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What guns do you own?

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  • Marlin 308 Express (deer etc)
    Remington 870 (work practice)
    Benelli Super Nova (dove, turkey, trap, skeet etc)
    S&W Alaska Backpacker 44 (hiking in Alaska gun)
    S&W 642 +p (wife CHL)
    AR 15 Colt (of course- when the zombies come)
    Remington 700 Sendero (bought in 98- dall sheep etc)
    Springfield XD compact (my CHL)
    Taurus 22LR (with pink pearl handels and stainless - the daughters gun)
    Glock 23 (work practice)


    • Wow, 13 posts and already banned. Bravo!

      Anyways, on the eve of my return to Flint from Maryland my dad foisted another firearm upon me, an old S&W Model 36 Chief's Special. Blued finish, so I'll have to treat it especially nice. He gave it to me because the P226 is kind of large for concealed carry.

      This brings my burgeoning collection to:

      Stoeger Condor 20ga O/U
      Sig Sauer P226 9mm
      Ithaca Model 87 Featherlite DeerSlayer Police Special 12ga
      S&W Model 36 Chief's Special .38


      • My collection grew last year too

        Ruger 10/22 - owned this for over 30 yrs
        S&W M&P .40
        Mossberg 500 Pump 12 gauge
        AMT Backup SS .380
        sigpic"If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees.
        If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children."


        • Originally posted by sappersgt View Post
          On an impulse bought a Pietta 1858 Remington in .36 cal. Ordered a .38spl (matches my SW Detective) conversion cylinder from Taylors. We'll see how it works...hmmm.
          Still waiting for my conversion cylinder, Taylors had the arsenal steel blanks on back order. They're now saying sometime next week, hopefully before the Zompacalypse!
          Reddite igitur quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo
          (Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things which are God's)


          • Zombie ammo for the .380!

            Zombie Max Ammo 380 ACP 90 Grain Z-Max Flex Tip eXpanding

            gotta get this!
            sigpic"If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees.
            If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children."


            • Originally posted by USSWisconsin View Post
              Zombie ammo for the .380!

              Zombie Max Ammo 380 ACP 90 Grain Z-Max Flex Tip eXpanding

              gotta get this!
              Thanks for the share...that is just too unique, I may have to make a package design ;)


              • not a f*@^ing thing...

                This lady appears to have things under control..
                Attached Files
                sigpic"If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees.
                If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children."


                • Damn, that is one prepared grannie.


                  • well, due to new nyc firearm laws, (as if old laws weren't dumb enough) i can cross out 3 guns out of my list, now semi auto is illegal in nyc, in any shape or form, were perfectly legal, when i bought them 10years ago, feeding devices (magazines) are limited to 5 rounds, on any rifle\shotgun, bolt, lever, or pump.
                    so my sks had to go, s\a charles daly shotgun had to go, and bolt action .22 had to go too, since it uses detachable mags, and no 5 round mags are made for it.
                    the only rifle i have left is marlin 1894m which i had to take to a gunsmith to alter tubular mag to accept 4 rounds. even thou law n paper says 5 rounds, a lady on the phone in shotgun and rifle section said 5 rounds including one in the chamber. go figure.
                    so i had to sell 3 guns, but i,m not giving up, my plan is to get stoeger condor outback o\u, and a bolt action rifle in 3006, or 308. just have to make sure it takes only 4 rounds. i just have to go to rifle\shotgun section, and pick up special forms, without them i can't buy rifle or shotgun.

                    nyc is getting closer to australia, and uk in terms of firearm laws, too close. at this point i really question usefulness of nra, in nyc, so far i have not seen laws get any less restictive, it is quite the opposite.
                    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" B. Franklin


                    • Just became the proud owner of 20% of a Miroku Mk 70 12g O/U Sporter ... 20% being the deposit that I have paid on layby. It is a superseded model and I negotiated a price match on a deal from a gun shop 40km away .... saved over $500 .... I'm a very happy little vegemite today
                      "There is no such thing as society" - Margaret Thatcher


                      • Originally posted by Aussiegunner View Post
                        Just became the proud owner of 20% of a Miroku Mk 70 12g O/U Sporter ... 20% being the deposit that I have paid on layby. It is a superseded model and I negotiated a price match on a deal from a gun shop 40km away .... saved over $500 .... I'm a very happy little vegemite today
                        Photos or did not happen
                        No such thing as a good tax - Churchill

                        To make mistakes is human. To blame someone else for your mistake, is strategic.


