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What guns do you own?

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  • Current collection

    Weatherby 7mm rem mag with Swaro Z5 3.5 to 18 x 44
    Marlin 336BL 3030 with Leupold Deltapoint Pro red dot
    CZ 455 22LR/22Magnum switch barrel
    Uzkon S13 20 gauge O/U shotgun
    Diana Panther 21 .177 air rifle

    Attached is a photo of me on a hunt in a New South Wales state forest recently. I also run this campaign to try to get us state forest hunting in my home state of Queensland, where it is currently not permitted, please follow and join the fight.

    "There is no such thing as society" - Margaret Thatcher


    • Originally posted by Zad Fnark View Post
      Old thread...

      My Dad passed away last year. He had an aneurysm in his aorta which blew up. Mom went in for surgery for the same thing and that's a whole other story. I was worried it was hereditary, but my doctor pulled up a CAT scan I had done and I looked perfect. Both of them were heavy smokers which probably did it.

      Anyway, being a collector, he had some 110 rifles and 75 pistols which my two brothers and I had to divide up. It took a few days as each rifle that came up we would tell some story about it. My collection has pretty much quadrupled from this.

      He also had, I'm guessing some 100,000 cartridge cases as well and hundreds of cast bullets and their molds as well as normal jacketed stuff. I probably won't be buying much for some time.

      Some of my highlights:
      • M1 Carbine - all original 1943 build from Inland. Even eats cast bullets for breakfast.
      • M1903 Springfield (a brother grabbed the Garand ) This isn't a 03A3, but a WWI model whose sights are near impossible for me to see
      • Remington model 8 and 81 - these are full recoil operated rifles, I've happily found that M1903 Springfield stripper clips are fully compatable with these The 8 is in .35 Remington and the 81 is in .300 Savage
      • Walther P-38 - appears to be a bastardized mix of war and post war parts
      • Numerious Colt revolvers - I gave each of my 2 sons one in .38 Special as they can find ammo for these. My remaining ones are all in long forgotten calibers that I can reload anyway.
      • Martini-Henry in .577-.450 - very fun to shoot and reloadable for me.
      • Japanese Arisaka in 6.5. I should have grabbed the 7.7 he had as it was one my Grandfather brought back from Tinian during the war. Dad had beautifully refinished this one. It had a bayonet with a wooden scabbard which seemed to match everything
      • plus a bunch more...

      Most of his stuff was WWII era or earlier. He did have a very nice heavy barrel AR-15 all scoped out. It sorta looks like an A1 with the triangular foregrips, but everything's in wood. Very elegent.
      Hope you got it well secured and insured. We had one member here (I'm sorry I can't remember his name) who had his collection stolen while he was away from home. It was heartbreaking for him.
      If you are emotionally invested in 'believing' something is true you have lost the ability to tell if it is true.


      • Still trying to work on that. I live in a decent neighborhood with a cop living across the street from me. Anyone caught trying anything gets to deal with my brother who's a deputy at the jail.


        • Yep, that's the problem. The bigger the collection the more expensive it is to insure and secure. A gun safe for 5 long arms? No problem. 50 long arms?
          If you are emotionally invested in 'believing' something is true you have lost the ability to tell if it is true.


          • Despite inheriting some 50+ firearms, I went and built my final AR-15. Last one I'll ever make. I've made five now and none of them are in .223 Remington / 5.56x45 NATO.

            This one's in .50 Beowulf, also known as 12.7 x 42. The target was shot at 100 yards and isn't bad for a first outing. As the holes started appearing, I had trouble seeing the dot on the target.

            Last edited by Zad Fnark; 06 Jun 22,, 18:25.


            • Originally posted by Monash View Post
              Hope you got it well secured and insured. We had one member here (I'm sorry I can't remember his name) who had his collection stolen while he was away from home. It was heartbreaking for him.
              You may be recalling the late Richard A. "Dick" Landgraff, aka RustyBattleship, from Long Beach, California.


              • My first pistol, a brand new Smith and Wesson Model 10 Classic 38 Special.

                Apart from that I have gotten rid of my air rifle and added a Chiappa Little Badger 22LR, for my backpack when I am hunting.
                Last edited by Aussiegunner; 21 Dec 23,, 14:02.
                "There is no such thing as society" - Margaret Thatcher


                • Originally posted by Aussiegunner View Post
                  My first pistol, a brand new Smith and Wesson Model 10 Classic 38 Special.

                  Apart from that I have gotten rid of my air rifle and added a Chiappa Little Badger 22LR, for my backpack when I am hunting.
                  What varmint are you aiming to cull?



                  • Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
                    What varmint are you aiming to cull?
                    I keep the Little Badger for if I see a nice tasty bunny, while I am hunting deer, pigs and goats.

                    The pistol is just for service comps, that is all recreational users are allowed them for here.
                    "There is no such thing as society" - Margaret Thatcher


                    • I've been out awhile.

                      Back in January, I suffered something called an Aortic Dissection. Never heard of it before. Apparently John Ritter, from the show "Three's Company" died from the same thing. My aorta was basically tearing itself apart.

                      Both my parents died from Aortic Aneruysms. My Dad almost 3 years ago and my Mom this past July. Both of them were heavy smokers most of their lives which was probably a factor. What I had is relatively rare, so it's hopefully unrelated.

