Originally posted by Aryajet
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The 3 million votes were the total involved in the 50 districts. The Council did not say all were fraudulent.
New election? Isolated fraud even in a US election, would not necessarily void the election. It might reduce the vote count. If the count dropped to near even, then a new election might be called.
This leads me to the suspicion that the reason Amadinejad "won" by 11 million votes was because it was planned that way to give him a margin that would overwhelm any votes he might lose as a result of serious relevations of fraud.
I became suspicious when Ayatolloh Ali Khamenei showed up at Friday prayers June 19 during the height of the protests and made this odd statement. (Recall Ahmadinejad got more than 24 million out of 34 million votes cast.):
"Eleven million votes difference? Sometimes there's a margin of 100,000, 200,000, or 1 million maximum. Then one can doubt maybe there has been some rigging or manipulation or irregularities. But there's a difference of 11 million votes. How can vote rigging happen?" he asked
Fast forward to after the election. He is dismayed by the protests. He blurts out the same rationale in public to defuse the protests. It made sense to him before and it still made sense to him after. He is not the brightest candle on the cake.
Here's another possibility: The plotters were influenced by pre-election polls that showed A-jad not getting 50% of the vote which meant there would have to be a runoff of the top 2 vote getters which he could lose. So, they loaded up the ballot boxes expecting to push him just over 50%, but lo and behold he does better than expected. Now the stuffing pushes him to an implausible margin. Opps. Can they now say, "sorry folks, we did stuff the ballot boxes, but it doesn't matter; he got enough legitimate votes to win?" Obviously not.
It would be ironic indeed if A-jad did poll more than 50 percent of the vote legitmately. That would make the ballot box stuffing, if it happened, the cause of the protests. Bad planning, guys. Time to retire.