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The Iranians practically said that they will limit their response: "at a time and place of our choosing." Tehran knows full well that they cannot embark on a military mission. The US will see their build up from a 1000 miles away. The US is practically readied and waiting for such a scenario - with overwhelming force. This ESSENTIALLY means that the Iranians will choose a place and time when there is no such readiness and alert status ... and that ain't no military installation readied to destroy any bn or above size force.
They'll both strike each others interest in a third party country.
I doubt the US will send manned missions in a heavily surveillanced airspace. Low flying long range cruise missiles perhaps.
Adil Abdul-Mahdi resigned on 29 November 2019, after weeks of violent protests. The protest were for courption, Iranian influence and meddling,etc.. The Iraqi parliament approved his resignation on 1 December 2019. However, he will continue on in a caretaker role until parliament approves a full-time replacement.
Mahdi got the parliament to vote on an immediate withdrawal of all US and allied forces today. They passed that motion too, however symbolic it'll end up to be.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
This is a war crime.
Threatening to target and kill innocent families, women and children - which is what you’re doing by targeting cultural sites - does not make you a “tough guy.”
It does not make you “strategic.”
It makes you a monster.
How on earth word 'monster' is an antithesis of the word 'strategic'?
Is she running for Presidency?
Notice that she said both "tough guy" and "strategic".
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that she's justifiably concerned about a tiny-minded man with a massive inferiority complex trying to look 'tough' and 'strategic', as if he has a long-range plan in mind (he doesn't, he never has)
What he's doing instead is threatening explicitly civilian targets (a war crime), like a 'monster', and incidentally causing the military lawyers in the Pentagon that approve targets to smack their foreheads in anger and frustration, I'm sure.
Not sure how pointing out Trump's obvious barbarity automatically translates into a run for the Presidency, which she won't be Constitutionally eligible for another 5 years in any case.
“He was the most prodigious personification of all human inferiorities. He was an utterly incapable, unadapted, irresponsible, psychopathic personality, full of empty, infantile fantasies, but cursed with the keen intuition of a rat or a guttersnipe. He represented the shadow, the inferior part of everybody’s personality, in an overwhelming degree, and this was another reason why they fell for him.”
Apparently grave mistake for a general at his level, but in the same logic You can ask What the „Pentagon“ is doing in Iraq /?/. Since the claims from Washington over extraterritorial interests are the core problem, causing these issues all around the World. The entire security environment today would've been much better without USA intervention, even for Israel, where progress for two-state solution is expected. There would've been no Syria or Libya crises, and Crimea also would've still been in Ukraine. Instead of arming ourselves now We would've been able to fully commit against climate change. Seems in Washington really treat the rest of the World as Native American population with its resources
Yeah, I supposed you would have love the Soviets to be in charge of Mideast Oil instead of the West.
Russian Federation is in fact a primary beneficiary of the USA interventions that boost oil-prices. It is exactly this intervention that helped Vladimir Putin to overcome the critical financial situation in which he took presidency and to strengthen his power
Actually he was apparently making the rounds with proxy forces for New Years it seems. He visited Nasrallah in Beirut beforehand.
Apparently a little too hands on for an individual of his stature. Now the last thing his hands did was help himself kiss his behind goodbye. Good riddance.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
This is a war crime.
Threatening to target and kill innocent families, women and children - which is what you’re doing by targeting cultural sites - does not make you a “tough guy.”
It does not make you “strategic.”
It makes you a monster.
How on earth word 'monster' is an antithesis of the word 'strategic'?
Is she running for Presidency?
She is technically correct, no doubt irking for you. It is also a war crime to attack 'cultural sites' not to mention totally counter serving and a waste of time. Doing so is only going to make the population more supportive of the regime and your time and munitions would be better used taking out nuclear facilities.
Russian Federation is in fact a primary beneficiary of the USA interventions that boost oil-prices. It is exactly this intervention that helped Vladimir Putin to overcome the critical financial situation in which he took presidency and to strengthen his power
I wrote Soviet, not Russian. Get your history right. The reason we're in the Middle East is because we won more than a few wars against the Ottoman Empire (look it up). After the Ottoman Empire collapsed, we wanted to prevent a Russian penetration into former Ottoman lands. From then, we fought against the Nazis for control of the Middle East (I'll you figure it out who won that fight). As a massive guilt trip from WWII, we let Israel came into being. Otherwise, we would have ignored the Arabs doing a genocide of their own. From that point, because everyone was looking towards Moscow for guidance. We started lining up our allies which happens to include Israel who would gladly fight on our side in an anticipated WWIII that never came.
Now where in all of that is the Russian Federation and Putin (and climate change and Native Americans for that matter)?
The ACTUAL PASSAGE is for the Iraqi Government to start WORKING TOWARDS removing ALL FOREIGN TROOPS, including Iranian.
The Inspector General of the Bundeswehr has suspended the rotation of fresh German troops into Iraq based on that, originally planned for next week. No decision yet on whether to withdraw the troops present there now.
Some here create History as it has never happened. Apart from creative writing, however, the decision of Iraqi parliament to kick out US troops from the country is just about the reality and future, We should focus on. Soleimani has just started to achieve one of his goals as a result of Trump's decision to kill him. Any forward imagination of what may come after Trump decides to strike against Iranian territory? More realistic, please, not as the historical fantasy