Originally posted by jlvfr
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There are plans to start development of a "F5" (or whatever they will call it) that will basically be a Gen 4.5 aircraft with airframe modifications to embody LO supplanted heavily by a further upgraded SPECTRA ASC system. Realistically could be a possible starting point for a cooperative development. The German idea seems to be mostly a network-centric approach that could use such an airframe to host the necessary hub for data aggregation and target selection for accompanying UCAVs outfitted in a mission-specific modular fashion.
When looking over sixth-generation concepts in the US i'm kinda missing basic development on some natural candidate electronics approaches btw. Airborne laser communications terminals for global data networking via DRS satellites for example. I mean, we've been working on that for a while, and it's likely we'll still see one even for Tornado still (beyond the prototype tests that have been done).
Originally posted by jlvfr
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