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Sometime a few years back I heard about some people experimenting with an H20 motor. Dont know whatever came of it. Have not heard anything since about it.
Fortitude.....The strength to persist...The courage to endure.
There's two ways to get water to run something... boil it and use the steam. It takes lots of energy to boil water and you need heat (electric, fossil fuel, nuclear, wind... your choice) or diassociating it into hydrogen and oxygen and then burning it so it turns back to H2O. And wonder of wonders, it takes roughly the same amount of energy to break the H and O bond as it gives back when it recombines into water. Actually, it will take more since there are always losses in the system (entropy) so you never get back what you put it. Anything else is mysticism that belongs in books by George R.R. Martin.
This is a Rube Goldberg electric vehicle - with an electrolysis loss loop - it would travel much further on batteries alone with the hydrogen scam system disconnected - it takes 55 amps to make the electrolysis work, so there must be a big battery pack in there - the truck chassis is needed to haul all those batteries. If they want an electric truck, why not remove the IC engine and all that eletrolysis junk and install more batteries and an electric motor?
I wonder how much they are charging for this - if they can find someone to pay them?