Originally posted by Officer of Engineers
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Control is very much present within the Syrian state since the only opposition is forced to operate from beyond boundaries and their internal struggle is now limited and suppressed not just by the center but by their own neighbors.
Jad the army has no reason to stand down if the officer core is favorable to the regime. What we have been hearing about these defection is a general and some officers leave to Turkey or some other place, thus far no troops defected to remain inside the country to oppose the regime. I am guessing most of those whom left have already secured some monetary backing outside by siphoning of funds or external recompense. Also we do not know which divisions those generals commanded or were in charge of, if its a frivolous command with no real power its a frivolous defection with no real impact.
The problem with those army units that defect Jad is they are forced out of the country after everything around them goes against by defending self-interests. I get this feeling that the insurgency is at a stale mate and once the populous are armed and do not care about motives but only peace and self-preservation not only will the tide turn to favor the government most of the opposition will end up walled off from the civilians by not just ideology but motive and reality. Then the government will simply shell the cauldrons off into oblivion and the insurgency is more or less done.