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What guns do you own?

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  • Originally posted by JRT View Post
    The NRA didn't elect gun-grabber Bloomberg to be Mayor of NYC. Bloomberg is a co-founder of the anti-gun lobby MAIG. With the help of Bloomberg and the resources he is capable of providing, MAIG was instrumental in generating support from 22 Senators (20 Democrats and 2 Republicans) in defeating Thune which would have made firearms carry licenses, issued in any state, valid across the whole country.
    nra doesn't elect anyone afaik, i couldn't care less about thune, it wouldn't meterialize regardless, too big of a bite, also you need to have carry lisence first, and that is something that is very hard to get. in any case thune sounds like answer to a question no one asked.
    but i wasn't even talking about that, it is very simple really, 10 years ago semi auto shotguns\rifles were legal in nyc, now they aren't.
    10 years ago magazine capacity of none semi auto rifles was not limited, now it is.
    well i hope nyc is a lot safer now that law abiding citizens lost semi auto rifles\shotguns, and capacity of rifles that they have left is 5 rounds.
    i really feel safer with such laws protecting us,..NOT.
    so my opinion still stands, nra is as effective in my city as warm tea against broken bones
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" B. Franklin


    • Originally posted by omon View Post
      nra doesn't elect anyone afaik, i couldn't care less about thune, it wouldn't meterialize regardless, too big of a bite, also you need to have carry lisence first, and that is something that is very hard to get. in any case thune sounds like answer to a question no one asked.
      but i wasn't even talking about that, it is very simple really, 10 years ago semi auto shotguns\rifles were legal in nyc, now they aren't.
      10 years ago magazine capacity of none semi auto rifles was not limited, now it is.
      well i hope nyc is a lot safer now that law abiding citizens lost semi auto rifles\shotguns, and capacity of rifles that they have left is 5 rounds.
      i really feel safer with such laws protecting us,..NOT.
      so my opinion still stands, nra is as effective in my city as warm tea against broken bones
      Precisely my point.

      I'm no big promoter of the NRA, but the NRA didn't elect gun-grabber mayor Bloomberg or any of the 51 elected to NYC's gun-grabbing city council.

      The electorate put them there.

      Last November, only 0.15 million of NYC's 4.2 million registered voters actually went to the polls and voted, and the other 4.05 million registered voters didn't bother.

      This is not a personal attack. I'm not implying anything about you or your participation.

      I do suspect that it wouldn't take much of an active grassroots effort among interested participating voters to tip the scales in another direction, especially if that effort was not on the radar of the gun-grabbers.


      • Originally posted by JRT View Post
        Precisely my point.

        I'm no big promoter of the NRA, but the NRA didn't elect gun-grabber mayor Bloomberg or any of the 51 elected to NYC's gun-grabbing city council.

        The electorate put them there.

        Last November, only 0.15 million of NYC's 4.2 million registered voters actually went to the polls and voted, and the other 4.05 million registered voters didn't bother.

        This is not a personal attack. I'm not implying anything about you or your participation.

        I do suspect that it wouldn't take much of an active grassroots effort among interested participating voters to tip the scales in another direction, especially if that effort was not on the radar of the gun-grabbers.
        i still don't get why you bring voting into this, look beyond that, look beyond bloomberg. doesn't matter who voted who didn't, but if you insist, look at who ran against bloomberg in 09, it wouldn't matter even if those 4,05 mil voted for Bill Thompson , and he won. he is as much of anti gunner as bloomberg.

        i'm not talking about something new that we don't get, like thune, i'm talking about things that we had and lost. and nra can't do sh...t about it, didn't even "sound the alarm" about that change in their publications as they always do on new bills\legeslation. it came as a big ugly surprise to me during renewal.
        it was not anounced anywhere, and no gun owners were informed about those changes, basicly they turned law abiding gun owners into criminals overnight.
        and coincedently now nypd started visiting gun owners to see if their guns were stored properly, and serials match with papaerworks, (never happend before), guess what happens when you show them your legaly regestered semi auto now, when it is illegal.
        Last edited by omon; 24 Feb 12,, 21:58.
        "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" B. Franklin


        • As of yesterday I myself Own three guns. A mosin nagant M44, swiss K31 and a german K98.


          • How many rounds did you go through?


            • my M44 500 rounds, K31 24 round and none for the K98 since I got it yesterday. one reason why the round counts are so low is because the only place I can get ammo for all of them is 80 miles away.


              • I have a WASR by Century Arms and a Llama minimax .45 in chrome/polished looks pretty cool and very small. Got it at a good deal :-)
                Cool thread btw,

                “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” – Mark Twain


                • I am about to buy a Norinco M14(made in china)for $479.00 new. I attempted to purchase an American issue M14 but the price was well.....astronomical. The Norinco model isn,t produced any more but it seemed to have a fairly good record. Anyway the bullet is the right size for my first moose hunting trip in decades,and hell,the all black version with the 20 round mag(with a 5 round mag plug) sticking out looks sexy. It will be the first rifle I have fired since the FNC1. Been away a while, but finally can move around again after that stupid tree jumped in front of my bike. Cheers.


                  • Pair of consecutive serial # Glock 23's came in (FedEx guy and I are good buddies). One went to each son for daily carry purposes. Two more American good guys go forth armed...
                    sigpicUSS North Dakota


                    • OK, I haven't shot my first Mr Fox yet but here is the new Miroku Mk 70.
                      Attached Files
                      "There is no such thing as society" - Margaret Thatcher


                      • Gun show Saturday...I'm due.
                        Reddite igitur quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo
                        (Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things which are God's)


                        • Originally posted by sappersgt View Post
                          Gun show Saturday...I'm due.
                          No new guns. Got some .38 wadcutters and a niffty little 12ga to .410 converter. GF got some tacky sixgun earrings and played around with an Uzi on display. She was surprised at how much it weighs. I said it's not heavy, at least for the first 12 hours or so...;)

                          Oh yeah and a Polish dog, sourdough, hot mustard, grilled onions and sourkraut. Not a total loss...
                          Reddite igitur quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo
                          (Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things which are God's)


                          • Decided to join a friend in archery. Bought myself a PSE Stinger this morning.
                            Ego Numquam


                            • Originally posted by sappersgt View Post
                              No new guns. Got some .38 wadcutters and a niffty little 12ga to .410 converter. GF got some tacky sixgun earrings and played around with an Uzi on display. She was surprised at how much it weighs. I said it's not heavy, at least for the first 12 hours or so...;)

                              Oh yeah and a Polish dog, sourdough, hot mustard, grilled onions and sourkraut. Not a total loss...
                              I absolutely have to buy something when I go to a gun show as between the gas, parking and entry fee I am already out 25 bucks just to get into the door. I went to one in Portland last month. People were lining up 3 deep at the table to buy guns.(must be an election year) I did manage to get 1000 rounds of .40 I can put to good use.
                              Removing a single turd from the cesspool doesn't make any difference.


                              • it followed me home

                                I heard it scratching at the door and had to let it in, that's my story and I am sticking to it! :Dancing-Banana:
                                Attached Files

