Originally posted by 2DREZQ
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Your scenario doesn't work for a couple of reasons:
A) If you can actually launch a rock that big at the right angle to intercept, you can guarantee that planetary sensors will detect it long before it gets anywhere near the planet.
B) Most planets have defensive shields up, the same kind of shield protecting the Death Star that Han Solo and Leia had to take down.
C) Aside from the defensive shields, most planets usually have a couple capital ships in orbit around the planet, whether they be the triangular Imperial Star Destroyers you're used to seeing or ships of another variant, like the Mon Calamari Cruisers seen in the final battle of RotJ. These ships sport proton torpedoes, concussion missiles, turbolasers and turbolaser batteries, as well as tractor beams.
D) Even if the asteroid does manage to get through all of that, the planetary based defenses are more of the same. Enough turbolasers can take down a capital ship with shields that shoots back, they can definitely take down a rock.
Now, look at the alternative: A massive space station that (when completed) sported it's own shields, it's own power generators, fielded it's own army and pilots, and had a laser more powerful than anything out there. The Death Star could withstand a frontal assault by anything the Rebel Alliance had. They could throw capital ships, snubfighters and Ewoks at the Death Star, and the Death Star would just laugh at them. The Rebels defeated the Death Star both times using trickery, using single small ship attacks because they know going head to head against the Death Star meant death.
Even if a planet had enough shield capacity to withstand the first laser blast by the Death Star, the shields would most definitely collapse after the second shot, if not after the first, and then the planet is wide open for destruction.
Looking at it from another point of view, the Death Star was eventually meant to save money, since it could achieve with one shot what it would take numerous Imperial Star Destroyers to achieve with the normal planetary bombardment.
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