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Why in the hell should they be grateful for the sacrifices that the military has suffered, all to ensure they can be just as liberal and gay as they wannabe?
I agree it's petty and tasteless to compare what the Iowa symbolizes and the shenanigans in Iraq... but I'd rather people continue being liberal and gay and ungrateful, than fall into an unquestioning jackbooted lockstep whenever someone has gotten us into another ill-conceived war. Yay freedom.
I agree it's petty and tasteless to compare what the Iowa symbolizes and the shenanigans in Iraq... but I'd rather people continue being liberal and gay and ungrateful, than fall into an unquestioning jackbooted lockstep whenever someone has gotten us into another ill-conceived war. Yay freedom.
Yeah, whatever. I've lived in the Bay Area for decades and I have to agree with him. Too many fruitcakes living in my neighborhood.
Liberals in the Bay Area are out of touched with reality.
I must say that I find the thought of her as a cruise ship (no pun given SF idiocy) wonderful. OK, it might be necessary to disfigure some of her guts to provide rooms. Sail out to international waters. Blow up a few cheap tramps.
Christ if in Vegas one can be gunner on a Cobra heli shooting seven shade out of a remotely controlled car in the desert ...
Gezilionaires will pay to go into orbit. Why not be Captain of a great BB? Sliding scale. Some guys would like to run engineering. Some others fire control.
Folk pay roughly £12,000 for the misery of a former Soviet ice-breaker to take them on a freezing tour of the south pole. Sod that. Swing music. Extended ward room. Live shells.
I'd stick a casino on, but that's just me.
I'm not at all sure that I'm kidding.:)
Where's the bloody gin? An army marches on its liver, not its ruddy stomach.
If shes towed away from "San Franhomocisco" perhaps she should be like a grateful guest of the port and fire a salute while leaving. I.E. perhaps a 9 gun salvo aimed right at city hall.
I loved the lame ass excuse they gave the Marines for filming a commercial on the street for 911 rememberence STATING traffic as a concern but it seems that when they want to film an anti-war commercial they have no problem with stopping traffic. Go figure.
Fortitude.....The strength to persist...The courage to endure.
Hi folks, I am new here, but was very glad to see that there is suppoert for the recommisioning of the Iowa's. I think for nothing else they are a great symbols of the US and do pack quite a punch. If it were up to me all 4 would be put back to sea as soon as possible. At least they haven't been scraped.
Yes there is lots of support for this idea. But in a time where the US Military is in a major penny pinch trying to recapitalize some of its major assets, and with programs becoming more and more expensive, how can you justify the enormous costs that would be associated with brining these ships back into the fleet, do their added capabilities justify this cost???
How do we justify the enormous amounts of money squandered on the space shuttle program? No one up there wanting to shoot at us. I expect that money from one flight would completely refit the Iowa's. It is only my opinion, but these ships are quite capable and already in existance. Just their presence has the ability to strike fear in most enemies we would encounter. We seem to have money to waste on all kinds of things, so the cost of refitting these ships is a blip to the overall picture. The only way to remain is to keep a stronger military than our enemies. This is the primary function of the Federal Government, but they seemed to have forgotten this.
How do we justify the enormous amounts of money squandered on the space shuttle program? No one up there wanting to shoot at us. I expect that money from one flight would completely refit the Iowa's. It is only my opinion, but these ships are quite capable and already in existance. Just their presence has the ability to strike fear in most enemies we would encounter. We seem to have money to waste on all kinds of things, so the cost of refitting these ships is a blip to the overall picture. The only way to remain is to keep a stronger military than our enemies. This is the primary function of the Federal Government, but they seemed to have forgotten this.
Well, I am not debating the fact that your government is good at spending money, even on stuff that may not be needed. However, there is an argument that reactivating the Iowa-class falls under that category.
1) I think you grossly underestimate the costs of reactivating the battleships. Rusty and others will clarify this, but I would imagine it would take quite some time and some serious cash to get those ships into fighting condition.
2) You say they are quite capable ships? They are undoubtedly very effective shore bombardment ships, but aside from that what...I believe they are more sitting targets than assets, as they would need to be babysitted heavily by other ships in the US fleet.
3) Why would they strike fear into your 'enemies'? Yes they are magnificent ships...and the broadside is awe inspiring...but seriously, I don't think they bring a significant capability to the blue water Navy.
They are amazing vessels and have served admirably in the US Navy. I would not want to see them destroyed or left to rust, but neither do I think it would be worthwhile to the US Navy to reactivate them.
What exactly do you think those Iowas could do in this day and age?
Aside from waste manpower and not be a player in the current conflicts.
They can do the same thing lots of other Naval ships do now. They were capable of launching Tomahawk missiles to ranges of 7 or 800 miles. I know it is a unrealistic thought, but these old girls have earned a place on active duty in my opinion if for no other reason than nostalgia. With most the unsophisticated enemies we have now they could serve very well. I have read every thread here in BB forum, and do know the pros and cons of reactivation, as well of the monumental cost involved. I am just a lover of the Battleships, and would love to see them in all their glory.
They can do the same thing lots of other Naval ships do now. They were capable of launching Tomahawk missiles to ranges of 7 or 800 miles. I know it is a unrealistic thought, but these old girls have earned a place on active duty in my opinion if for no other reason than nostalgia. With most the unsophisticated enemies we have now they could serve very well. I have read every thread here in BB forum, and do know the pros and cons of reactivation, as well of the monumental cost involved. I am just a lover of the Battleships, and would love to see them in all their glory.
Are you serious??? They can't protect themselves adaquately from air or submarine threats. If you put them back into service you are REDUCING your number of hulls, as they will need to be babysitted. And yes, they did have 16 Tomahawks, and Harpoons...which have probably been removed.
At least you know this is an unrealistic goal...and you should know that nostalgia is a TERRIBLE reason to reactivate the battleships. Would you be happy about placing ships and men in increased danger to satisfy your nostalgia??? Case closed.
How do we justify the enormous amounts of money squandered on the space shuttle program? No one up there wanting to shoot at us. I expect that money from one flight would completely refit the Iowa's. [/B]
Personally.. I think that all space programs, no matter whose flag they represent are far more important than any military equipment.
Our species is destined to spread through the solar system and beyond. Why let our petty quarls which are but a drop in the bucket compared to the larger picture, get in the way of our destiny?
It is in our genes as a species to be curious and explore.. anyone who thinks we should not explore because it is "unproductive" obviously does not see the big picture.
Are you serious??? They can't protect themselves adaquately from air or submarine threats. If you put them back into service you are REDUCING your number of hulls, as they will need to be babysitted. And yes, they did have 16 Tomahawks, and Harpoons...which have probably been removed.
At least you know this is an unrealistic goal...and you should know that nostalgia is a TERRIBLE reason to reactivate the battleships. Would you be happy about placing ships and men in increased danger to satisfy your nostalgia??? Case closed.
You are right nostagia would be a poor reason. I however do not believe that the Iowas are as vulnerable or obsolete as you and lots of others do. If they were that vulnerable lots of other ships of today would be as well.
I can appreciate that the Iowa Class do provoke strong emotions in people and there is a great deal of love for that particular class of ship. Their beauty and power are without question. As a symbol of American naval power today though, I feel like a reactivated Iowa Class isn't as potent a symbol as a Nimitz Class carrier. Why reactivate the Iowas when the Navy as it is today is so incredibly dominant already and having real cash flow issues. It just doesn't seem to make sense. The argument that it can launch tomahawks is poor, there is a massive VLS capability in the fleet already. Sure, they can do NGFS is a big way, but against who? Beautiful ships, true. Symbol of power? Of course, but from another era.