I hope I don't draw too much flak for this post, but it is a question that has bugged me for quite a while:
Why are the US Marines an independent branch, and not part of one of the “regular” branches?
This is not meant as insult, or supposed to question their achievements and usefulness, but I (as someone who does not really know anything about military matters) don't understand the need to do it as a fourth branch.
I can see how their history (like the pacific campaign) brought them into the situation they are in now, but let me go at it from another angle:
Let's they a new country appears, Examplestan. It has a sizeable ecenomy, population, coastline and several islands. It does not currently share any borders with nations that it could consider hostile, but has starten to participate in international peacekeeping, peacemaking and similar missions. The currently plan to completely restructure their military to move their capacity from home defence to suit those kind of missions and power projection. Is there any reason for them to introduce a “Marine-like” branch next to their Army, Navy & Air Force? Or could not all what this fourth branch could/would do not be done as part of the traditional branches?
Why are the US Marines an independent branch, and not part of one of the “regular” branches?
This is not meant as insult, or supposed to question their achievements and usefulness, but I (as someone who does not really know anything about military matters) don't understand the need to do it as a fourth branch.
I can see how their history (like the pacific campaign) brought them into the situation they are in now, but let me go at it from another angle:
Let's they a new country appears, Examplestan. It has a sizeable ecenomy, population, coastline and several islands. It does not currently share any borders with nations that it could consider hostile, but has starten to participate in international peacekeeping, peacemaking and similar missions. The currently plan to completely restructure their military to move their capacity from home defence to suit those kind of missions and power projection. Is there any reason for them to introduce a “Marine-like” branch next to their Army, Navy & Air Force? Or could not all what this fourth branch could/would do not be done as part of the traditional branches?