Originally posted by Chogy
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I suspect the actual Pk value will strongly depend on what's on the receiving end.
Consider that modern fighters have sensors and systems to detect incomings. So even if the F-35 is potentially not detected, the incoming certainly will be. On modern fighters these systems will notify the pilot, but they will also automatically take some actions, like launch chaffs/flares, followed by evasive manouvers. If the incoming uses radar, the modern fighter will use it's built-in jamming systems to try to break the lock.
If all of the above fails, the modern fighter can also use a missile to go for a hard-kill. It is known that the IRIS-T missile should be suitable for such a task, and I am sure other missiles can be as well.
Against older teens, MiGs etc. the Pk may be very high. But if you try to fire a missile at the latest version of the Typhoon, Rafale, or Su-35 my guess is you will see a much lower Pk, in particular those fighters that has the option to use one of it's own missiles for a hard-kill of the incoming.
One thing that concerns me with the F-35 is that although it has decent kinematic performance it is still far behind the Su-35, Typhoon, Rafale, PAK FA etc. If the F-35 runs out of missiles and tries to leave the conflict, the abovementioned fighters could (if they have sufficient fuel left) hunt down and kill the F-35, assuming it's close enough to be detected.
My (uneducated) guess is that the F-35 will find killing 4. gen fighter like the teens, Mig, etc. very easy; 4.5 gen fighters like Typhoon and Su-35 much harder but still quite risk-free; the question really becomes how it will fare when faced with other 5. gens like the PAK FA. It must go much closer to get a lock, since the RCS of the PAK FA is much lower than 4/4.5 gen fighters. And the PAK FA will presumably have the same or better countermeasures than today's 4.5 gen fighters. Unlike the F-35 it's kinematic performance will be more like the F-22.
The F-35s a2a advantage may erode faster than one could hope for -- (hopefully I am wrong about that!)
Of course I know that the level of training, support, tactics etc. is also very important -- a good pilot in an F-16 can probably shoot down an F-35, so the above is really in a hyphotetical situation where both sides have the same skill sets, level of training, support etc.