                      At my local hospital I was put into an ambulance and sent to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee, an hour and a half away. They gave me a 5% chance of surviving the trip. They told my wife not to bother following the ambulance as I'd be dead anyway by the time I got there. Turns out I did survive, though as I was getting prepped for surgery, I was wondering if I'd live. Once I woke up, they told me I lived because I'm "young". lol...

                      I was in ICU for 4 days, with my total stay being two weeks and two days. For the first 2 weeks, I had problems standing as my blood pressure would plummet every time I tried. The last two days, I was finally able to stand and walk and I was using a walker to go up and down the halls. PT and OT signed off on me pretty quickly and I was soon released.

                      They had me on meds to actually raise my blood pressure which caused me problems a few weeks later and it started skyrocketing. It took two days in the hospital in my town to get that straightened out. I'm fiinally on a regular pill regimen and my BP is finally stable and within normal values.

                      It's funny that my surgeon was an actual US Army doctor. A friend of mine who's retired USAF (we were all cadets together back then) came to visit and he chatted awhile with my surgeon. He was saying Army doctors can only develop so much while at their bases so the Army "lends" them out to various hospitals around the country. The hospital's getting his services while the Army pays his salary. I'm very lucky to have had him as he handled me very well. Being Army, my wife fell in love with him right away. The whole staff there was top notch, to be honest.

                      I just started going back to work last Friday. Still trying to remember anything, since it's been almost 3 months. I'm still light-headed now and then from the BP meds, but mostly getting along.

                      I should have realized something was up when the wife kept threatening to sell all my guns if I died. I recall saying to her that "I won't care if I'm dead". Since I recovered, she's given me free reign to buy a couple more. I got a nice FN49 in .30-06.
                      Last edited by Zad Fnark; 19 Apr 24,, 13:40.


                      • Glad you are back with us. Dealt with my own cardiac issues over the last 2 years but fortunately it was "only" afib. Had a couple of pretty radical and I'm good to go.

                        Hang in there, get stronger and looking forward to you input and insides going forward!
                        “Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
                        Mark Twain


                        • Originally posted by Zad Fnark View Post
                          I should have realized something was up when the wife kept threatening to sell all my guns if I died. I recall saying to her that "I won't care if I'm dead". Since I recovered, she's given me free reign to buy a couple more. I got a nice FN49 in .30-06.
                          How's the recoil?



                          • Originally posted by Officer of Engineers View Post
                            How's the recoil?
                            Haven't tried it yet. I'm still cleaning the chamber and I couldn't feed a cartridge in. I'm starting to wonder if it's actually .30-06 as advertised. One brother has the one my Dad had, an Egyptian one which is in 8mm Mauser. It's a fairly heavy rifle, so I don't recall it being too bad.

                            My youngest brother just bought an early production model from a Venezeulan contract. That one's chambered in 7mm Mauser and should be pretty pleasant to shoot.
                            Last edited by Zad Fnark; 24 Apr 24,, 12:27.


                            • Coming up on a year since I went in. January 19 was the dreaded day.

                              I've been holding up so far. I'm on lots of blood pressure meds and it's stayed in check. I tend to get lightheaded and dizzy a lot, but the docs say it'll probably be a year before it lets up.

                              I'll probably be needing further work in the future. Apparently, I have an aneurysm in my aorta yet -- the same thing which killed both my parents. It's not large enough to be actionable yet and they're content to wait until the end of this year to check on it again.

                              Best case would be running a stent up to get it in. Worst case is a full surgery like my Mom went through in 2021. She had two aneurysms and had the first operated on. Her stay turned into six weeks as her kidneys took forever to start working again. After that, she refused surgery on the second one and, of course, it blew up and killed her shortly afterwards. I'm 20 years younger, so hopefully I'd get by better. We had no clue my Dad had this issue when it brought him down.

                              I sent off a DNA test to see if there's any genetic links for this. My older son in USAF had one done earlier and they cleared him, so we'll see.

                              I'm currently out of work right now. My employer was wanting me to crank out reports faster and I was struggling. During my surgery, I apparently suffered some mini-strokes, so I don't know if that affected me in some way. Apparently, when they had my aorta opened up, it probably dislodged all the plaque and stuff lining the walls of my aorta and it made a beeline right to my brain. That's how they explained it anyway. All my debts are paid off except the two cars I bought the wife and myself last fall, so I may consider a lesser job until they're paid off. My employer gave me a pretty good severance package after I explained how the stress from my job was affecting my health. I'm sure at the time that's probably what put me in the hospital to begin with. I haven't been in a hurry to look yet.

                              Funny how my habits change. I immediately gave up having my daily can of Monster every morning. I've totally given up on alcohol, even though I rarely drank to begin with. I did indulge in one of my brother's patented Old Fashioneds back on Christmas Day. After surgery I had lost about 25 lbs, and I've probably only gained about 10 of it back, so that's pretty good.

                              I hope everyone has a good year. Last year and 2021 both sucked, so I hope I have a better start this time.


                              • Good to here from you again and I'm glad your recovering well from what from the sounds of it was a very demanding surgery. (Both for you and your Doctors!) Staying off the alcohol will definitely help keep the weight off as will sensible exercise. I've only recently started to hit the gym again after a long absence and so far I'm enjoying it, well the weights part, not so much the aerobics . Now you've got a bit of spare time have you had a chance to take any of the guns out for 'walk'?
                                If you are emotionally invested in 'believing' something is true you have lost the ability to tell if it is true.

