Originally posted by JRT
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Excellent news for the region. Adds to deterrence. A welcome bolt from the blue. Who could have seen this coming ?

The Aussies have been sticking their necks out thanks to ScoMo's leadership and i see this as due support for an ally in need.
Still a lot of questions up in the air as to when those subs come on line.
Aussies had the choice to buy Japanese subs which they would receive made in Japan in about 5 years. They decided they wanted to build them instead. No doubt domestic politics at play. South Australia would have won the contract for the yard.
Enter the French but now the timeline stretched out to the mid 2050 or how long it would take to have the last of the eight subs they ordered.
The costs only seem to balloon with time. Lots of critical commentary over how they went about this sub program.
They sorely need something operational in the marine space within the next ten years at least.
Where's the fuel coming from ? would be great if they could make it themselves.
A nuclear Australia is potentially a bigger PITA for China than Kim is to us.
If not now then let them get to a screw driver's turn away.
Originally posted by JRT
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Originally posted by JRT
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Quad meets later this month. Second apex meet within a year. The last in Feb was virtual, the next will be in person.