with an ABC News correspondent at a convention of Black journalists, slamming her “disgraceful” questioning after she asked why Black voters should trust him with another term.

    ABC News’s Rachel Scott opened a question-and-answer session with Trump by citing his past comments spreading the birther conspiracy about former President Obama, his call for certain Democratic lawmakers to “go back” to countries they came from and his meeting with a white supremacist at Mar-a-Lago.

    “Why should Black voters trust you?” Scott asked.

    “I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner. A first question. You don’t even say hello, how are you,” Trump said. “Are you with ABC, because I think they’re a fake news network, a terrible network. I think it’s disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the Black population of this country, I’ve done so much for the Black population of this country.”

    The event started more than an hour behind schedule, an issue Trump and his team attributed to technical issues at the convention. He also complained that he was in attendance at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention, but his likely opponent, Vice President Harris, was not.

    NABJ leadership has said it is working with Harris’s team to schedule a virtual or in-person interview for September, but the two sides were not able to secure her attendance this week.

    “I think it’s a very nasty question,” Trump said. “For you to start off a question and answer period especially when you’re 35 minutes late … in such a hostile manner, I think it’s a disgrace.”

    Trump sat for an interview at the NABJ conference moderated by three journalists: ABC’s Rachel Scott, Semafor’s Kadia Goba and Fox News host Harris Faulkner.

    His appearance at the event sparked backlash from several Black journalists, who questioned why the organization would invite the former president given his attacks on the press and journalists of color in particular.

    Organizers have defended the decision to invite Trump, citing the value of interviewing a leading candidate for the White House.

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