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US Memorial Day

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  • Albany Rifles
    Originally posted by astralis View Post

    your parents sure didn't believe in making it easy for you, with such a namesake to live up to!

    i hope everyone had a great weekend and spent some time in contemplation.
    That's why I went into the Army and not the Navy!

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  • astralis

    10 years ago today I attended the funeral of LCDR John E Buchanan, my uncle and namesake. A 3 war veteran who served 26 years as a Navy enlisted man, enlisted and commissioned pilot. And I thought of his brother, my dad, Fireman 1 Class Paul G. Buchanan who joined the Navy in WW 2 on his 17th birthday.

    God Bless all who gave the last full measure of devotion.
    your parents sure didn't believe in making it easy for you, with such a namesake to live up to!

    i hope everyone had a great weekend and spent some time in contemplation.

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  • Albany Rifles
    10 years ago today I attended the funeral of LCDR John E Buchanan, my uncle and namesake. A 3 war veteran who served 26 years as a Navy enlisted man, enlisted and commissioned pilot. And I thought of his brother, my dad, Fireman 1 Class Paul G. Buchanan who joined the Navy in WW 2 on his 17th birthday.

    God Bless all who gave the last full measure of devotion.

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    Present Arms.

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  • Chogy
    I've always loved the origin of Taps, and the history of bugle calls in general. Taps was written during the Civil War. For the USA, I don't believe there was ever a period more critical, dangerous, and ultimately meaningful, than that period in our history.

    Most Americans think of it as a final farewell to a fallen soldier, and it is, but it is also a daily "lights out" signal; the end of the day. Time for sweet, sweet sleep before being jarred awake by reveille.

    It was part of daily life at the USAF Academy, and AFAIK, all U.S. military bases still at a minimum have a "retreat" bugle call for the flag lowering. Most also have a reveille bugle played for raising the flag at the start of the day.

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  • bigross86
    Originally posted by S2 View Post
    Thank you to both. More than Veteran's Day, the meaning of Memorial Day seems too often lost among an American public seeing this holiday more as a kick-off to summer activities. Your video and photo serve as solemn reminder of its true meaning built upon the deep sacrifice rendered by so many.
    I have made that point many times before, of people seeing Memorial Day as nothing more than a long weekend and an excuse to go shopping.

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  • S2
    Thank you to both. More than Veteran's Day, the meaning of Memorial Day seems too often lost among an American public seeing this holiday more as a kick-off to summer activities. Your video and photo serve as solemn reminder of its true meaning built upon the deep sacrifice rendered by so many.

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  • Doktor
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  • Minskaya
    started a topic US Memorial Day

    US Memorial Day

    My deepest respects to all US military personnel who have served their nation honorably, and especially to those who perished while doing so.

    With far more eloquence than I can muster, these 24 notes express it beautifully.