                        • Originally posted by Doktor View Post
                          Photos or did not happen
                          It's hard to take a good photo of 20% of a shotgun ;-). Tell what, when I get my first fox I'll send a picture of it, me and the gun .... Gfaust12 and Big Fella know what I like so that should be more proof than anybody else has posted here.
                          Last edited by Aussiegunner; 16 Feb 12,, 13:47.
                          "There is no such thing as society" - Margaret Thatcher


                          • Originally posted by Aussiegunner View Post
                            Just became the proud owner of 20% of a Miroku Mk 70 12g O/U Sporter ... 20% being the deposit that I have paid on layby. It is a superseded model and I negotiated a price match on a deal from a gun shop 40km away .... saved over $500 .... I'm a very happy little vegemite today
                            As I understand it, the MK70 has a lot of similarity to Browning's Citori X25 series shotguns, made for Browning by Miroku. Is that correct?

                            Very nice purchase. Congrats.


                            • Originally posted by omon View Post
                              well, due to new nyc firearm laws, (as if old laws weren't dumb enough) i can cross out 3 guns out of my list, now semi auto is illegal in nyc, in any shape or form, were perfectly legal, when i bought them 10years ago, feeding devices (magazines) are limited to 5 rounds, on any rifle\shotgun, bolt, lever, or pump.
                              so my sks had to go, s\a charles daly shotgun had to go, and bolt action .22 had to go too, since it uses detachable mags, and no 5 round mags are made for it.
                              the only rifle i have left is marlin 1894m which i had to take to a gunsmith to alter tubular mag to accept 4 rounds. even thou law n paper says 5 rounds, a lady on the phone in shotgun and rifle section said 5 rounds including one in the chamber. go figure.
                              so i had to sell 3 guns, but i,m not giving up, my plan is to get stoeger condor outback o\u, and a bolt action rifle in 3006, or 308. just have to make sure it takes only 4 rounds. i just have to go to rifle\shotgun section, and pick up special forms, without them i can't buy rifle or shotgun.

                              nyc is getting closer to australia, and uk in terms of firearm laws, too close. at this point i really question usefulness of nra, in nyc, so far i have not seen laws get any less restictive, it is quite the opposite.
                              The NRA didn't elect gun-grabber Bloomberg to be Mayor of NYC. Bloomberg is a co-founder of the anti-gun lobby MAIG. With the help of Bloomberg and the resources he is capable of providing, MAIG was instrumental in generating support from 22 Senators (20 Democrats and 2 Republicans) in defeating Thune which would have made firearms carry licenses, issued in any state, valid across the whole country.


                              • Originally posted by JRT View Post
                                As I understand it, the MK70 has a lot of similarity to Browning's Citori X25 series shotguns, made for Browning by Miroku. Is that correct?

                                Very nice purchase. Congrats.
                                Thanks Mate. Yup, it is very similar to the Citori, which Miroku also make for Browning in Japan. It is almost three times the price of the Stoeger that I was originally looking at, but I've heard from multiple sources that cheap shotguns are hit and miss with build quality and I have very little patience for mechanical unreliability. I'd rather spend enough for good quality up front and wait longer for the next purchase. I don't have time to shoot more than one style right now anyway so the CZ 455 switch barrel 22lr/22mag and the Tikka T3 Lite in 7mm-08 can wait for future years.

                                I can't wait to get hold of the Miroku .... I think I'll whack on some Truglo front and rear sights, a soft butt pad and buy an extra IC choke so I can use it as a piggy buster with two by three inch rifle slugs.
                                Last edited by Aussiegunner; 21 Feb 12,, 10:15.
                                "There is no such thing as society" - Margaret Thatcher

